Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 126 Tyrannosaurus and White Dragon and Blue Bird

In the jungle.

Tyrannosaurus, which has entered its normal state, is striding ahead to open the way.

As the level increases, and after activating Terra Greymon's data, its size changes significantly.

In addition to the iconic male figure and spikes, the height of Tyrannosaurus has soared from five meters to six meters in combat state, and from one meter to 1.2 meters in daily state.

This makes it look stronger and more attractive.

The blue cotton bird stood on one of the corners of its head, looked left and right, and uttered crisp and sweet calls from time to time, as if it was a little surprised by the changes in the appearance of the tyrannosaurus during this period.

After I felt a little tired, I flew to the green willow and lay down on my stomach to rest. After resting, I ran to the horn of the Tyrannosaurus again, having a great time playing back and forth.

Tyrannosaurus also has enough patience for this first partner besides it. It doesn't care what Qingmianniao does, and it also asks Qingliu for advice and slowly tells Qingmianniao about many childish questions.

After an hour or two...


The green cotton bird called twice in a hurry.

Tyrannosaurus immediately translated: "Qingliu, Qingmianniao asked how long you have to go, and it said it was hungry."

"If we go on at the current pace, there should be about one more day."

Qingliu looked at the map in his hand, carefully calculated the distance and said slowly.

Two days have passed since the fountain of farewell came out and said goodbye to Lucario. During these two days, they were basically on the road except for rest and sleep, but even so, there was still a long way to go to Binhai City.

After Qingmianniao heard Qingliu's answer, a little doubt appeared in her big head: "Jiujiu?"

"Why don't you fly?"

Tyrannosaurus animal card translator quickly translates.

Qingliu patiently explained: "The blue-eyed white dragon can't control its size like the tyrannosaurus. It's too big to fly in the sky and it's easy to cause some unnecessary troubles, and we're not in a hurry, so just take it as exercise. .”

After all, Qingliu looked at Qingmianniao: "But if you evolve into Qixi Blue Bird, I don't have to worry about these problems, and then I can fly to Binhai City as much as I want."

"Choo Choo Choo!"

"Then evolve now."

Qingmianniao said I agreed, let me evolve quickly, which made Qingliu and Tyrannosaurus laugh.

"Evolution requires a sufficient level, or special circumstances, not just what you think."

Sensing the embarrassment, Qingmianniao was very ashamed and angry, especially after seeing Tyrannosaurus smiling very happily besides Qingliu, the shame and anger quickly turned into dissatisfaction.


The green bird jumped from the head of the green willow to the top of the Tyrannosaurus, opened its beak and pecked at the top of the Tyrannosaurus.

However, the brown carapace on the top of the tyrannosaur's head was too hard. Not only did this peck not cause any damage, but it hurt his mouth.

"Choo Choo Choo!!!"

The blue cotton bird, which was in pain, felt aggrieved immediately, flapping its wings and flying forward.

Seeing this, the Tyrannosaurus turned around anxiously and looked at Qingliu.

Now they are in the wild, if the two of them leave, Qingliu will only have the blue-eyed white dragon by his side, and the Tyrannosaurus has a very limited understanding of this new companion that it has only seen once.

After Qingliu nodded to indicate that there was no problem nearby, Tyrannosaurus immediately took a step to chase after Qingmianniao.

Qingliu followed slowly behind.

Seeing the Tyrannosaurus and Qingmianiao getting along very happily, Qingliu was naturally happy in his heart, and Qingliu could also guess the unfamiliar relationship between the two of them and the blue-eyed white dragon.

When resting at the Fountain of Sending Off before, the place where the blue-eyed white dragon stayed the farthest was to support this matter invisibly.

But for now, there is no good way.

The blue-eyed white dragon is quite arrogant, so arrogant that he became very angry because he felt that others had violated his dragon grid, and then he learned the dragon's wrath.

With such a character, it is difficult for people and Pokémon to get along with each other. The general way of getting along is useless, and the special way is too difficult.

And even the intimacy note between him and his "trainer" is only because he summoned it, so there is an intimacy of 20.

