Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 415: Win the first city! Really predict the future!

Hearing Aoyagi's words, Guangzang showed an obviously surprised expression.

"Did you react so quickly?

"But...I can't let you get close to it so easily."

Guangzang raised his hand slightly toward the sky.

The next moment, the blue energy from the brave bird's attack on Muck Eagle's body beat rapidly like lightning.

Sizzle! ! !

Driven by the self-sacrifice characteristic, the fierce attack moves of the Brave Bird wrapped in the Muke Eagle began to surge, turning into a huge bird shadow, trying to suppress Tianxiang Vdramon's next movements with strong attacks.

"Catch it!"

For this kind of move that kills one thousand enemies and damages eight hundred, Tianxiang Vdramon did not hesitate at all under the command of Qingliu. The arm used for defense was slightly deflected and then used the short gap to free up one hand and raised his palm.


Tsk tsk tsk! ! !

Amidst the bursts of extremely harsh sounds, Tianxiang V-dramon's claws directly pierced the brave bird and attacked, bit by bit towards the innermost Muke Eagle.

Such a scene made Muke Ying inside suddenly widen his eyes, and at the same time, the smile on Guangzang's face not far away froze.

Through the battle with Gosatsu just now, he already knew that Qingliu's Pokémon was very physically strong, but the situation of directly forcibly breaking through the move was somewhat beyond his expectations.

But fortunately, the power of the brave bird's attack is not weak. The speed of the claws of the Tianxiang V Dragon Beast is slowly slowing down as it goes deeper, and this time is enough for the other two to support it.

The cross-shaped bat's body rotated at high speed and rushed forward, and countless crescent-shaped air blades attacked.

At this moment, the natural bird in the rear was once again enveloped in rich superpower energy, and light was flowing rapidly in its seemingly dull eyes.

The next moment, starting from where it stood, a ripple-like scene began to spread rapidly forward, with a strong tendency to cover everything in the field of vision.

"Is this the source of the illusion just now..."

While confirming the advancement speed of this ability, Aoyagi turned his head to look at Tianxiang Vdramon during the stalemate.

Compared to Gosatsu, these Pokémon owned by Kouzou are higher in level, stronger, and more difficult to deal with, especially the weird natural bird.

Tianxiang Vdramon may still be able to easily win when approaching at high speed, but it is undoubtedly difficult to easily break through the opponent's well-trained moves by relying solely on physical strength.

"In this case, Tianxiang Vdramon, I allow you to use some basic moves..."

The corners of Tianxiang Vdramon's mouth rose slightly.

Then the claws that pierced the brave bird's fierce attack were turned into fists, and a violent dragon energy covered it.

Exclusive move - V-Zi Beast Punch!

The next moment, the fist that had been blocked and interfered instantly suppressed all the brave birds' fierce attacks, and landed heavily on Mukeying's body.

A sharp pain hit, and Muke Ying suddenly lost his balance. Under the impact of the huge force, his body was about to fall downwards. But just now, this trend started. With the same violent sound of breaking through the air, a heavy kick came from below. Hit Muck Eagle's body again.

Exclusive move - volley kick!

Bang! ! !

Before Muck Eagle could even land, his eyes turned white and he flew into the sky again.

"Let's go to the next city first..."

Qingliu whispered.

However, the fighting did not stop at all.

The Crossed Bat, which had been assisting in the attack, saw its companion being attacked, and began to spray out a thick black mist while spinning.

While the released black mist obscured the field of vision, part of the black gas was integrated into the air blades continuously launched by the cross-shaped bat. Even Qingliu noticed wisps of faint purple poisonous gas in it.

In an instant, densely packed black poisonous blades spun down from the sky, attacking in conjunction with the special abilities of the natural birds that had spread to the same location.

But even though the response of the cross bat is very fast, the attack is launched and aimed at the right position, but under the speed of Tianxiang Vdramon, which has become more and more mastery of itself in the continuous battle, All in vain.

"The only thing you need to pay attention to in this battle is the natural bird."

Qingliu reminded Tianxiang Vdramon.

The next moment, almost only a blue-white light flashed in the air. The Tianxiang V Dragon Beast had already surpassed all the attacks of the cross-shaped bat, and then violently flapped its wings. The forward body instantly changed its rhythm and exploded directly backward. The special ability to avoid natural birds in advance.

A moment later, the natural bird's attack was able to cover the position where Tianxiang Vdramon had just left.

"The movement speed is faster than the attack speed. It's really amazing."

Guangzang glanced at Muke Ying who had fallen to the ground and lost his fighting ability, and then looked at the extremely fast blue and white figure. As a veteran Four Heavenly Kings, he discovered this keenly.

Whether it's speed, strength, moves, or reflexes, this Pokémon has shown its terrifying talent and physical fitness, and this terror continues to improve as time goes by.

The opponent is getting familiar with his own attack rhythm and is also mastering his own body.

The most important thing is that I don’t know what the upper limit of this Pokémon is, or... whether there is an upper limit.

Guang Zang couldn't help but fall into silence at this moment.

Moreover, without Muke Ying, who is attacking from the front, the next battle will undoubtedly become more troublesome.

Even if Qingliu hadn't been confused about the specific abilities of the natural bird, the Crossed Bat would have been lying on the ground like the Muke Eagle now.

So, now there is only one option left.

The natural bird standing in the sky seemed to have sensed Guangzang's thoughts, and turned its head very mechanically. After glancing at Guizang with dull eyes, an extremely mysterious aura began to condense around its body.

The next moment, this breath disappeared directly and appeared in its eyes.

Pictures that revealed a hint of reality in the illusion began to flash in front of the natural bird one after another.

At the same time, Guangzang entered the same state as a natural bird.



The same sound came out from the mouths of one person and one bird. The next second, Guangzang woke up and turned around, and then turned his head sharply to look at the so-called position of Tianxiang Vdramon who started to rush towards the natural bird while avoiding the attack...the other side.

"That's where it is, a natural bird with a strong mind!"

The command sounded, and the surging superpower energy erupted from the natural bird shot straight towards the empty area.

This seemed like a mistake, which made Qingliu feel a little confused.

Although he was a little confused about Guangzang's operation, Qingliu believed that such a low-level problem could not occur with such a veteran Four Heavenly Kings, and he silently paid great attention to it.

But everything seems to be a real mistake, and the superpower energy rushes into the distance.

Seeing that he was about to fail, suddenly...

In order to avoid the suicidal attack of the cross-shaped bat and the previous spread of the natural bird's ability, the Tianxiang V Dragon Beast turned sharply to the side.

And then...it happened to appear in front of "Spiritual Strong Thought".

From the perspective of a bystander, this scene looks like Tianxiang V Dragon Beast is touching porcelain, using its own body to actively face the attack.

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