Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 311 Changes in the Situation (two chapters in one)

On this day, the citizens of the northern towns in the entire Sinnoh region saw the black sun.

At the same time, they also felt the violent vibration from the ground, and saw the mushroom cloud rising from the ground at the end of their vision.

At this moment, the so-called instinct arises in the hearts of most people. Facing this scene that is already comparable to a natural disaster, the thought of getting away as soon as possible arises in the heart, urging the body to react frantically.

But it wasn't until then that they discovered that the intensity of the shaking of their legs was at least incapable of moving freely for a short period of time.

Not only humans, but Pokémon as well.

As creatures with extraordinary abilities, they are more able to feel the terrifying energy contained in the explosion that has gone straight to the clouds at this moment.

Under an attack of this scale, I am afraid that they will be completely wiped out of this world in an instant just by the aftermath.

The doubts in the heart once again appeared in the hearts of every human and Pokémon.

What kind of Pokémon can create such a terrifying explosion?

And who will be the trainer of such a Pokémon?

Combined with the vision that first appeared in the distant sky, some people were shocked and worried in their hearts, and aroused strong curiosity.

Especially in this world where most trainers are the main group of young people, almost all young trainers have a kind of yearning deep in their hearts while they are curious about such a "powerful".

They want to reach that level with their Pokémon too!

Except for Qiefeng City, which is already in a temporary refuge, all the city, town leaders, and gymnasium trainers within hundreds of kilometers around have started to activate the highest emergency plan, and at the same time prepare for emergency evacuation to avoid further uncontrollable situations .

But almost as soon as it was ready to execute, the vibration on the ground disappeared, along with the huge mushroom cloud.

Regarding this sudden scene, the people in charge were puzzled and at the same time couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At least judging from the current situation, the damage will not escalate.


Meanwhile, Lily of the Valley.

Alliance emergency command operation room.

A group of people were typing on the keyboard at high speed, and the lines of information and instructions were sorted out and sent out.

Among them, the one with the most pictures displayed on the screen is near the Tianguan Mountains in the north-central part of the Sinnoh region... that huge mushroom cloud.

"According to the latest news, there are no casualties in the surrounding area, and because of the geographical location of the incident and the very terrifying vision that appeared there at the beginning, it is inferred that no one or Pokémon will approach."

"Analysis of satellite real-time detection data can confirm that there are no casualties or Pokemon in the place where the battle broke out. In addition, we have received feedback from trainers in nearby gymnasiums, and basically did not cause too much loss."

"Report! The strength of the energy field in the core area is too high, the magnetic field and space are distorting, and the satellite cannot accurately detect what is happening in the core area."

"The identities of the two parties have been confirmed. One is Mr. Yulongdu, the Four Heavenly King of the Kanto region who was previously tasked to deal with the Wisdom Lake incident, and the other is..."

On one-third of the screen, the same photo popped up soon together, as well as dense information under the photo.

"Qingliu, fourteen years old, from the random town of my hometown, has signed up for this year's Lily of the Valley Conference, and has won six gym badges. Except for the Tanabata blue bird, all the Pokémon used are brand new jointly reported by Dr. Yamanashi and Dr. Mustard Lan Kind of ancient Pokémon..."

Seeing this newcomer who had just passed the high-level meeting to focus on, the person in charge of this incident covered his face with his hands helplessly.

At this moment, he finally knew why those guys made him pay special attention to this guy during the handover.

"It looks quite quiet, why does it turn into a saboteur every time it starts fighting..."

Seeing all the "brilliant deeds" in the information column, as well as the battle center of the Tianguan Mountains that can be detected by satellites, judging from the latest picture at this moment, the person in charge just feels dizzy.

"Do you know the cause of the battle?"

Someone immediately replied: "According to the incident report sent by King Wusong, Qingliu left after suppressing the Wisdom Lake incident, then disappeared without a trace, and then reappeared when the unknown Pokémon that was suspected to be born of dark matter caused a vision."

