Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 173 The Talented Balu Beast?

In an instant, a line of clear small blue characters appeared in the void in front of my eyes.

While paying attention to Balumon's reaction to her actions, Qingliu turned her eyes quickly and began to browse.


【Classification】Plant Pokémon

[attribute] grass

[Characteristics] Heart of Flowers and Plants (the incarnation of flowers and plants, with pure plant power, the power of grass-type moves is increased by 30%)


[Exclusive move] Poison vines (stretch out the vines with strong poison on the palm to attack, the poison will cause the target to be paralyzed after hitting, grass type - power 50)

Plant attack (throws two sharp leaves to attack, grass type - power 40)

Foul Smell (Releases a pungent stench from the flowers above the head to repel enemies, Grass - Variations)

【Mastered moves】No

[Racial value] 340 (life 73, attack 36, defense 62, special attack 71, special defense 58, speed 40)

[Intimacy] 5→40 (captured by you who generously donated food)

[Status] Gluttonous, hungry (in relief)

【Information summary】Although it evolved from a seed beast like a reptile, it is a rare species defined as a plant type in terms of shape and appearance.

During the day, it will open its arms to perform chemical synthesis like a plant, and it will also insert its root-like feet into the soil to absorb nutrients. The flowers on its head emit fragrance when it is happy, but when it is angry or in crisis, it emits an odor that even large Digimon cannot bear.


"The level is a little higher than the Agumon I saw for the first time, and its characteristics are similar to the sharp claws of the Agumon at that time. It strengthens the power of a certain type of moves, the number of moves is more, the race value is lower but the allocation is more Reasonable."

After reading all the information, Qingliu looked at the Baru beast who was still munching on the energy cube, and the fully bloomed flower on top of its head.

The petite and lovely flower fairy beast in the future should come out of this flower, but I don't know if the enchanting adult rose woman also came out like this.

At some point, a faint refreshing fragrance appeared in the air, which made Qingliu, who had just experienced a great battle and had a tense body and nerves, feel a little comfortable.

And the source of this fragrance is the flower on the head of the Balu beast.

"Because I am happy to eat delicious food, so I can't help but start to release the aroma, this is a bit like the overlord flower in the Pokémon world..."

The same flowers on the top of the head, the same smell is fragrant and stinky.

Reminiscent of the information about Balu Beast and Overlord Flower, Qingliu said softly.

But Balu Beast, who was in the process of eating, heard Qingliu's voice, nodded quickly, and said, "The place where I was was completely turned into a barren mountain. I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time, thank you."

Seeing that Balu Beast has changed from being cautious just now to now daring to take the initiative to talk to him, Qingliu chuckled and put out a lot more weight than before.

"Eat slowly, these are all yours."

Balu Beast's eyes widened in an instant, and his face was full of incredible expressions. After confirming again and again, he lowered his head to look at the energy cube in his hand, and then raised his head to look at the energy cube Qing Liu handed over just now, his facial expression gradually became dull.

It has been living in that large barren area since its birth until just now, which is simply hell. It is already very good to be able to drink water or absorb water every day, let alone eat any other food.

The only advantage is that there is enough sunlight, and what it does most every day is photosynthesis...

And after crossing the strange passage that suddenly appeared and coming to this strange green land, the sunlight was not so harsh, the air became fresh and moist, and even breathing became much smoother.

The point is that there is still a human being who actively gave it so much food that has never been seen before, but is extremely delicious.

Could it be that he had already died on a scorching afternoon and came to heaven from hell?

Balu Beast quickly raised his arms and touched his body up and down. After feeling the texture, he still couldn't believe what was happening before his eyes. Finally, he raised his broad palm and slapped his face directly.


There was a crisp sound, feeling the pain coming, and the Balu beast was completely stunned.

Before Qingliu could react, the weeping Balu beast grabbed all the energy cubes and started gulping.

Under the huge mouth that opened, the efficiency of destroying energy cubes doubled.

Looking at the sudden scene in front of him, Qingliu couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, but judging from the current state of Balumon, it shouldn't be able to speak well.

And... this way of eating, in a trance, Qingliu seemed to see the way of Yagumon when it was eating.

"Looks like I'm really hungry..."

As Qingliu whispered to herself, a column of information on the blue illustrated book in front of her eyes gradually changed.




These are some crazy ideas.

This ability of self-strategy is sometimes really unexpected.

However, the intimacy has risen to the current level, which basically means that Barumon will be willing to become his second Digimon, and the fourth Pokémon will go with him.

Qingliu turned her head slightly, looked at a bush spreading over the canopy not far away, and said, "Don't peek there, come here..."


There was a sound of friction plates passing through the leaves of the bushes, and the Tyrannosaurus came out with some embarrassment.

"And you."

Qingliu raised her head and looked at the blue-eyed white dragon who had been hovering above her head, fluttered her wings and flew away after hearing her voice.

Seeing that it seems to be flying higher and farther in order to prove that it is not eavesdropping or peeking, Qingliu had no choice but to change his rhetoric: "The new companion joins, and I still need you to check how much it is. Are you interested in taking a look?" ?”

Accompanied by the sound, the blue-eyed white dragon finally stopped and flew back slowly.

In the end, I stood side by side in front of the tyrannosaurus with the attitude that you asked me to come back to check, but I didn't want to see this new talent come.

Tyrannosaurus curled its lips helplessly, lowered its head and looked at Qingliu with a suppressed smile.

Qingliu also pouted and looked at Tyrannosaurus.

it is more than words.

"I won't say anything extra. Its name is Barumon. It is a Digimon from the same origin as Tyrannosaurus. Its attribute is Grass-type. It seems a little timid. It will be a new companion in the future. You two You have to take care of it more often.”

After all, Qingliu was about to introduce the boss and the second in the team to Balumon, but when he turned around, he found that Balumon had swallowed all the energy cubes, and looked up into the air with a smile on his face.

The warm sunlight was falling, but most of it seemed to be drawn by some kind of invisible, and the slightly shifted angle irradiated on the flowers on the head of the Balu beast.

The pink petals, red stamens, and orange-red flower centers all light up with a faint golden brilliance, and the faint heat and energy are accumulated on them, and then quickly absorbed and transformed.

Baloo's demeanor became more energetic at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his figure became more upright. Even its already turquoise body color and the tropical flowers on its head became more vibrant and green.

Not only that, but with the flickering light, Qingliu felt that the air in front of him was becoming more fresh invisibly.

In a trance, it seems that I have returned to the feeling of refreshing air I breathed when I woke up in the countryside in the early morning when I was a child.

"Is this... the photosynthesis of plants?"

For such a scene, Qingliu was a little surprised and curious.

But before he watched it for a long time, the information in the Baru Beast's illustrated book changed again.


【Mastered moves】Photosynthesis (restore your own physical strength by absorbing the energy in the sun through photosynthesis, depending on the changes and differences in the weather, the degree of recovery varies, grass type - change type)

There is another chapter later

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