Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 342 No need to catch me, I’m already here (two chapters in one)

Time goes back to five minutes before Palkia opened the space portal to Suzuran Island.

In the core area of ​​Suzuran Island, in the secret basement of the Sinnoh Alliance headquarters building.

Thirteen elegant and elegant alliance executives were all sitting at an oval round table, all looking at the big screen in front of them with extremely solemn expressions.

The scene in the picture is not very clear. It can only be vaguely distinguished that it is located near the wetland. A square glass cover covers the entire place including part of the wetland.

Shocking movements like explosions were coming from inside from time to time.

One of them, a tall and lanky man who was slightly younger among the thirteen people, frowned slightly and said in a dissatisfied tone: "How come the quality of this picture is the same as ten years ago? How can we see it based on this alone? How much did it cost?" What about the satellite that was successfully launched just now? Why not use it?"

"My lord, don't be impatient. There is a reason for doing this."

"Aren't you impatient? Old man Gu Yue, a lot of money will float away within a minute of me sitting here. Do you think everyone is like you, guarding a volcano and a duel arena all day long waiting to die?"

"Gong Si, this is a bit too much!"

The other thirteen people nearby reminded him.

On the contrary, the old man with a white beard, who was called Old Man Gu Yue and looked to be in his sixties, smiled and waved his hands, as if he didn't care much about being offended.

But this look made the dissatisfaction in the eyes of the young and middle-aged man more intense, and he snorted before continuing to speak.

At this time, a short, stooped old man with pale hair and a beard sitting in the front seat said slowly and expressionlessly: "Quiet!"

Whether it was Gong Si or everyone else, they immediately stopped moving and stopped talking.

Seeing this, the short old man nodded slightly to the side.

"I'll trouble you next."

"This is my job, President Damalanchi!"

A staff member who looked like a secretary bowed slightly and quickly opened several satellite images next to the main screen, as well as renderings of satellite observations.

"Everyone, this is what is happening in the Great Wetland right now. The only thing that is certain right now is that inside that strange thing, there are still very terrifying energy fluctuations overflowing even after being isolated. The rest is unknown.

"The picture on the main screen is already the limit of what we can observe. As for the satellite... it is completely useless."

After the words fell, the thirteen people's eyes all focused on the satellite observation map, and then they all showed varying degrees of surprise.

I saw that nothing had changed above. The wetland was still the same big wetland, with calm weather and pleasant scenery.

But on the blurry main screen, the place where the wetland was shrouded was still the scene that was completely isolated by some kind of special glass cover and kept roaring.

"How is this going?"

"Is there something wrong with the satellite again?"

"Did the Pokémon from outer space or Rayquaza attack the satellite again? That's why this happened?"

The top leaders of the alliance sitting at the oval table couldn't help but whisper to themselves.

The secretary shook his head at this and said: "According to the latest new observations, there are no space Pokémon approaching, Rayquaza has also been missing recently, and the satellite's latest self-test showed no problems."

Hearing this, except for the leader Damalanqi, the other twelve people all frowned.

They are not fools. On the contrary, they have seen many big scenes in various senses.

Since there is no problem with the satellite, but the scene observed is very wrong, it is obvious who has the problem.

"The Four Heavenly Kings and Champions of the Alliance should not be active near the Great Wetland."

"Special search officers, especially senior special search officers, have not been performing tasks nearby or passing by recently."

"There have been no powerful external trainers entering the Sinnoh region recently."

The senior leaders of the relevant departments said quickly.

"In other words, is there any special Pokémon that causes this situation? Or simply..."

The man didn't finish speaking, but a name suddenly appeared in everyone's mind!

Legendary Pokémon!

Compared with ordinary Pokémon, their abilities are more special and their strength is more powerful. They are even more like a part of this world than humans.

It would indeed be very troublesome if they appeared, not to mention that the incident happened near the protected area of ​​the Great Wetland.

While most people were lost in thought, the secretary began to switch the main screen, showing the conditions of the wetland observed from various angles.

"As you may think, such a scene is caused by the legendary Pokémon, and if there is such a situation where the satellite is completely inconsistent with the actual situation, it is most likely that the "space" type of ability has caused space distortion.

