Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 395 Moving towards a higher stage!

Because he can use the power of the waveguide very skillfully, Lucario's movements are very sensitive and his actions are beyond common sense.

This is also the reason why it was able to dodge so many ice arrow attacks just now, and even dodge the Ultra Wave Cannon. If it were another Pokémon, it would be impossible to dodge even if it moves at super speed. Launch Steel Seadramon's attack.

But even if the power of the waveguide has foresight and can accurately control everything nearby at all times, can it really defeat the Steel Seadramon without any time to counterattack?

After Sirona's approval, she couldn't help but ask herself.

And from the beginning to the end, no matter how the battle situation changed, Qingliu didn't show much expression, as if everything didn't matter.

This made Sirona feel that the situation seemed a little different from what she originally imagined.


Sirona gave an order, and Lucario, who felt his trainer's emotions through the power of the waveguide, used his legs to fly backwards and flipped backwards. After tapping the ground several times, he pulled away and returned to Sirona again. .

It was at this time that a gust of wind blew from outside the venue.

The wind was not strong, but it was enough to drive the smoke and dust in the field, blowing them into the distance, and slowly revealed the huge figures entwined in it.

At this moment, Sirona stared straight at it.

As the figure of the Steel Seadramon emerged little by little, her expression gradually changed from expected to...surprise, confusion, and confusion.

In the end, all that's left is...shock!

The huge body of the Steel Seadramon was constantly twisting in place, with a majestic face like an Eastern dragon hanging in the air, the hair on its neck flying in the wind, and a fierce aura surrounding it.

And the place where Lucario's attack hit...

Sirona's eyes glanced up and down at the approximate location where Lucario was standing before moving, trying to find the injuries and traces left after the attack.

But no matter how carefully she looked, she couldn't find even the slightest trace of trauma left by the attack.

The position couldn't be wrong. Even if Steel Seadramon's body continued to move, the traces should be nearby.

But since there is really no such thing, then there is only one possibility left...

An unlikely one, but the most likely possibility today.

"how so?"

Sirona said to herself in disbelief.

Even she couldn't help but feel a little out of sorts at this moment.

There are so many moves of this type, and the attacks that use the power of the waveguide to maximize the output of the moves and one's own physical fitness have not caused any effective damage?

No, that's not right!

It can no longer be called causing harm, it simply leaves no trace at all.

The voice of host Hoshino also sounded throughout the entire central venue.

"Faced with so many attacks from Lucario after charging forward, Steel Seadramon didn't even have any trace of injury. How is this possible?!"

"It's unbelievable. How did Aoyagi's Steel Seadramon do it?"

The sound of words spread throughout the venue through electrical equipment rang in the ears of the audience. Through the large screens around the battle site, everyone present saw the Steel Sea Dragon Beast and its huge, unharmed body. body.

Then, the shock began to spread...

"You're really not injured. How do you do this?"

"The aura exuded by Miss Sirona's Lucario is extraordinary, and the intensity of the attack and the power of the moves just now are also very ordinary. Nothing happens under such circumstances. It is simply incredible!"

"I would be able to accept it if I wasn't defeated directly, but now I don't have any scars at all. It's really outrageous."

Even Denji, Daye, and Dakdo had the same thoughts as most people at this moment.

And compared to other viewers, they were able to clearly perceive how powerful Lucario was in combat by flexibly using the power of the waveguide. It was not an exaggeration to say that he could crush them.

But such a Pokémon couldn't break through the pure physical defense of Steel Seadramon. Such a thing is really unimaginable.

At this moment, in a corner of the venue, Granny Long, who was leaning on crutches and hunched over with squinting eyes, was quietly scanning the body of the Steel Seadramon, with a turbid light flashing deep in her eyes.

"This special metal is really extraordinary..."

Listening to the various sounds coming from his ears, and the fact that there was almost no strange feeling coming from the area on his body that had just been attacked, Steel Seadramon raised the front half of his body in excitement.

At this moment, it has very clearly felt the changes brought about by evolution.

——This special metal called "Digizaloid of Time" brings terrifying defense to the body.

Finally, it had been working hard to reach this point in vain, and it followed Aoyagi's instructions without any hesitation to train and fight.

Finally, Huang Tian lived up to his expectations!


Breathing out a heavy breath, the Steel Seadramon turned its head and looked at the human figure not far behind it, which was not very tall for it, and could even be called an extremely small figure.

But it was such a small figure that helped it complete this crucial step and fully let it feel the amazing changes brought about after this step.

This is something it has never experienced before.

Therefore, even if the original "deal" has been completed, it is still willing to continue to follow instructions and fight.

Seeing this, Qingliu raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

He was satisfied with Steel Seadramon's attitude.

Because there was a very obvious difference between it and the other animals when it was first conquered, it is very possible to fall out after it evolves, or it could be like Xiaozhi's time, after successive evolutions, he finally no longer obeys the command. Charizard is also very possible.

But from the current point of view, it has not reached that point.

In that case...

Qingliu thought for a moment and said slowly: "Fight with all your strength from now on. Treat all battles as your nourishment and move towards a higher level."

Hearing this, Steel Seadramon was stunned for a moment.

From Seadramon who only had instincts, to Super Seadramon who had a certain IQ, and now to Steel Seadramon who has a normal IQ, it was only after a short period of thinking that he figured out what Aoyagi meant.

Higher level stage... moving forward...

After the Iron Seadramon evolves from the complete form to the ultimate form, is there still a higher stage?

Is there a more powerful form above the Ultimate Body that it doesn't know about?

In response, Qingliu nodded.

