Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 419 One wears nine! (First update)

With a power of up to 145, it can inspire a dragon-shaped shock wave from the powerful fighting race in the Genesis Era.

It is an exclusive move that Tensho Vdramon has mastered at the complete stage, which is equal to the ultimate move of Steel Seadramon and the power value of most of Rosemon's moves.

At this moment, behind the Tianxiang V Dragon Beast, the huge dragon-shaped energy body formed by the convergence of energy and blood is constantly growing.

A very deep, extremely ancient, and soul-stirring powerful pressure burst out.

In an instant, the entire central venue fell silent.

Everyone and the Pokémon felt as if a stone was weighing on their hearts. Even simple and natural basic actions such as breathing felt unusually difficult at this moment.

Among the three Kikuno Pokémon locked by this terrifying pressure, Catfish King, under the influence of the danger prediction characteristic, was shaking at an extremely serious frequency.

Even if he fainted in the next second, it would not be surprising at all.

"This kind of power..."

As its trainer, Kikuno naturally knows very clearly how much danger it needs to face for the Catfish King to behave like this.

In her current team, the Scorpion King, the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, and the Swamp Monster are indeed at the top of the list of combat capabilities. That's right, but Kikuno understands that one more Swamp Monster and one less Swamp Monster are not enough to change the situation. This problem can be solved by Aoyagi's Pokémon with one or two moves.

But with Catfish King, everything is different.

Like Mitsuzou's natural bird, Kikuno's catfish king is a very special existence. The general "danger prediction" characteristic can only detect the opponent's dangerous moves.

But this one cannot detect the dangerous moves possessed by the opponent in advance, and can even detect the danger itself. This is why after seeing the defeat of Mitsuzo's natural bird, she still chose to sacrifice part of the combat power of the Pokémon to replace it with this Pokémon. The reason for the special abilities of the Catfish King.

With this almost intuitive ability, combined with the characteristics itself, the Catfish King can also "predict the future" in disguised form.

Of course, compared to the natural bird that can actually see the future, the Catfish King will undoubtedly be much weaker.

But as long as it involves "enough danger to be noticed", you can react earlier than predicting the future. This is why the three Pokémon were able to avoid the V-Wing Blade safely after hearing the prompt from the Catfish King just now.

But now, can this feature still be used?

Kikuno's eyes moved slightly and looked at the Catfish King in the quagmire not far away.

Then, Kikuno pulled the scarf around his neck, trying to reduce the difficulty in breathing under the current pressure, but even pulling the scarf completely off had no effect at all.

In the sky, the dragon-shaped shadow behind Tianxiang V-Dragon Beast has now grown to a shocking level. Even the V-wing blade that fell just now cannot compare with it.

The area covered by this level of moves...

There is no doubt that the entire battlefield is within the opponent's attack range.

There is definitely no way to hide. In this case, there is only one last option left.

"Scorpion King, Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, Catfish King!"

Kikuno shouted loudly, and the three Pokémon turned around at the same time, focusing their eyes on her.

"Don't hold anything back, just use your most powerful moves with all your strength. Even if the chance of victory is very small, you must try your best."

When the three Pokémon heard this, they were stunned for a moment, then silently turned their heads and looked up at the attack of Tianxiang Vdramon, which exuded overwhelming pressure in the sky. Then without any hesitation, they completely stimulated the energy in their bodies.

The thick, all-bearing ground-type energy was stimulated, and the size of the three Pokémon began to skyrocket, and their attacks were also hatched at the same time.

“King Scorpio, Crab Claw Hammer!

"Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, Rock Horn Cannon!

"Catfish King, water cannon!"

The water energy was condensed on the doubled giant pincers of the Scorpion King. The Super Iron Tyrannosaurus raised his hands and pointed the cannon-like palm cannon at the sky. The Catfish King swung his body and opened his huge mouth, and the fierce water flow was bred in it.

The next moment, the Scorpion King rushed out, the Yanjiao cannon was fired, and the water cannon was activated.

The Scorpion King stood on the rock cannon pushed by the water cannon, with the pliers in his hands across his chest. The water condensed in the water-based moves touched the surrounding sand and turned into a larger sand pliers.

Withstanding the terrifying momentum, he rushed towards Tianxiang V-Dragon Beast's position as fast as he could.

Regarding Kikuno's "counterattack", Aoyagi was not surprised at all.

As the Four Heavenly Kings, it is naturally impossible to admit defeat.

This is the pride of a trainer and the pride of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Moreover, the power of this three-in-one move combined with sandstorm weather and the attacks of three Pokémon who have very obvious cooperation experience cannot be underestimated.

Facing opponents of the same level, he can have the final say.

