Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 135 Energy Activation

After listening to Qingliu's arrangement, Qingmianniao flapped its wings and descended from the top of the Tyrannosaurus beast, and flew to a place not far from the blue-eyed white dragon.


The blue-eyed white dragon heard the movement, and slowly turned his head to stare at the training object in front of him, a blue-white little dot with two dull hairs on top of his head.

Without flapping its wings to fly, and without stirring the strong wind, after a short silence, the blue-eyed white dragon opened its mouth and let out a breath.

call ~

A gust of air rushed towards the green cotton bird, without giving it any time to react, its whole body was suppressed by the air, and it flew out uncontrollably.

It didn't stop until it floated nearly ten meters away.

The blue-eyed white dragon turned his head to look at Qingliu lightly, the meaning was obvious.

This way, you can't even take a breath, you are so fragile, you are not warmed up at all.

Qingmianniao also felt the attitude of the blue-eyed white dragon, and immediately protested strongly with dissatisfaction.

It seemed that the green-eyed bird was chirping a little too loudly. After the blue-eyed white dragon blew the blue-eyed bird away, its blue eyes glanced at the tyrannosaurus beside it, with fighting spirit surging.

If you want to warm up, you have to find a stronger opponent.

"You are no match for Tyrannosaurus."

Qingliu looked at it and said calmly.

When the blue-eyed white dragon heard the words, the desire to fight became stronger in his eyes.

"Listen carefully to the arrangement. If you have time later, let the two of you try it."

After all, Qingliu glanced at the green cotton bird that flew back again and said: "Don't underestimate it just because of its current appearance. If it evolves into its final form and you don't make any progress, you are really good at the same level. You can't beat it."

The blue-eyed white dragon glanced at the little one in front of him in surprise.

that's it?

Qingliu nodded solemnly, without further explanation.

The top-level dragon-slaying configuration of dragon + fairy system is not unreasonable to be called a dragon traitor.

If the blue-eyed white dragon does not have a comparable stage of evolution, there is a high probability that it will be severely beaten by the Mega Tanabata blue bird.

Seeing Qingliu's appearance, Qingyan Bailong became slightly interested.

The huge white wings slammed in the air, and it flew up directly, blowing a more violent air current and blowing the green cotton bird to the ground.

The blue cotton bird's temper also came up, and the chattering in its mouth has never stopped, even if it fell into the bushes, it kept chattering.

Tyrannosaurus looked worried.

"Don't look at it, the difficulty of what you have to do is not the same concept as them."

Qingliu threw the four gems in his hand towards Tyrannosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus grabbed them.

"The two bright purple gemstones are the poison gemstones of the poison system, and the two brown gemstones are the evil gemstones of the evil department."

Tyrannosaurus looked at the thing in his hand and asked, "What do I need to do?"

"I don't know the specific method. It's just an attempt now. It's best if it succeeds."

Qingliu pondered for a moment and said: "Start directly by crushing them simply and roughly, use your skin and heart to feel the energy inside, and see if you can find similar data or other things in your body to guide it out."


Tyrannosaurus sat on the ground, picked out the poisonous gemstone, and slowly clenched its palms.

Click! Click!

Two crisp cracking sounds sounded, and the bright purple energy group in the palm of the Tyrannosaurus was looming, and the Tyrannosaurus immediately closed its eyes and began to feel it carefully.

Qingliu quietly watched from the side.

Looking at the expression on Tyrannosaurus' face, watching the bright purple poisonous energy diffuse around its palm, gradually dyeing its yellow claws into purple.

However, the energy in the poisonous gems is limited after all, coupled with the strong physical fitness of the Tyrannosaurus, it was quickly limited to the area near the claws.

As time passed by every minute and every second.

On the other side, the wind blowing by the blue-eyed white dragon became louder and louder, and the noisy calls of the blue-eyed birds were also suppressed a lot, but Qingliu didn't have the heart to pay attention to these now, all his attention fell on the tyrannosaurus. paws.

More than ten minutes passed, the purple poisonous energy in the gem was getting weaker and weaker, and even lost the ability to maintain the infection, leaving only a faint purple air, but the Tyrannosaurus did not respond.

Until the last energy disappeared, Tyrannosaurus opened its eyes.


