Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 368: Each’s trump card! (Two in one chapter)

But Denji is not Aoyagi.

Denji was surprised by the result of this battle.

Theoretically speaking, Electric Spider should be able to sufficiently suppress Darkrai, the evil-type fantasy Pokémon, with its "Insect Cry", a range-based insect-like attack move without specific ballistics.

The previous battle did develop like this, but the result suddenly reversed at the last moment.

However, this did not affect Denci's desire to win. He also guessed how the opponent reversed the situation.

The only thing that needs to be noted is that with the dual-attribute combination of electricity to suppress evil, he has nothing else in his hand except the electric spider.

But he still has many Pokémon that can use attribute moves that can suppress evil, or that are faster and more powerful, and among them, the most powerful one is...

"Go, Raichu!"

A burst of red light flashed, and as Denji's ace Pokémon, Pikachu's evolved Raichu landed steadily on the field.


On the yellow electrical bags on both sides of the cheeks, electric currents were beating continuously. Lei Qiu stared straight at the opponent in front, his eyes gradually becoming sharper.

After the referee confirmed that there were no problems between the two sides, Denji gave the order and Raichu immediately took steps.

Soon, a very light and fast power blessed its body, and Leiqiu's figure began to become lighter. At the same time, a burst of white light trailed behind him, and a Z-shaped light suddenly appeared under his feet.

High-speed movement + lightning flash!

The two speed moves were activated at the same time, coupled with the innate speed advantage of his own race, Raichu's figure was completely blurred at this moment.

"It's not over yet!"

Denji's voice sounded in the field again: "Volt attack!"

Crackling! ! !

The violent current that washed down like a waterfall instantly covered Raichu's whole body. Leichu, which was already in a state of "super-high-speed movement", turned directly into a surging torrent of thunder and lightning.

If Darkrai and Electric Spider had previously used a move called "Assault", then what Raichu is using now is the "Pro Max version of Assault"!

Because of the flashing torrent of thunder and lightning, the blue-yellow face-like lines of Volt's attack became more and more ferocious as Raichu sprinted.

Everyone in the audience only saw a burst of golden lightning flashing across the middle distance, and then it exploded directly towards Darkrai in front of him at an extremely terrifying speed.

"I went all out as soon as I came up. Do you want to solve it with a fast break?"

Seeing this scene that was extremely familiar to him reappear, Aoyagi vaguely guessed what Denji was thinking.

The Dark Hole, Darkrai's exclusive move, is too difficult and impossible to guard against. To avoid being hit, simply end the battle before the opponent uses it.

In other words, the next step is probably...

At this moment, in the center of the field, facing the surging attacks, Dakdo still issued response instructions with his expressionless expression.

"Shadow ball! Continuous fire."

Darkrai waved his arms slightly.

A ball of ghost energy quickly condensed into a sphere with the movement of the arm.


One, two, four, eight... sixteen.

A total of sixteen balls of powerful ghost-type energy were suspended beside Darkrai, and then one after another they hit the torrent of lightning that was coming.

Whoosh whoosh! !

There were rapid bursts of sound breaking through the air.

Leichu, who was charging forward, showed no signs of trying to dodge, and even his forward speed did not slow down at all.

This couldn't help but make the surrounding audience sweat.

A shadow ball attack is not terrible.

Even though the size of the shadow ball activated by Darkrai was obviously larger than the size of their common shadow balls, it was even more than twice the size.

But the problem is that this is a sixteen-shot combo. As long as one of them hits and is affected, then you will definitely face the indiscriminate bombardment of other shadow balls.

Seeing that the attack distance between the two sides was shortening infinitely, and the shadow ball was already very close to the current of the Volt attack where Raichu was, a dull sound suddenly sounded in the stadium.

It sounded like the roar of lightning striking the ground.


A burst of lightning suddenly rose somewhere on the ground, and the figure of Raichu, who was about to be hit by the shadow ball, suddenly disappeared.