After receiving the confirmation, Steel Seadramon's thoughts fell into a brief state of relaxation at this moment, and then quickly came back to consciousness, the heat in its eyes and the excitement on its face were completely ignited.

The ultimate wave cannon that can instantly kill an opponent whose level is higher than yours with one move...

He has a physical defense ability that cannot break through a series of attacks from opponents with a higher level than him, or even leave any trace...

The size, physical strength, strength, etc., are even more unimaginable in every aspect.

What will happen if there is another breakthrough on this basis?

Iron Seadramon is unimaginable.

But there is no doubt that it will definitely be far better than it is now.

It's even possible to defeat the Ultimate Body of the guy who also possesses Time Digizoid!


The Steel Seadramon turned its head sharply, looked at Sirona and Lucario on the opposite side, and launched an attack directly.

The body of more than two hundred meters was crawling close to the ground, and its speed was fully demonstrated at this moment.

Lucario, who had been activating the power of the waveguide, quickly reacted, and Sirona naturally heard the conversation between Aoliu and Steel Seadramon just now.

She didn't have time to think carefully about what the higher stage of Steel Seadramon was than it is now, and she didn't have time to explore the excessive number of evolutions and the limits of species. What she faced and needed to solve now... was to completely ignite The Steel Seadramon has gained the will to fight.

When it was completely released and entered the battle state, with just a simple sprint, Sirona felt that what was going on was not a Pokémon battle, but a toppling mountain was spinning crazily, rolling towards her and Lucario. Come.

It's impossible to hold up such an attack with a move.

Counterattack moves like Double Return will definitely not work.

The best way is to avoid it!

But where should we hide?

Steel Seadramon is simply too big, more than two hundred meters long, and its solid body covered with Chronic Digizoid is a terrifyingly lethal weapon just by moving.

Especially when sprinting, it deliberately stretches its body as much as possible. Its footprint and the range of its attacks are simply ridiculously large, and there is simply not enough time and space to dodge.

"In this case, there is only one way left, Lucario...use the Chi Bomb!"

Chi Bomb - a fighting-type ultimate move with a power of 120.

Sirona's voice fell, and she closed her two claws and placed them on the side of her waist. The momentum of her whole body began to rise crazily at the moment the action was completed.

Invisible streams of air quickly gathered between the claws, eventually turning into a round energy bomb!

The moment the condensation was completed, Lucario pushed it out without any hesitation.

Buzz! ! !

A noisy buzzing sound instantly arose in the air.

The zhenqi bombs were like wild horses running wild, running straight towards the steel sea dragon beast that was charging on the trembling ground.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, there was a loud roar.

All the condensed momentum and energy in the Qi bombs reached their peak in an instant, and the powerful championship-level fluctuations immediately showed the terrifying power contained in them.

At this moment, even the entire venue erupted with extremely huge movement, and the light filled the surroundings with no sign of dissipating for a long time.

But Sirona's serious expression did not relieve her in any way.

She knew that the energy bomb was indeed powerful, and could even defeat other opponents of the same level instantly with Lucario's full force, but... the target she was attacking now was Aoliu, but the Steel Seadramon!



The next moment, the movement caused by the movement of extremely noisy giant objects came from the light and smoke, as if the Qi bomb just now had no effect.


Sirona exhaled softly, her expression extremely serious at this moment, as if she had made some important decision.

Lucario had already sensed the surrounding situation in advance through the power of the diffuse waveguide. When Sirona's expression changed, he also took a deep breath.

The chest slowly rose and fell, and the sharpness in Lucario's red eyes suddenly disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented calmness.

The next moment, one of Lucario's legs stretched out backwards, and his body's center of gravity sank. He placed his right paw on his waist and looked directly upward.

Its spirit has become extremely concentrated, everything about it is constantly condensing, and its power is constantly rising. The brown fighting energy is fused with the blue waveguide energy, turning into an extremely simple point of light. On Lucario's tight right fist at the waist.

Finally, after reaching a certain limit, he punched out.

In an instant, the color of the world changed.

Woohoo! ! !

A fist that was not inferior even to the huge size of Steel Seadramon, blasted the air, distorted the space, and brought about bursts of sonic boom-like roars, slamming hard at Steel Seadramon.

"This is Lucario's strongest punch even though he is not very skilled..." Sirona whispered to herself.

The strongest fighting style move with a power of up to 150 - Qi Fist!

Faced with such a blow, Steel Seadramon did not pause at all, and continued to charge forward while still maintaining its forward posture.

Qingliu watched quietly and chuckled: "As expected of Miss Sirona, she has even mastered this level of moves. In this case, then we have to show some real skills. Steel Seadramon, use Maelstrom!"

Around Steel Seadramon's body, streams of water began to appear at some point.

The maelstrom moves activate...

Countless water flows appeared out of thin air and quickly filled the entire battlefield like a rising tide.

In almost a moment, the total amount of water exceeded the amount that the Super Seadramon had gathered in half a day, and it was still adding up at this terrifying speed.

After the water appeared, it seemed to be surrounding their king, surrounding the Iron Seadramon, following its movements, and launching an attack forward.

"Although I have been fighting on land since my evolution, I have not forgotten that Steel Seadramon is a true overlord in the water..."

Qingliu waved his big hand, and the water suddenly surged.

All the water flow condensed and summoned by the Steel Sea Dragon Beast turned into a huge wave and washed away.

It was obviously in the battle arena, but at this moment, a huge tsunami tens of meters high rose in the venue, overwhelming the ground towards the ground in front of Steel Seadramon, the attack from Lucario. swept away.

For a moment...

Devouring huge fist.

Scouring the ground beneath your feet.

In the end, Lucari, who was extremely small compared to the waves... was completely submerged.

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