Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 301 Evolution! Evolve again!

The brilliant light forcibly passed through the dark energy shrouded all around, illuminating most of the sky. At this moment, even one of the most powerful energies in the digital world must give way to the light of evolution.

And Sanshenggu, who was puzzled when he heard Qingliu's last words, was completely attracted by the sudden light and movement.

But soon they reacted.

"Is this... about to start evolving?"

Even if they have been sleeping and have no evolution themselves, they are very clear about evolution, which is almost a "trait" of Pokémon.

But as soon as the shell was broken, it started to evolve directly...

Even in the long years before they were just created, when the adult hadn't left, it seemed that the same situation as the scene in front of him never happened.

Perhaps, this is the first case ever?

Sanshenggu looked at each other in surprise.

Such things must be one of the few things that they will not forget in their long sleep.

However, they didn't show any overly shocked expressions.

Because according to the current actual situation, it seems that only evolution is biased toward normal things.

After absorbing so many different kinds of powerful energy sources, it would be somewhat abnormal to show such a petite appearance just after breaking the shell.

And the current evolution may be the follow-up stimulation of the residual energy in the body after the birth just now.

But even if it is normal and understandable, Sanshenggu has shown a very interested attitude towards this kind of thing that happened for the first time and witnessed it with his own eyes.

All eyes gathered in the sky, looking at the cunning beast in the light of evolution, the body spread out like ooze and suspended in the air began to gather together quickly, became solid, and slowly moved towards an oval posture compression.

However, this process does not seem to be very smooth.

The newly condensed body of the cunning beast soon became turbulent again as if it was being disrupted and reorganized, and turned into a pool of ooze again, and repeated the continuous changes from the ooze into various shapes that looked strange outside the light of evolution. posture.

Linked to the problem that occurred when the shell was broken just now, Qingliu's expression could not help but become a little dignified.

Fortunately, this change only lasted for a few seconds before returning to normal, and the body of the cunning beast finally took shape in an oval shape.

Then, out of the light of evolution jumped out a creature with no hands and feet, the head was the whole body, and the whole body was dark gray and oval.

The big red eyes of the Cunning Beast period have now changed from the full moon of the 15th and 16th to the crescent moon of the third and fourth day of junior high school, with small yellow pupils hidden in it.

Apart from these changes, the most special thing is that its huge ears hanging down on both sides of its head look very similar to a pair of wings, as if it can fly out of thin air as long as it is flapped.

And in all the scrutinizing eyes, the evolved form of the Cunning Beast also started to move.

"Ah... oh... woo..."

Strange syllables that seemed to be testing the pronunciation came out of its dazzling beard-like mouth.

At this moment, its crescent-shaped eyes were completely narrowed, and its wing-shaped ears began to flap non-stop as expected.

Obviously, the body did not follow the movements of the wings up and down, but it was still floating in the air easily and freely.

And as its voice came out, the dark energy that was forcibly driven away by the light of evolution four weeks ago seemed like a lost pack of wolves found their lost companions.

One part is still hovering in the air, while the other part quickly gathers around it and penetrates directly into its body. Its aura becomes stronger for a moment uncontrollably, and then comes out and weakens again, repeating the cycle.

Sanshenggu's expression became serious at this moment.

Because the current scene is so similar to when the dark matter controlled them.

But fortunately, the other party has been staring at them with a smile that is not a smile, and there is no sign of strangeness or mad attack, which makes Sanshenggu heave a sigh of relief.

As soon as he made great efforts to help it break the shell, they hit each other with backhands, inexplicably feeling like he was looking for a pump.

At the same time, at this moment, they also had a trace of incredible emotions in their hearts.

They were so nervous just now.

Even if it has the same breath blessing as the dark matter, even if it absorbs so much energy and completes the evolution with this energy, but...

Now that they are not affected by the dark matter, how can they not face a newly born Pokémon with such an attitude of facing a big enemy.

Sanshenggu's eyes focused on the other party at the same time, and the energy of the super power system surged in his eyes. With his own unique perception ability, he wanted to check the other party's situation as much as possible.


Not to mention seeing through, not even the slightest bit of information was sensed, and all the investigations were as if a mud cow had entered the sea, and there was no news.

They have always been strong in perception, but they can't detect what kind of state the other party is in.

Even...not even the aura used to distinguish combat power.

What's happening here?

Before they could think about the changes carefully, the next second, the mutation suddenly rose.

On the oval figure surrounded by dark energy, a brilliant white light lit up again.

Sanshenggu's expression froze at this moment.

Is this the light of evolution?

Is it the light of evolution again?

It is unusual to be able to evolve after breaking the shell, but it is also within the normal range after reasoning, but...

