Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 237: The Swinging Real Trident Arm! (first update)

Mechanical Tyrannosaurus didn't pay attention all the time, but he didn't relax for a moment.

While waiting for the mechanical tyrannosaurus to dig the tunnel, Qingliu learned about the whole process from Caizhong in detail.

Dogs definitely can’t change eating shit. There is a group of "same kind" who like to fight and sneak attack in front of me. This guy in front of me knows that he is a bad breed... even worse than the cunning beast that masters dark energy. kind.

Naturally, there can be no slack for this kind of bad and resistant guy.

And at the moment Qingliu's voice sounded, the mechanical tyrannosaurus lightly threw the vegetable seeds to the ground, and at the same time, the energy of the steel system on the left arm surged extremely fast.

There was a whimper in the wind, and the exclusive move, the trident arm, swung heavily in the direction of the forked bat.

Seeing this, the cross-word bat spat lightly, and stepped back a little.

But Qingliu didn't intend to let it go just like that.

"Put it on, and use the Comet Fist to activate the trident arm."


With a deep roar, the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus took a heavy step, its body soared into the air, and flew close to the position of the forked bat with all its strength, with a comet-like punch urging the huge claws of the Digizoid equipment to thrust violently.


Surrounded by a stream of air, the forked bat uttered a low cry, and the wind around it changed with its movements, wrapping its body and turning around at a high speed to distance itself from the attack.

But the mechanical tyrannosaur's attack didn't stop for a moment, and once again bullied it, the trident arm blasted out again in the form of a comet fist, and the cross-bat once again used the speed provided by the "tailwind" to dodge.

In the next second, the mechanical tyrannosaurus like a dog skin plaster stuck to it again.

In the underground ruins, the sound of the torn wind was howling, and a giant beast more than ten meters high was madly attacking an opponent whose size was only one-third of its size.

And the cross-word bat faced every blow with a roar, it was extremely confident, and the four purple wings vibrated quickly, pulling its body at a very subtle distance.


After dodging the attack again, the cross-word bat turned sideways slightly, a trace of sarcasm flashed in his expression, and then disappeared again and galloped into the distance.

Qingliu squinted her eyes, quietly watching this scene.

"The mechanical tyrannosaurus has a race value of 65, and this guy is 130. What I thought was a hearty battle has changed."

In the Pokémon world, even a little bit of movement speed is absolutely suppressed under the same conditions, not to mention that there is a double gap.

And this is why the cross-word bat can be so arrogant so easily, and even dare to make a provocative expression outside of the battle.

But this is also normal. Compared with the previous Pokémon infected by the black air, the intelligence of this forked bat is obviously not affected too much. Naturally, it is impossible to abandon its strengths like a fool with a low IQ , Come head-to-head with Mechanical Tyrannosaurus.

But on the other hand, the forked bat didn't dare to be hit by the mechanical tyrannosaur's melee attack.

Although the strange black energy makes it bigger and stronger, the size of the mechanical tyrannosaurus is also increasing sharply with the increase of the level, and the data in the body is getting bigger and bigger, and now it has even been stretched to the range of 14 meters.

The power emanating from a body of this size is a great threat to the forked bat, which is not very defensive.

Coupled with the physical defense of 140 and the special defense of 130, it is very difficult for the forked bat to break through the hammer dragon and the moat dragon as easily as before.

But even so, with the more absolute speed of crushing, the forked bat began to counterattack non-stop after dodging the attack.

MechaGreymon raises its mechanical arm covered with Digizoid to defend and counterattack.


clang! !

Boom! ! !

One after another, there were crisp or heavy collision sounds one after another.

A series of scratches and faint grooves appeared.

And every time the left arm of the mechanical tyrannosaurus was scratched, even if it would recover in an instant, the crossbat always showed a very disdainful expression after the attack was successful.

Even at the risk of being hit, it deliberately stopped in front of the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, making a mocking cry.

This provocative gesture caused Mechanical Tyrannosaurus' eyelids to sink slightly, and its breathing also became heavier.

Feeling such a change, Qingliu patted the head of Mechanical Tyrannosaurus lightly after opening the distance once, and said, "Don't fall for such a simple aggressive method."


"There's nothing wrong with that."

Qingliu turned to look at the forked bat not far away, and said, "You know it's not easy to win, so you try your best to stimulate after dodging the attack?"

There was an evil smile on the corner of Qingliu's mouth: "The idea is very good, it seems that the black air really didn't affect your brain.

"It's just that when it comes to insidiousness and cunning, human beings are second, but no other creature dares to be the first..."

After the words fell, the playful expression on the cross-word bat's face quickly disappeared, before it could understand what the words meant.

The hatch on the mechanical tyrannosaur's chest opened suddenly, the gigabyte destroyer on the chest suddenly fired, and the fangs on the missile shot straight out between opening and closing.