"In the Sinnoh region, and for all Pokémon currently that may have similar effects, there are generally four types...

“First, the legendary Pokémon from the Johto area that can travel through time and space—Celebi.

“Second, there are three lake gods native to the Sinnoh region who can travel through time and space under certain circumstances—Emridor, Acrom, and Uxie.

“The third one is Hupa, who was rumored to have caused great damage through time and space summoning in Carlos.

"As for the fourth type..."

Gong Si frowned again and said impatiently: "Don't say half-broken words, just finish what you say!"


The secretary glanced at President Damalanchi next to him, and then switched the screen again.

A picture of Palkia suddenly appeared on it.

"The mythical Pokémon in the Sinnoh region, the rumored god in charge of space... Palkia!"

Hearing this, even the impatient Gong Si and President Damalanchi, who didn't say a word except at the beginning, couldn't help but look solemn at this moment.

According to the current form, although the first three legendary Pokémon are difficult to deal with or difficult to deal with, they are either not in Sinnoh, or they are troublesome but can still be dealt with. They are not very worried.

But Palkia is different. Its ranking among legendary Pokémon is too high. As a Pokémon that controls the invisible but ubiquitous power of the world, except for special means, it is probably even a member of the Sinnoh Alliance. Even with all the powerful trainers coming out, they are no match for the opponent.

However, how could such a legendary Pokémon, which was completely in legend and had not even appeared once in hundreds of years, suddenly appear near the wetland again, and it seemed to be fighting something.

"Are you thinking too much? At present, there should be nothing worthy of Palkia's appearance."

"According to the records in the classics, the last time it appeared hundreds of years ago was just a physical shadow. It is unlikely that the true body will suddenly come, right?"

"There must be a mistake somewhere. Although there are few cases of space being blocked, there are indeed Pokémon that can do it. And I remember that the last time King Wusong provided information, it was mentioned that someone took away three The God of Lakes, according to his itinerary, should be near the Great Wetland. Maybe there is something wrong with the God of Lakes."

A senior official in charge of the Special Investigation Department, who had just sent an investigator to contact Aoyagi, spoke up.

When the others heard this, they nodded slightly in agreement.

Soon, while someone was looking back and forth on the screen, they found the figures of Aoliu and Mechanical Greymon, who had long been on the focus list, in the corner.

"It is indeed this guy."

"The two attacks near EMI Forest and Tianguan Mountain, the huge energy ball attack had the ability to distort space, and he seemed to have conquered three lake gods. Now he appears at the scene of the incident again... …”

"It doesn't matter that the first time was to deal with the dark matter. The last time I sent someone to negotiate with him, and now he's here again, and he's still misbehaving in a protected area like the Great Wetland. Is he completely ignoring the rules and regulations of the alliance? I just want to do whatever I want!"

With this ability and a precedent for appearing at the scene of the incident, he was quickly identified as a suspect by some senior officials, but some people soon raised objections.

The first person to speak was the young woman in charge of the investigators department.

She was just thinking about possible related targets, but she didn't expect that several people would suddenly speak together and directly focus on Qingliu.

"According to the feedback from the two investigators sent out to contact him, the other party's attitude and mental state are very good, and he does not show any basic signs of a destructive maniac. Moreover, Dr. Yamanashi and Dr. Jie Zilan both vouched for him."

The second person to speak was an old man named Gu Yue. With a faint smile on his face, he said: "My grandson has been in contact with him before and praised him very much. I also want to believe that he is not a destructive maniac, and... …”

The old man Gu Yue changed the topic: "The rumors and news that appeared from nowhere some time ago directly semi-confirmed all his affairs. Even those deeds that were considered to have helped us solve major problems were denied. Is it possible? Is this what caused his dissatisfaction?”


Gong Si opposite him snorted coldly and said: "He is still dissatisfied? Old man Gu Yue, do you know how much money I spent just to deal with his aftermath? What right does he have to be dissatisfied? Even if he allows those Pokémon to continue If the destruction continues, the subsequent losses will not reach the level caused by his intervention!"

"Palace heir!"

Damalanqi, who was sitting at the front, called his name in a low voice.

