Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 425 The ultimate evolution of Mechanical Greymon!


With a low cry, Mechanical Greymon's hollow purple wings flapped slightly, and a powerful aura suddenly erupted from its body, spreading continuously towards the surroundings.

Grandma Long frowned slightly when she saw this scene.

"Is it so fast this time..."

According to Aoyagi's past habits, Mechanical Greymon is usually the last Pokémon to take care of the battle, and it has never let Aoyagi down. Every time it is needed, it has done it. very good.

But this time, it came out so quickly.

It was clear that the battle had just begun and the first round had just ended, yet they were sent out so decisively. This was something Granny Long had not expected at all.

However, it is nothing more than a matter of earlier and later time, and has little impact.

"Three evil dragons! Loud sound!"

Granny Long raised her hand, and three evil dragons with blue-black shapes in front of her body, and their palms looked like two heads, roared loudly at the same time.

Normal move - Loud Sound!

Power 90, releases a huge sound to attack.

The roaring sound crossed the sea in an instant and ran straight towards the Mechanical Greymon on the opposite side.

Facing the attack, MechanicalGreymon immediately raised its left arm, blocking the huge mechanical claws covered with Chronic Digizoid in front of it, and defended it from the front.

The next moment, a loud sound came.

Buzz! ! !

Almost the moment the sound wave touched the Chronic Digizoid, an extremely dull buzzing sound instantly sounded after an extremely brief collision.

Huge power exploded, and MechanicalGreymon was affected by the impact, causing ripples like water waves to appear on the surface of the Chronic Digizoid, and its body floating in mid-air was forced to retreat continuously.

"Is it so powerful..."

Seeing this scene, Qingliu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then the blue illustration information of the three evil dragons appeared in front of his eyes. Qingliu glanced up and down quickly, and finally landed on a few columns of important information.

【Race】Three evil dragons


[Status] Extraordinarily strong vitality

“It’s not something that’s just stuck around the championship, or it’s just entered the championship level, but it’s an old champion.

"And it seems that it is still a very special case in the quasi-god series. No wonder it can affect Chronic Digizoid with a loud blow."

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Qingliu looked at MechanicalGreymon that had returned, an unknown light flickering in his eyes.

"Are you ready?"

In the faint voice, Mechanical Greymon nodded heavily.

At the same time, in its huge eyes, there was also a mixture of excitement, excitement, and anticipation.

In order to prepare for what is about to happen next, it has gone through all kinds of hard training and fierce battles, and then watched with envy as its companions who joined later evolved into the ultimate form one after another.

It has been waiting for too long for this moment today.

Next, it’s time to test the results of all these efforts.

[Holy Plan] One of the evolution conditions (level 60/70) has been met. Do you want to start evolving? - (Yes/No)

The small blue characters were spread out in his field of vision one by one. Qingliu didn't hesitate and directly chose "Yes".

It was at this moment that Grandma Long, who heard the conversation between Aoyagi and Mechanical Greymon just now, felt that something was wrong and directly directed the attack without any hesitation.

"Triple attack!"

The heads of the three evil dragons and the head-like parts on their arms opened their mouths at the same time. Three different destructive energies condensed rapidly and exploded simultaneously during opening and closing.

The three attacks rushed towards MechanicalGreymon's current location.

And this is not over yet. When covered with violent dragon energy, the three evil dragons urged the Dragon God to dive. After roaring towards the sky, a terrifying aura erupted and began to dive towards the sea.

As a Pokémon known for its brutality and a quasi-god, at this moment, the murderous aura released by the Dragon God's diving move was propelled by the extremely strong vitality of the three evil dragons. In an instant, it condensed into substance and shot straight into the sky.

Roar! ! !

With roars, the three evil dragons turned into a huge black-purple stream of light and fell rapidly towards the position where Mechanical Greymon started to move.

Feeling the terrifying aura and powerful attack moves approaching, MechanicalGreymon's face showed no other emotions, not even any expression of avoidance or defense.

Qingliu's performance was the same, but there was still some expectation on his face.