It's just a pity that the person I met was myself.

The Pokémon I encountered was Skydragon.

The moves he faced were as exclusive as those of Ultimate Digimon.

Qingliu didn't speak, just waved his hand lightly.

"End it!"

Tianxiang V Dragon Beast's body immediately leaned forward, and the huge ancient dragon-shaped energy body behind him immediately started to move forward following its movements, and at the same time, a huge dragon roar erupted in the central venue.

Roar! ! !

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed. The surrounding wind and sand driven by the sandstorm moves seemed unable to withstand the powerful energy and terrifying pressure. The middle part of the entire whirlwind was suppressed and dented.

And this is just the prelude to the attack.

The next moment, the wings that covered the sky completely stretched to both sides, and bursts of roars like sonic booms suddenly erupted in the sky.

Even the space began to be unable to withstand the huge energy fluctuations and began to distort violently, causing the entire sky above the venue to become dark.

Then, the huge dragon-shaped energy body began to dive.

Rumble, rumble! ! !

The sky was shaking, the ground was shaking, and the wind was raging.

The terrifying movement at this moment made everyone present feel excited. Some of them didn't even dare to breathe out. They could only instinctively freeze in place and watch the "dragon" fall from the sky.

Kikuno's face was expressionless at the moment, the strong wind kept blowing on her body, only her eyes were solemn.

She originally thought that no matter how powerful it was, it was just an upgraded version of the V-wing blade. She had no idea that Qingliu's attack would be so terrifying.

"My heart is pounding just standing here, so how will it feel when the Scorpio King and the others are facing the attack at the front..."

Kikuno didn't know, but at this moment, she thought about giving up.

The gap between the two sides is really too big!

It's so big that just one attack can take care of them all.

But now the arrow is on the string and it has to be fired.

"Try your best and launch a counterattack!"

In Kikuno's deep voice, the Catfish King continued to fire water cannons without any pause, and the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus condensed sand, stone, and soil into cannonballs and fired them into the sky as if desperate.

The Scorpio King forced his body, which was already shaking under the high pressure, to concentrate all his strength on the two pliers.

Then, he roared and launched a sprint.

But almost the next second, the Phantom Dragon's impact came, and the vast dragon energy like the sea hit the Scorpion King's pincers, directly defeating it without any pause.

Even the rock cannons and water cannons that filled the sky did not cause even the slightest wave when they touched the dragon-shaped energy body holding up the sky, and were instantly pushed flat.

Then, the Phantom Dragon rushed straight to the ground.

Such a scene immediately made the hearts of all the spectators present who had seen Mechanical Greymon wipe out the field with one strike jump.

The host jumped up all of a sudden. He had already received some kind of notice in advance and immediately shouted: "Be careful!"

Almost as soon as his voice sounded, more than a dozen figures with astonishing momentum suddenly appeared in mid-air, forming a circular distribution and surrounding the entire battlefield.

Moreover, each of the six Pokémon with the weakest aura reaching the Heavenly King level and the strongest Heavenly King level, and even Grandma Long reaching the Champion level, all appeared here.

Obviously, in order to deal with this current situation, the Sinnoh Alliance has already formulated security measures.

But just when more than a dozen Pokémon exploded with attribute energy, preparing to deal with the impact, a scene that was beyond everyone's expectations appeared.

The huge head of the dragon-shaped energy body swallowed the two Pokémon on the ground and did not explode directly in the field. Instead, it used the two pairs of huge wings that were also energetic to flap heavily towards the low altitude close to the ground.

Bang! ! !

In an instant, an earth-shattering roar erupted.

I saw that terrifying dragon-shaped energy body leaping from the ground at an almost ninety-degree right angle and shooting into the sky.

Roar! ! !

boom! ! !

Amidst the thunderous dragon roar, the phantom dragon exploded with impact.

It was as if the delete button had been pressed on the sky. All nearby clouds, clouds, and even the wind were all annihilated in the energy riot, turning into a huge circular energy group.

The aftermath exploded into a violent wind.

Even the sandstorm weather move that condenses wind and sand is like a three-year-old child with no strength in the face of this strong wind, falling apart in an instant.

And amid such earth-shattering movement, a figure slowly appeared from the energy cloud.

Tianxiang Vdramon held the fainted Super Iron Tyrannosaurus with one hand, and grabbed the Catfish King's tail with the other. Ignoring the raging energy around him, he returned to the ground and gently threw the two Pokémon out.

At this moment, the atmosphere was extremely quiet.

Various thoughts floated in the minds of those present, but everyone understood one thing.

An achievement beyond the epic level has appeared!

In the Four Heavenly Kings Challenge...one wears nine!

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