Tyrannosaurus nodded and said, "I can feel the energy in my hand, but there doesn't seem to be anything similar in my body."

"It's okay, try the gem of evil."


Accompanied by the breaking sound, the brown energy full of ferocious malice surged, and the Tyrannosaurus began to feel it again.

But after more than ten minutes, the result was still the same.

"Could it be that... I took it for granted?"

The closest poison and evil elements have no effect, and then switching to other attributes that may be related are all useless, Qingliu couldn't help but sigh.

After all, everything is my own guess, and the strong fighting desire of the earth tyrannosaurus is related to the will of the zombie tyrannosaurus to fight to the death, and then it is stimulated by the ghost energy of the spring of farewell.

Now I want to directly reproduce it, it seems a bit whimsical, but unfortunately...

But just when Qingliu was about to stop the blue-eyed white dragon and prepare it to practice against Tyrannosaurus, the silent Tyrannosaurus spoke.

"Qingliu, do you still have those things from just now?"

Qingliu raised his head and looked at Tyrannosaurus: "I bought a little more just in case, what's the matter?"

"Give it to me, I seem to have found something different."

Hearing this, Qingliu quickly took out all the remaining two gems of each of the eighteen attributes from the backpack.

The tyrannosaurus grabbed all the attribute gems, closed its claws and squeezed hard, and there were continuous crisp and broken sounds.

The energies of the eighteen kinds of attributes in the gems were all released from the shackles in an instant, and appeared in the palm of the tyrannosaurus beast.

Although the energy content of attribute gems is not high, the purity is sufficient, and eighteen kinds are gathered at the same time, among which there is no lack of restraint attributes, even the tyrannosaur has a serious expression at this moment.

Seeing this, Qingliu asked: "What are you going to do..."

Before the words fell, the Tyrannosaurus raised its arms, opened its mouth wide, and directly poured the entire claw holding the energy of the eighteen-attribute Pokémon into its mouth.


Accompanied by the sound of throat rolling, the Tyrannosaurus swallowed it all down.

Qingliu: "..."

Tyrannosaurus moves so fast that he has no time to react, and according to the way Tyrannosaurus swallows all food, there is no concept of oral cavity and esophagus, as long as it enters the mouth, it is equivalent to entering the stomach .

"What are you doing?"

Tyrannosaurus didn't reply, or said it couldn't reply anymore.

Even Qingliu can feel the energies of eighteen attributes surging in its body.

Compared with the body surface, the internal defense of the body can be said to be very poor, especially when some of them are restrained by attributes, the stimulation and damage caused are more obvious.

Tyrannosaurus's facial expression became uncomfortable at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the current state in the status bar displayed on the panel was also rapidly diving towards weakness.

Qingliu doesn't know what Tyrannosaurus's plan is, but it's not stupid, it's impossible to engage in some suicide operations, and there seems to be only one possibility for what it's doing now.

"Intense stimulation through foreign objects..."

Through this kind of stimulation, some things that cannot be found normally are forced to appear.

Qingliu took out the healing spray he just bought in Binhai City, as well as the remaining potions to deal with various abnormal states, so as to ensure the fastest response in any situation.

Soon... a few minutes passed.

The distorted expression of the tyrannosaur means that the energy in the gemstones has not been absorbed by its stomach, and its face began to turn pale.

Qingliu had already prepared for the worst in his heart, and stepped forward to check the specific situation of the Tyrannosaurus.

Suddenly, a dull voice rang in the ear.


Before Qingliu could listen carefully, the dull voice turned into a high-pitched voice in the next second, and then returned to dull.

Boom! ! !


Boom! ! !


This is the heartbeat of Tyrannosaurus.

A continuous beating sound sounded, and as time passed, the rhythm of this sound seemed to be getting faster and faster.

"Is this what you want to test?"

Qing Liu looked at the Tyrannosaurus and asked.

Tyrannosaurus nodded with a painful expression, and then pointed to the position of the heart, signaling Qingliu to continue listening.

Qingliu pressed against the Tyrannosaurus' chest, closed her eyes and listened carefully.

The sound of the strong beating of the heart in the chest came to the ears again, but this time, Qingliu noticed a slight difference.

Because this heart seems to be beating a little too fast, so fast that it seems that it is not a heart beating, but... two sounds made by beating one after another.


Two hearts together?

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