It was precisely because of this that Grandma Long's emotions that something was wrong surged even more fiercely.

"What's going on with this feeling..."

It's hard to explain, it has nothing to do with my own special ability to perceive, nor is it affected by other factors, it's just pure intuition, nothing more.

But it is precisely because of this that something is getting more and more wrong.

Until, when he saw the attack of the three evil dragons coming to MechanicalGreymon, the white light on MechanicalGreymon lit up...

This light was strong and dazzling. It lit up all the nearby sea areas almost instantly, and the aura that seemed to be reborn quickly emerged from it.

Grandma Long's eyes widened for a moment.

"This is!!!"

As a champion trainer who has been in the position for decades, Granny Long naturally knows very well what the familiar white light in front of her is about.

But what she didn't expect at all was that this phenomenon would happen at this moment.

The next second, the triple attack launched by the three evil dragons and the terrifying Dragon God dive had no effect at all under the light of evolution. Not to mention the collision and explosion of energy, not even a single sound was made. It disappeared completely as if it was directly erased by an unknown existence.

Under such a scene, Granny Long decisively stopped her offensive, and the three evil dragons returned to their original positions after circling, looking straight at the white light below with their strange and empty eyes.

As a Pokémon, it felt a dangerous aura as strong as the light, which made the three evil dragons become restless.

At this moment, equally shocked were all the 100,000 spectators who were gradually approaching, as well as countless fishermen and people from nearby towns who came over out of curiosity when they saw the huge queue formed by the spectators heading to the sea. Trainer.

At this moment when most people were about to arrive, the light came on.

"Evolved again?"

"Which of Aoliu's Pokémon evolved?"

"I can't see clearly. The light is too strong. I have never seen such a dazzling evolutionary light. It feels like even the sun above my head is completely suppressed."

Discussions broke out one after another on the desert island.

Trainers who have a certain understanding of Aoyagi and have even had close contact with Mechanical Greymon, such as Denji Ohba and others, almost quickly determined the evolving treasure after a brief shock. Kemeng’s identity.

Aoyagi's starting Pokémon - the Mechanical Greymon with terrifying moves.

As Dakdo, who had witnessed this blow head-on, his expression had even darkened.

Not far away opposite them, Sirona's eyes were extremely expectant towards the gradually changing figure in the light, and at the same time, there was a sense of scrutiny and seriousness deep in her eyes.

She wanted to see to what extent MechanicalGreymon had evolved and what kind of power it had after being completely ignited after the battle with her, but she had no chance to test its strength.

It was at this moment that the vision happened.

The light of evolution that was originally wrapped around the body of Mechanical Greymon suddenly expanded violently and uncharacteristically, and the distance and scope of the expansion had exceeded hundreds of meters in an instant.

And even so, it is still spreading without any stopping trend.

So much so that the three evil dragons that had pulled away from each other after a failed attack were now pushed back further away by this seemingly gentle light with an absolutely powerful attitude.

Everyone, including Grandma Long, was stunned by such a thing.

She has seen evolution countless times, but this is the first time she has seen such a strange situation. She is completely unaware of the scene in front of her.

But there is no doubt that the more unusual it is, the more dangerous it is!

The evolution of the Pokémon Aoyagi is very, very difficult!

And as if in response to her thoughts, the white light of evolution spread out over a range of several hundred meters, then violently dissipated, revealing the Mechanical Greymon with its eyes closed inside.

And...that body that has barely changed.

Has evolution failed?

Or is there something else going on?

Before Grandma Long could think carefully and react to what was going on, Mechanical Greymon's body began to slowly fly into the sky.

No wings flapping, no active flight...

And as if being pulled by a mysterious force, it kept flying towards the sky.

Buzz! ! !

In an instant, a dull buzz suddenly sounded in the sky.

Then, with an invincible sweeping gesture, it swept directly over the sky and sea above Mechanical Greymon's head and feet.

A terrifying air wave erupted, huge ripples were generated, and the body of Mechanical Greymon with its eyes closed seemed to be forcibly cleared of everything.