While listening to the report, while holding the latest information in his hand, the person in charge quickly browsed: "That is to say, the root cause of the fighting between the two sides is because of the brand new dark matter incident."


The expression of the person in charge of the incident became serious.

Indeed, if the two parties come and start to discuss each other, it is true that it will not reach this level. The only explanation is that there is an irreconcilable contradiction between the two parties, but it is the first time that the two parties have met. The only reasonable explanation is dark matter. Get something.

"According to the latest intelligence analysis, Aoyagi is likely to have a certain relationship with the unknown Pokémon that caused the vision and was born in the dark matter, and even...he himself may have been controlled by it."

After the voice fell, a sharp voice rang out in a specially designated office area on the other side.

"In this case, let's arrest them directly. There is no room for negotiation for this kind of saboteur. My suggestion is to immediately issue a reward notice and contact the trainer to encircle and suppress them."

Hearing this, the assistant who was sorting out the information and communicating through various channels glanced at the other party with some embarrassment, and then turned back to look at the person in charge.

Hearing the words, the person in charge at the moment looked towards the place where the sound came from with a blank expression, and looked at the position of his deputy, and said in a cold voice: "So you mean to say that you are wanted directly before everything is investigated. Capture?"

"Investigate? Is it necessary to investigate? Based on his past cases, he can know that he was directly arrested. The current alliance has become so unbearable because of these grinding procedures."


When the person in charge heard this, he sneered and said, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking? A rookie owns so many Pokémon that are huge in size and have terrifying fighting power. , is really disgusting."

"I don't think so."

"You don't have it, don't those people in the faction behind you don't?"

The deputy froze immediately when he heard the words, and before he could reply, the person in charge asked another question: "Also, you said that a reward was issued for arrest, who do you want to execute, the Interpol from all over the place? The special search officer? The Four Heavenly Kings ? Mr. Aliu? Or the champion?"

The deputy fell silent.

Judging from the current scale of destruction and previous dark matter incident reports, the ordinary Four Heavenly Kings will not be opponents of each other. The strongest Four Heavenly Kings and champions do things entirely on their own sense of responsibility and interest, and the alliance cannot force them to order each other.

The current situation is that those who can command can't beat the opponent, and those who can beat the opponent can't command, even if the wanted one is issued, I'm afraid it won't be of much use.

And according to the intelligence, the relationship between the other party and Miss Sirona seems to be good, and even her grandmother, Dr. Kale, is willing to help the other party without meeting her.

As we all know, the champion treats Miss Sirona as her own granddaughter, and there is nothing that can be done manually.

If this situation continues, the person in charge just thought of a picture.

If a wanted man is released but there is no means of execution, the final scene is likely to evolve into a situation where the opponent is really cornered, raiding Linglan Island in the middle of the night.

Judging from the previous examples, it may be impossible to directly destroy Lily of the Valley, but there is a high probability of blowing up the alliance headquarters.

He didn't want to go straight to heaven in a dream in a daze.

So for this kind of guy whose brain is full of shit and who is in another faction completely different from himself, he doesn't want to accept such a stupid proposal from the other party at all.

"So what you mean is, let the other party act freely and let him go to the next place to destroy. You have to know that although there are no human beings among the objects controlled by dark matter, as long as they are controlled, they are completely hostile!"

"of course not."

"Then tell me how to do it?"

"Ms. Juye among the Four Heavenly Kings has a good relationship with the other party and has a certain degree of understanding. I will contact her directly and ask her to rush to the Tianguan Mountains to confirm the situation. If there is no problem, I suggest that you and the people behind you don't Always thinking about problems with a pig's brain!"

Hearing this, the deputy was taken aback for a moment, and then his anger gradually rose.

"What if there is a problem?"

The person in charge looked serious, and said: "Try to ask the champion to take action, if it's really not possible, contact the Interpol headquarters and the special search officer headquarters to dispatch personnel, and cooperate with the Four Heavenly Kings to carry out a collective arrest!"