"over there!"

As Denji's voice sounded, sharp-eyed spectators spotted Raichu appearing on the other side of the field and launching another offensive.

Darkrai also reacted quickly, controlling all the shadow balls to turn their "guns" and attack towards the other side.

"Don't think of me as that simple. After all, I am also the thunder of Binhai!"

Denji waved his hand and said quickly: "Leiqiu, show me the results of your special training, continuous coastal thunder!"


At the same time, the second muffled thunder sounded.


Raichu's figure disappeared again, and the shadow ball lost its target for the second time.

With the experience just now, the audience began to search around frantically, trying to find the location of Raichu. However, this time, the figure of Raichu did not appear in any of their sights. Instead, there was a rapid and uninterrupted muffled thunder. Voice.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

The sound formed by the previous sound had just sounded, and the next muffled thunder bloomed immediately after. The afterimages formed by the movement of the thunder chute were flashing crazily. At this moment, the entire venue had completely turned into a sea of ​​thunder and electricity. .

And in the center surrounded by this ocean is Darkrai.

Creating such a terrifying scene, Denji didn't show any proud expression on his face, nor did he show off the "Super Raid Pro Max"-like mobile attacks that he had specially trained in the battle against Sidoran.

What he was thinking about at the moment was simply to win over his opponent.

"Leichu! Charge forward and deliver the final blow!"

With an order, Raichu launched a decisive sprint.

In the sea of ​​thunder and lightning, it turned into a golden arrow with dazzling golden light, and shot straight towards Darkrai.

At this moment, Darkrai, who was locked, had no too many expression changes as before, and was quietly suspended in front of Darko.

It wasn't until the electric current suddenly rushed to his side that he seemed to feel the attack coming. For the first time, a serious look appeared in Dakdo's eyes, and he gently raised his hand in the face of the attack.


Darkrai crossed his hands to protect his chest, and his whole body immediately lit up with green light, and then a green round shield fell down to wrap it all up.

The next moment, the volt attack under the coastal thunder struck.

Boom! ! ! !

Bang! ! !

Under the ultra-high speed of movement, lightning instantly submerged everything.

At this moment, Darkrai is like a small boat in the sea that is enduring strong winds and waves. He can only passively accept the baptism of thunder and lightning, and fight against the violent electric energy alone in the torrent.

The lightning flashed and the thunder roared.

The entire South Arena erupted with extremely dazzling electric energy, and an energy wave reaching the level of the Four Heavenly Kings erupted in it.

All the contestants, spectators in the nearby venues, and even some people living on Suzuran Island also felt this strong fluctuation, and they all looked at it.

There was thunder and lightning, and the momentum was terrifying.

But Denji's expression didn't relax at all, and even became more serious than before.

Until a moment of lightning completely illuminated the scene in the torrent of thunder, Denci's eyes suddenly opened wide.

"How can it be……"

Whispering softly, he stared straight ahead in disbelief.

At the forefront of the volt attack driven by Raichu, the green circular protective shield still stood there despite this terrifying attack, and Darkrai inside was not damaged in any way.

"Even if we are defending, it shouldn't be like this..."

Before he finished speaking, Dakdo's voice suddenly sounded.

"Dark hole!"


This idea just emerged in Denci's mind, and before he could open his mouth to give instructions, a huge circular black hole suddenly appeared in front of Darkrai, which was exactly where Raichu was constantly advancing.

The next moment, black light shines.

The dark hole suddenly expanded and swallowed the unprepared Raichu inside.


Denji couldn't help but shout loudly, but at this moment Raichu had slowly closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep due to strong sleepiness.

Then, Dakdo's voice sounded again.

"Eat dreams."

In Lei Qiu's dream, a huge shadow that could cover the entire dark space appeared and swallowed it all in one bite.

Leichu immediately fell to the ground outside the field.

"Raichu has lost the ability to fight. The winner of this round is Darkrai."

After checking Raichu's condition, the referee made a decision.