You must know that after Qingliu suspected that the Qingmianiao, whose intimacy was divided by half of the tyrannosaurus, broke its shell, its basic intimacy with itself was also 50, and now it has reached 65.

One was summoned by himself, and the other was sent by others. The innate situation is different, and the result of the day after tomorrow is even more reversed.

"Or, when the blue-eyed white dragon is inside the legendary white stone, even if it is sealed by the Arceus creation meteorite, it can still feel the things outside?"

Qingliu whispered to herself.

If so, then things seem to make sense.

After all, as soon as I summoned it, I let the Tyrannosaurus hammer it, and then threw it out as a target to be beaten, and even used it as a shield to smash the meteorites into pieces. After multiple encounters, it seems that it is not bad to not be hostile to yourself now.

"Forget it, let's think about it later."

Qingliu looked at the Tyrannosaurus that had already chased Qingmianiao through the panel, lowered her head and continued to read the book in her hand.

This is what Yusi gave to himself because of the Leisi incident before. It records the connection and specific location between the modern city and the ancient ruins in the Sinnoh area.

There aren't any ancient ruins in Primorye, but there are other information about Primorsky.

After turning a new page, a few lines of titles came into view.

[The last Pokémon Center in Binhai City closed down]

[As a port city, the port has been deserted for two years, the road to decline of Binhai City]

[Binhai City where the dark current is surging]

[Behind the decline of Binhai City - the shadows of various forces]


With the pictures posted in the book, Qingliu had a general idea of ​​the situation in Binhai City.

"It's completely different from the high-tech city in memory."

When reading the DP chapter, Qingliu clearly remembers that Binhai City has realized the coverage of electric energy and solar energy throughout the city, from small travel to large gymnasiums and high-rise buildings, machines and artificial intelligence have been widely used.

Perhaps it is not the richest city in the Sinnoh region, but it is definitely the most technologically advanced and advanced city in Sinnoh.

But such a city is still a gathering place of an underground world full of chaos.

However, this has nothing to do with Qingliu, and it is precisely because Binhai City is now mixed with fish and dragons, it will be more convenient for him to handle his identity information.

Although I don’t know which guy got himself an account, and Chiri made it perfect before, but it’s still very troublesome to go through formal channels to reissue identity information certificates, so it’s better to come to this kind of place where you can do things for money. fast.

As for the chaos in this place, it can't be solved overnight. The most important thing is that there will be local people to wipe out all these cancerous tumors. There is no need for him, a foreigner with a sensitive atmosphere all over his body, to get involved .

"It shouldn't be long before the two Four Heavenly Kings will start to rectify the chaos in Binhai City, although they may not be there yet..."

Thinking of this, Qingliu walked forward.

At this time, the Tyrannosaurus and the Blue Mianniao not far away were walking back, and the Qingmianniao changed from being angry before, and was chirping and talking to the Tyrannosaurus.

"What's wrong?"

Qingliu asked.

The Tyrannosaurus quickly explained: "The green bird said that when it flew over a place just now, it saw someone chasing a large group of Pokémon, and the direction should be towards us."

"Someone is chasing a large group of Pokémon?"

Qingliu repeated and looked at Qingmianniao.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The blue cotton bird nodded, flapped its wings and flew up, raising its wings towards the front left.

Qingliu then turned on the detection function of the illustrated book on the panel and scanned it directly.

As the scope of investigation became wider and wider, there were dozens or even hundreds of Pokémon's illustrated book information, densely packed in front of Qingliu.

[Race] Muke bird/big-tailed civet/walking grass...

[Status] Nervous/scared/phobic...


"Almost all Pokémon are nervous and frightened, and it is indeed very likely that someone is chasing them."

The detection range was extended again, and several guys whose level was obviously higher than all the Pokémon seen before were running at high speed, and it seemed that they were heading towards the large group of Pokémon.

And their direction of progress coincides with the area where they are.

Soon, Qingliu felt the ground start to shake, and a puff of smoke and dust billowed in.

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