After the shell was broken, it began to evolve. After the evolution ended, it evolved again within two minutes. Such two consecutive evolutions happened to a newborn Pokémon in front of their eyes.

You know, some Pokémon can only evolve once in a lifetime because of their race and individual circumstances, but this "little thing" like them in front of them has gone through the life of others within a few minutes of birth?

At this moment, Sanshenggu felt that something was wrong with the situation in front of him.

But now that the evolution has begun, they have no choice but to continue to wait and see.

Watching the white light of evolution penetrate and dispel the dark energy again, watching the shape of the Pokémon change again in the light.

Its size began to grow slowly, far surpassing the normal 0.3-meter-high size of the three of them, and heading towards a height of more than half a meter.

And its wing-like ears swelled completely, evolving into a pair of wings that far exceeded its body size. Two tentacles stood up on the top of its head and constantly swayed with the wind, and two legs with sharp claws grew out from under its body.

But the same situation as before happened again!

At the moment when this appearance was about to take shape, it returned to the original oval body shape again, and its body slowly elongated for the second time, but this time it did not grow wings anymore, but actually became wing-shaped Ears, the body arches between quadrupeds and upright walking, and a slender tail extends from behind.

The second picture takes shape, and everything starts again!

This time it was crawling on the ground, with the same huge blocky derivatives on the back of the dinosaur Stegosaurus, walking on four legs...

Such changes continue to cycle until it returns to the winged appearance again, and the light of evolution slowly dissipates.

A creature mainly in dark blue, with wings and sharp claws, yellow eyes with black pupils, and a white skull imprint on the brow appeared.

"Hey hey~ hey hey~~"

When it emerged, it grinned.

Just matching the skeleton between its eyebrows, the traces of stitching on its body, and the slightly gloomy expression made Sanshenggu feel some instinctive discomfort.

And with this smile, all the dark energy in the vicinity surged as if they sensed something.

And instead of only a part of the action like just now, all of them came to it, surrounded it in the middle and at the same time the energy was constantly surging and fluctuating, and quickly spread out like the "black cloud" scene formed before.

This grand scene is like welcoming their masters.

Only this time, the negative emotions in the dark energy are no longer silent, and a gloomy and seriously uncomfortable breath bursts out.

Sanshenggu instantly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and at the same time turned his gaze to Qingliu, asking him what to do.

Regarding the reaction of the three holy mushrooms, Qingliu didn't pay attention at the moment, but responded to their three questioning gazes, looked at the figure surrounded by dark energy in the sky with a relaxed face, and replied.

"It was Pagu just now, but now it is the little evil beast, the second evolution of the cunning beast."

At the same time, the illustrated book information quickly appeared on the panel.

【Race】Little Evil Beast

【Classification】Devil Pokémon

[attribute] evil

[Characteristics] Special individual characteristics - dark affinity (very strong affinity for dark energy, able to control the dark energy after submission as one likes)


[Exclusive Moves] Small Dart, Black Gear

【Mastered moves】No

[Race value] Special individual race value——420 (life 70, attack 70, defense 70, special attack 70, special defense 70, speed 70)

[Intimacy] 60 → 70 (I feel better after breaking the shell and evolving, and you are more pleasing to the eye)


[Information Summary] Bat-type small Digimon, likes dark places, and loves to play tricks and tricks, and generally exists as a subordinate demon of evil beasts and vampire beasts.

【Holy Plan】Evolved into a little evil beast (growth stage)

Has met one of the evolution conditions (level 5/level 15/level 35/level 55/level 75/??) whether to start evolution - (yes/no)

Remarks: Special individuals formed under special conditions, with uncertainty, evolution can be reversed.

After reading all the messages, the upward arc of Qingliu's mouth became bigger and bigger, so that it almost dislocated.

Cunning Beast... Ah, no, the information in the illustrated book that should be called Little Devil Beast can be said to be the most careful and serious one Qingliu has read since the first time Yagu Beast was summoned.

Because... there are many differences from the past.

"Special individual... the characteristic is dark affinity, is it the same as Xiaozhi's Jiaga ninja frog..."

The final form of the Yusanjia water master in the Kalos area is the Koga ninja frog, which is characterized by rapids and changes freely, but Xiaozhi's is only "bound and transformed".

This can be used to start the third evolution that breaks the conventional evolution chain similar to Mega evolution!

In theory, the little evil beast is not a relatively strong virus growth stage digimon, but now it is born with the ability to control dark energy that can only be mastered by powerful evil digimon living in the dark!

"It seems that the absorbed energy not only improved its level and strength in the egg, but also became a wedge that broke the upper limit of the individual..."

The information under the panel also indirectly proved Qingliu's conjecture.

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