The audience immediately erupted in a burst of disbelieving exclamations.

here we go again!

That's it again!

It was another situation where Denji had an absolute advantage on the scene, launching an attack with the final blow about to explode, but was suddenly reversed by Darkrai.

The same thing happened twice in the same place and under the same circumstances, which can't help but make people confused and puzzled.

Everyone looked at Dakdo.

After taking back Raichu, Denci also raised his head and looked at Dakdo opposite.

Being able to easily and effortlessly complete a one-hit counterattack twice in a row under an absolute headwind is enough to prove that the opponent's strength far exceeds the panel data shown before the counterattack, and is even stronger.

At this moment, he felt the other party's contempt.

It is also an invisible and unconscious insult.

So Denci took the initiative and said, "You did this on purpose, right? Is it to hide your strength, or is it just a bad taste?"

Dakdo didn't respond, just looked at Denji calmly.

Denji frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he combined the information from the other party and seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked: "Your final goal should not be for the championship, but for Aoyagi, right?"

After saying that, Denji stared at the other party closely.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Dakdo had an expression of obvious surprise for the first time on his face, and after a while he replied: "That's right."

"If that's the case, you should fight me with all your strength. Otherwise, with that guy's current strength, even if you really meet him, he won't care about you at all, even if you have a fantasy Pokémon. .”

Dakdo said nothing.

"From another perspective, if you want to hide your clumsiness to achieve the effect of unexpected victory, I also say it is not necessary. Facing such an opponent, relying on tactics is certainly a very formal and reasonable method, but it is not fun at all. You understand me Do you mean it?"

Dakdo remained silent and spoke after a while.

"So, what exactly are you trying to say?"

Denji raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said slowly: "Show all your strength to prove your own level, so that Aoyagi has to take you seriously. This is the experience of someone who has fought against him."

In Denci's reply, Dakoto slowly narrowed his eyes.

Although he had already landed in the Sinnoh region, he came over temporarily to participate in the Suzuran Tournament at the notice of his grandfather, in order to fight with trainers like Aoyagi who had special and powerful Pokémon.

As for why he was so eager, it was naturally because he felt a strong aura of the same kind in Aoliu and his Pokémon—possessing the same powerful and rare Pokémon!

However, if it is really what the person in front of me said...

If the battle with Qingliu that he was looking forward to could not reach the level he imagined, it would be an extremely regretful thing.

As for whether the other party is lying, Dakoto is not worried, and subconsciously believes that the credibility is very high.

A strong man is proud.

If he has it, Qingliu will naturally have it too.


"bring it on!"

Dakto said in a low voice, and then looked at Darkrai in the air.

Darkrai felt the change in his trainer's eyes, and his own eyes gradually became sharper.

At the same time, seeing the change in Dakdo's attitude, Denji also took out the third and last Pokémon very seriously.

The thrown Pokémon ball opened in the air, and a Pokémon with a thick arm, golden body mixed with black lines, and a body shape similar to a fusion of a gorilla and a snow monster, with tentacles on its head and a detonator on its back appeared on the field.

Electric Pokémon - Shock Monster!

"The final battle is up to you."


The Electric Shock Monster leaned forward and prepared for battle while responding.

Denci took a long, deep breath at the same time.

Although the strength of this electric monster is slightly weaker than Raichu, and it does not move as fast, Denji still regards it as his final trump card in this battle with Dakdo.

The reason is very simple, because the characteristic of this electric monster is motivation.

Pokémon with the Energetic trait cannot fall asleep, which gives them a countermeasure against Darkrai's most powerful attacks.

He will not be dragged into sleep by the "Dark Hole" move, and naturally he will not lose his fighting ability and lose due to being hit by the Dream Eater move.

But what Denji didn't expect was that this time Dakdo did not use the routine that defeated him twice in succession, but directly launched an attack.

An unexpected... and terrifyingly powerful frontal attack!

There will be another update around 1.30.

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