At the same time as the voice fell, the deputy fell silent, and the assistant quickly started to act after receiving confirmation.

But before he could contact Juye, a message suddenly appeared on the screen, and the assistant's expression was momentarily blank and then instantly became serious.



"I just received a notification that someone has arrived in the area near Tianguan Mountain. Let us wait for the news and not take any action."


The person in charge frowned.

Wusong has no ability to fight in a short period of time, and there is no information about going to Tianguan Mountain. Juye is a legendary Pokémon who is suppressing riots in Yanyuan Mountain.

When the Four Heavenly Kings are not around, and the champion has been living in seclusion all year round, who has the guts and strength to go?

After the key is gone, will it stimulate the other party to make the situation worse and eventually lead to irreparable results.

"The other party's ancestral home is the Sinnoh region, but now lives in the Kalos region."

The assistant quickly called out the other party's information.

A picture of a slightly older middle-aged woman appeared on the screen.

The person in charge quickly scanned the picture, paused for a while on the dragon teeth that looked like decorations all over the body, and then completely relaxed.

If it was her, there shouldn't be any problems.

After all, the opponent is the most powerful dragon king among the four heavenly kings in the Carlos area.



Amidst the heavy breathing, Du completely collapsed to the ground.

Next to him, Kuailong, Hackron, Fossil Pterosaur, etc. were all lying on the ground in the same posture, almost all of them were decorated with colors, strong and light, and the fire-breathing dragon was half of the body They were all scorched black by energy erosion, but fortunately, their lives were not in danger.

As he gradually recovered, Du slowly sat up, looking at the mess below the mountain.

I saw an empty area suddenly appeared among the mountains and ravines.

Both the mountain peak and the ground disappeared, and they disappeared completely from sight as if the delete button had been pressed directly, leaving only a huge pothole.

This is the damage caused by the black sunset just now, ferocious and terrifying.

How much power is needed to destroy so many mountains in an instant, this is at least the combat power of the strongest four heavenly kings.

Even with just one blow, it would absolutely crush him now!

I don't know how deep the pothole is, but at this moment his heart is full of complications.

When the black sun completely devoured all the attacks of him and his Pokémon, enveloping them and about to explode, Du felt that the power of the attack quickly began to weaken, and did not maintain the original posture and happened directly explode.

The opponent held back at the last moment, and didn't really want to kill him, but just severely injured him and his Pokémon, making them unable to pursue them, that's all.

Otherwise, the potholes on the ground may be even bigger and more terrifying.

And if you follow this line of thinking, does it mean that the other party may not have been controlled by dark matter, but you really misunderstood it?

Du fell into deep thought.

Until, his innate intuition felt a different breath in the constantly fluctuating air.

Some powerful dragon-type Pokémon is approaching rapidly.

A dragon-type Pokémon that is more powerful than his fast dragon and charizard...

Moreover, it seemed that he was still heading towards the position Qingliu left just now, and the speed was very fast, as if he was chasing.

When did the Sinnoh region have such a powerful dragon trainer?

At this moment, Du's doubts deepened.

Mother Dragon?

No, no, wrong breath.

Excuse me, is the population aging in the Sinnoh area serious?

Why do so many powerful trainers suddenly appear, and they are still the same dragon type.

However, the opponent happened to appear suddenly just after their battle was over and their physical strength was not very good. The timing was too perfect, so that a feeling of uneasiness arose in Ren Du's heart.

"Can you still move?"

Du looked at the several Pokémon next to him.

Except for the fire-breathing dragon, the rest struggled to get up.

"If it's a misunderstanding, we should solve all the problems. If it's not, we have to report back to the other party for letting us die."

After Du finished speaking, he looked at the fast dragons and fossil pterosaurs around him showing some puzzled expressions, and explained: "Rewards are rewards, but it doesn't affect me at all to catch that guy. Well, since we can still move, let's go Let's see."


Meanwhile, Qingliu was on his way to the south.

The rice has been harvested, and we will start adding more tomorrow.

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