Sensing the pervasive energy fluctuations, the cross-word bat didn't dare to be careless, and quickly mobilized the airflow from the "downwind" move blowing in the field, violently flapping its wings and retreating.

The Gigabit Destroyer followed closely behind, and with the surrounding airflow rotating, the figure of the forked bat flickered rapidly.

next moment……

boom! ! !

Two huge roars sounded fiercely, and amid the splashes of sand and stones, the passages of the entire underground ruins vibrated as if they were about to be destroyed.

The mechanical tyrannosaurus also flapped its wings and flew up at this time, grabbed the winter melon and the three of them broke through the collapsed soil above their heads and returned to the ground.

There was constant roaring in the ears, and with the lift-off, most of the passages just dug out on the ground had sunk, and the dim yellow dust rose into the sky, covering the entire area.

"Solve it?"

"If you are hit by that move, even if you are not seriously injured, you will definitely be greatly affected."

Winter Gua looked left and right, and couldn't help saying happily when he didn't find the figure of the forked bat.

Having seen the scene where a group of children were shot before, Donggua and Piaotai are very confident in the "ultimate move" of Mechanical Tyrannosaurus.

Only Cai Zhong was silent for a moment, and said: "It is very powerful, but it should not hit, and if you want to destroy the underground battlefield and go to the ground to take advantage of the habit of the forked bat family not liking the sun, there is a high probability that it will not work. The supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats don't seem to be affected by their activities in the sun, so..."

The words are not finished, but the meaning has been expressed clearly.

Qingliu was a little surprised by this, and glanced at her sideways.

I can think of so many things in such a short period of time, even taking into account the habits of bats. I have to say that Cai Zhong has a very clear mind and thinking.

So she nodded towards her, and said: "Miss Caizhong is right, the gigabyte destruction cannon was indeed missed, and the sunlight should have no effect, but... the result I wanted has been achieved, the mechanical storm Dragon beast."


The body of the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus flying in the air turned slightly to the left and rear, and the giant claw on the left arm was bent to charge. At the same time, under the signal of Qingliu, the pair of huge blue eyes stared straight at everyone under its feet. area.

After a few breaths, a swirling airflow suddenly appeared from the sunken giant pit, and rushed to the top of the smoke and dust at an extremely fast speed with very obvious signs, and it would not be long before it would be able to break through the cover and come to air.

And judging from this flight speed, which is no different from before, it is obvious that, as Cai Zhong said just now, even the extremely destructive gigabyte destructive cannon failed to hit the forked bat.

Otherwise, even if it is a force of the Four Heavenly Kings level, it is impossible to maintain such a fast flight without being affected.


The cross-bat in the smoke saw that it was about to rush out of the enveloping range, the cross-bat immediately shook its body and began to shake off the dust on its body, and at the same time made a sharp disdainful cry from the corner of its mouth.

The human being attacked it for its habit of not liking activities in the sun. In theory, it was a good judgment, but both the supersonic bat and the big-mouthed bat can move freely in the daytime under the influence of black air, let alone it .

If this is the so-called "tactics" and "conspiracies and tricks", it is really ridiculous.

The cross-word bat has already decided in its heart that as soon as it rushes out of the smoke and dust, it will make the most direct mockery and provocation as a response to the other party's appearance of being determined to eat it just now.

Even if the opponent knows that it is provocation, if he easily avoids the opponent's ultimate move and then ridicules, no matter how good the mentality is, there will be fluctuations in his heart.

Thinking of this, the cross-word bat looked at the end of the smoke and dust that was close at hand, and the clean and tidy world outside the smoke and dust, and began to imagine in his mind what Qing Liu would look like when he saw it was not affected by the Yang Guan.

Even, the forked bat is already considering whether to follow suit.

But suddenly...


The crisp sound of a metal chain frantically swinging and colliding suddenly exploded in the air.

Before the cross-word bat realized what it was, a giant silver metal claw that seemed to have a very clear grasp of its whereabouts had already pierced the air and came in front of it.

The red pupils of the forked bat's black air suddenly widened, and it knew that it was the "trident arm" of the mechanical tyrannosaurus.

But it didn't know why the other party was able to find it so accurately, it didn't understand why it only saw the metal claws but not the other party's body, and it didn't understand why it was so powerful and fast compared to before.

So much so that it wants to dodge, there is no time to dodge.

Boom! ! !

There was an extremely heavy impact sound.

In the next second, in the soaring smoke and dust, the cross-word bat flew backwards at a speed that was even more terrifying than when flying at full strength, and hit the ground heavily, deeply embedded in it.

It was at this time that it finally saw clearly what was going on just now.

Most of the mechanical arm on the left side of the mechanical tyrannosaurus flying in the air has disappeared, replaced by a thick metal chain spanning half of the sky.

One end is the arm of the mechanical tyrannosaurus, and the other end is connected to the huge metal claw.

This chain connected the two ends, and in a way that it hadn't thought of, it shot out the claw across a distance of tens of meters, and finally hit it on the body.

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