Gong Si seemed to have not heard anything at all, and continued: "President, just because he has done something, you cannot let him do whatever he wants. You also know how important the wetland is. Once it is destroyed, we will not be able to restore it. This has already happened." It's not a problem that money can solve.

"Besides, he is coming to participate in the Suzuran Tournament. What will happen if he uses the same move again and directly blows up Suzuran Island? What will happen to the people on the island?"

Gong Si spoke quickly and loudly.

"So, what's your opinion?" Damalanchi asked.

Hearing that the president finally spoke, Gong Si felt happy and said quickly: "From the beginning, I opposed his participation in the Suzuran Conference.

"My current opinion is the same. Before the Suzuran Conference starts, let A Liu and Long Po Po go and capture them first.

"Then we will decide how to deal with it based on his actual situation. If it is really malicious sabotage or simply someone sent by some underground forces or guys from certain areas to do sabotage, we will punish him severely and serve as a warning to others."

The young woman in charge of the search officer and the old man Gu Yue heard this and immediately spoke.

"I don't agree. It's a bit too much to arrest such a promising young trainer with the guarantee of two doctors..."

"I don't feel right either. If there is no problem in the end, I will be forced to become a destructive one even if I am not really a destructive one."

But surprisingly, except for the two people who spoke just now, everyone else remained silent, as if they didn't hear or were silently supporting.

This made the two of them look at each other helplessly, and finally had no choice but to look at the leader, President Damalanchi.

The short Damalanqi didn't make a decision in a hurry, nor did he speak. He just sat there quietly, as if he was already in a trance.

Such a non-committal look made the already silent person even more silent, and Gong Si slowly narrowed his eyes.

But when he thought about the promises made to him, and that those special ancient Pokémon were indeed valuable, and might even open up a new future for Sinnoh, thereby making up for the lack of trainers, Gong Si decided to speak again. He must Take this opportunity to settle the matter.

Otherwise, depending on the opponent's strength, once he successfully participates in the Suzuran Tournament and wins the championship, it will be difficult to operate.

Capturing a conference champion has a huge impact.

As for what old man Gu Yue mentioned about finding out the truth later, it would be impossible to happen without maliciously sabotaging the acquittal and forcing him to become a destructive maniac.

As long as the arrest is successful, the innocent must also be guilty.

Then confiscate all those strange ancient Pokémon...

"President, we really can't hesitate. We must be responsible to all the people in Sinnoh. Even if he really has no problem by then, we can just apologize sincerely after his release. There is no harm at all.

"As for old man Gu Yue and this stinky woman, they obviously want to excuse him because they have a certain degree of relationship with each other. One is his grandson, and the other is close to those two doctors. Their positions are too It is too obvious and does not consider our alliance at all."

Having said that, Gong Si tilted his head to signal the other members of his faction to speak.

Several other people received the signal and immediately began to echo.

"Yes, President!"

"I also agree. Today's young people are a bit drifting. It's time to straighten out the atmosphere."

"That's right, President, order the arrest."

For a time, the direction of the meeting was completely in favor of Gong Si. Gu Yue and the female person in charge of the investigators were completely suppressed and had no ability to fight back.

Even if you open your mouth, you will soon be drowned in the crowd.

In such an atmosphere, Damalanqi still did not express his position and was still sitting quietly.

It seemed like he was really meditating, but also like he was...waiting for something.

This made Gong Si frown.

He holds the financial power of the alliance. Generally speaking, as long as it is not too contrary to the purpose of the alliance and is beneficial to the overall social stability, the other party will choose to turn a blind eye and let him do whatever he wants.

But this time it was so grinding, which made him feel something was wrong.

But before he could think about the problem carefully, and before he could continue to put pressure on him, the picture on the screen suddenly changed.

The glass cover that shrouded the Great Wetland completely disappeared, and the terrifying movements that had been erupting inside it before seemed to not exist. The Great Wetland, which was unscathed, appeared completely on the main screen.

It didn't take long for everyone present to be shocked by such a scene.

The next moment, a voice suddenly sounded outside the building. With some special power, it was directly transmitted to the underground secret room, and then resounded throughout the entire room.

"No need to catch me, I'm already here!"

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