Groudon, the Lord of the Earth, has awakened.

Pokémon: Groudon

Attribute: Ground

Features: Sunlight

Qualification: Master

Level: Mid-stage Half-step Master

Groudon is a Pokémon covered in red, flaky skin. The dark side of its body is gray, and large spikes extend from its head, torso, and tail. Groudon has four claws on each hand, four bulldozer-like teeth sticking up at the end of its tail, and three claws on each foot, with gray markings on the soles. There are also blue spikes growing in the seams of its skin, which can be seen when Groudon is accumulating power.

At the same time, the strong sun's rays shine on the earth, and Groudon's eyes are not looking at Liang and his group, but towards the sea. Every step he takes is accompanied by magma, and the surrounding plants are directly burned to ashes.

The Undersea Cave Monster led a group of people to a sea eye, and in his hand was an indigo gem.

She looked at the sea eye and spoke lightly.

"Kyogre is said to be the incarnation of the ocean, with the power to control water. In mythology, it is called a Pokémon that expands the ocean by flooding the land with heavy rain and surging waves. It has the power to generate huge rain clouds that can cover the entire sky and cause heavy rain. It has saved people who suffered from drought. Legend has it that in order to seek natural energy, it has been fighting with Groudon, and finally it was Rayquaza that mediated the fight between them. It fell into a deep sleep after fighting Groudon to the death, and has been sleeping at the bottom of the trench."

"Then it's time to wake up the king of the sea, Kyogre, and swallow the land into the ocean!"

After that, she threw the indigo gem into the sea.

Shui Wutong, who was not far away, was watching this scene with a fiery face, and his heart was full of desire for Kyogre. This Shui Wutong is the future leader of the Ocean Team. He is at odds with Chi Yansong's philosophy. He wants to use Kyogre's power to turn the land into the ocean.

After the indigo gem entered the sea eye, the cave began to vibrate and the sea water began to surge.

"Get out of here quickly, it's about to collapse."

Wang led everyone out of the cave quickly, and soon the cave began to collapse, endless sea water poured in, and the sky was covered with dark clouds.


A huge roar resounded through the sea, and countless sea Pokémon ran towards the land.

Kyogre, the king of the sea, has awakened!

Pokémon: Kyogre

Attribute: Water

Feature: Rainfall

Qualification: Master

Level: Half-step Master Mid-stage

Kyogre is a Pokémon similar to a whale. It has two huge pectoral fins, each with four white square structures on the tip. Kyogre's body is dark blue, with a white chin and two white spikes protruding. Above Kyogre's eyes, there are two white oval spots. There are red stripes on Kyogre's chin, eyes, back of the fins, and torso. When Kyogre is full of energy, these stripes will emit light. Kyogre's tail is split into four stripes, with the inner stripes smaller than the outer stripes. Kyogre's eyes are small and yellow, with black whites.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, Groudon sensed Kyogre's presence and turned to head towards Kyogre.

Kyogre seemed to sense something and headed towards Groudon.

The storm was accompanied by raging waves, and huge waves rose wherever Kyogre passed.

Genji's communicator also rang, and Genji answered the call.


Hearing the other party's words, Genji exclaimed directly.

"What happened?"

Daigoshi asked.

"Grawo and Kyogre have awakened!"

"Did they awaken so quickly? This is a conspiracy. Even if they failed to summon Rayquaza, we would definitely summon Rayquaza, otherwise the entire Hoenn would be destroyed."

Da Yue said in a deep voice.

"We must speed up. If we are late, countless people will be injured."

Then the two of them directly made their own Bloodwing Dragons mega evolve and went all out to Meteor Falls.

In Mushui Town, in front of the Sky Pillar, Mei brought Daigo and Mikoli to wait here.

"Mikoli, we have to find a way to escape."

Daigo quietly approached Mikoli and whispered.

"Okay, we will escape later when they are not paying attention."

Mikoli nodded and whispered.

Not far from them, Carter, Thunder King and Yue Huang were staring at the opposite side.

"Boss, let's go!"

Thunder King turned his head and said to Yue Huang.

Emperor Yue nodded and released his Pokémon.

Pokémon: Bloodwing Dragon

Attribute: Dragon/Flying

Feature: Intimidation

Qualification: Master

Level: Early MasterBloodwing Flying Dragon appeared, and then King Thunderlord released Raiden and King Carter released Mega Mantis.

The three mega evolved at the same time, Mega Bloodwing Flying Dragon, Mega Raiden, and Mega Mantis rushed towards Mei.

Mei felt the powerful momentum, rolled on the spot, and then released Charem and Poo Poo Pig.

"The scum of the alliance came so fast!"

"Mei, just surrender, this time our Hoenn champion will take action personally!"

King Thunderlord said provocatively.

"Charem mega evolves!"

Mei took out the key stone and let Charem mega evolve.

Pokémon: Mega Charem

Attribute: Psychic/Fighting

Feature: Yoga Power

Qualification: Champion

Level: Early stage of half-step master (temporary breakthrough limit)

Super Charem has four more streamers beside it, and there are yellow rings on its arms. The upper part of its head turned white, and the number of yellow stripes at the joints of its body increased further. Its eyes became smaller, and its pupils turned sky blue. At the same time, there was a light yellow oval spot in the center of its head, and the oval object protruded slightly upwards compared to before.

"Super Charem Flame Fist, Puff Pig Spiritual Power!"

Super Charem flashed in front of Super Giant Claw Mantis and punched him with a flame punch. Puff Pig burst out with super power to control Super Thunder Beast.

"Super Giant Claw Mantis Bullet Fist Counterattack!"

"Super Thunder Beast Uses Crazy Volt to Get Rid of Control!"

Super Giant Claw Mantis's red claws turned into a phantom and hit Super Charem, while Super Thunder Beast was wrapped in lightning and broke free from the control of super power, and then rushed towards Puff Pig with the power of thunder.

"Super Blood Wing Dragon, deal with them, attack with a loud sound!"

Emperor Yue showed a wicked smile and gave an order to Super Blood Wing Dragon.

"You're done, our boss is taking action."

Thunder Lord Tianwang laughed, but soon his smile disappeared, accompanied by incredible.

The Super Blood Wing Dragon emitted a terrifying sound wave, which was accompanied by a strong wind and hit the Super Thunder Beast.

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