Such a strange scene that had never been seen before made everyone who was watching MechanicalGreymon hold their breath, and they did not even dare to take their eyes away from MechanicalGreymon's body.

The next moment, above the sky and sea level, two huge circular formations filled with various mysterious patterns and lines, reaching hundreds of meters in size, appeared above the head and feet of Mechanical Greymon.

Seeing this scene, Qingliu's eyes widened suddenly.

Even he, a time traveler who already knew about the evolution of Mechanical Greymon, couldn't help but start to get excited at this moment.

Compared with Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon, Steel Seadramon, Flowermon, and even the Mega-evolved Super Tanabata Bluebird, they all evolved in a very normal way of Pokémon evolution, and there were no other conditions.

Because it had always been like this, Qingliu didn't pay too much attention.

But the current Mechanical Greymon, after the Pokémon-style evolution light, actually... the evolution method of Digimon appeared.

Moreover, it still evolves in the same way as the God of War Greymon.

At this moment, Qingliu's eyes became fiery.

As if sensing Aoyagi's current state, the Mechanical Greymon in the two huge magic circles opened its mouth fiercely, and fierce energy and hot breath erupted instantly.

The earth-shattering roar of Mechanical Greymon resounded throughout the world.


Bang! ! ! !

Energy rioted, and a terrifying movement erupted as if the sky was about to collapse and the ground was about to shatter.

In the two huge magic circles, there were gusts of wind, and lightning that exuded a destructive aura was raging crazily. A shocking force that was so tyrannical that just by looking at it from a distance, you would feel that you were also being suppressed, and it was rapidly growing in it.

At the same time, seven special lights of different colors began to flash in MechanicalGreymon's body.

The next moment, a special light completely appeared.

Seven round bead-like objects exuding a mysterious aura flew out of Mechanical Greymon's chest one by one, circled in the sky between the two magic circles, and then merged directly into the magic circle.

At this moment, Mechanical Greymon slowly raised his hands.

The huge magic circles above the head and under the feet were activated and started to move towards the common point in the middle of Mechanical Greymon's body.

The world became illusory, along with the body of Mechanical Greymon.

The next moment, layers of illusory energy began to flip over the originally empty right arm and the arm covered with silver Chronic Digizaloid claws, and two sets of golden arm armor emerged that completely covered half of the arm.

After a very brief flash, it completely solidified, and was heavily embedded in the arm of Mechanical Greymon.

The huge dinosaur-shaped head, which was also covered and protected by Chronic Digizoid, was slowly shrinking, transforming into a posture equivalent to human proportions.

At this moment, the huge body that was really like a giant dinosaur began to straighten its back completely, and then quickly changed into a dragon-like form like Tianxiang Vdramon.

Circle after circle of metal parts began to be quickly assembled as the form changed, and three intersecting tubular objects connected and fixed them.

Head, shoulder armor, chest, abdomen, legs...

On its back, golden light condensed, and a piece of equipment that looked like a huge shield was inserted into the back, and an extremely thick metallic aura lingered on it.

The next moment, a gap appeared in the middle of the shield, splitting the complete shield into two, turning into a pair of sharp-edged steel wings.

But the most eye-catching thing is not the transformation of the shield into wings.

But it is the pattern that emerges on the shield.

There is no huge golden sun-shaped pattern, but seven round beads of different colors that exude a mysterious aura and disappear after being integrated into the two magic circles.

This is the digital core formed by the evolution of all the collected Mechanical Greymon forms...

The moment these seven Digital Cores appeared, the two huge formations had already met at the center of MechanicalGreymon's body and finally merged into one.

In an instant, an indescribable mysterious pressure condensed into one point.

Finally, in the light that spanned the entire sky, it was revealed that it had completely evolved, and its entire body was equipped with golden and silver armor... a Dragon-type Digimon.


There was a crisp sound of armor clashing.

The huge armored dragon man slowly opened his eyes.

A pair of green eyes that exuded extreme sharpness, as if a peerless sharp blade had been drawn out of its sheath!

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