Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 431 The strongest blow!


BattleGreymon's dull response sounded above the sea, and its huge body had completely stretched out in a large glyph shape during the burst of soaring momentum.

In an instant, the condensed sharp boulders came and hit the body of BattleGreymon.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The two sides collided violently, but at the moment of impact, all the boulders shattered in an instant like an egg hitting a stone, turning into gravel and flying sand and disappearing into the sky.

At this scene, the surrounding audience showed horrified expressions.

A sharp stone attack of that size, and with the blessing of the power of sand characteristics, hit BattleGreymon head-on without any defense, but it didn't cause any decent damage.

And what's even more terrifying is that Greymon didn't even take a step back from the beginning to the end of the battle.

Amongst the series of things that sounded extremely impactful, how could such an incredible thing be done? !

Granny Long was also extremely solemn at the moment, but compared to others, she could see more things in the battle situation.

"Are you finally willing to fight with all your strength..."

While Granny Long whispered to herself, her eyes looked up and down at BattleGreymon, and finally stopped at the special metal armor that seemed to grow on its body and was roughly divided into yellow and white.

Combining what she had learned before about the terrifyingly defensive silver metal on the left arm, head, and chest of the Mechanical Greymon, Granny Long came to a conclusion in her mind.

"With evolution, has this metal also extended to the whole body...

"And I'm afraid not only the quantity, but also the quality of the metal has been horribly improved."

After all...the most obvious colors have already undergone very obvious changes.

But the stronger the opponent is, the more interesting things like fighting will be.

Since the sharp stone attack does not work, then it is left to change the attack method. Anyway, the improved version of "sandstorm blockade" using rock blockade is still restricting the opponent's ability to move, and the sandstorm weather is still hovering in the sky.

The battle... isn't over yet!

"Bite the land shark!"

Grandma Long raised her hand to direct the second round of attack, when Qingliu's voice suddenly sounded from the opposite side.

"dash forward!"

With these three simple words, a huge roar erupted in the sky.

At this moment, Granny Long's dim pupils suddenly opened wide, and her original attack command was switched directly, and she shouted loudly: "Hold!"

The Super Biting Land Shark in the sky sensed the blurry figure approaching quickly and the instructions of his trainer. Without any hesitation, he crossed his two sickle-shaped claws in front of him.

The next moment, the green circular protective shield formed by the guard fell down, wrapping the body of the Super Biting Land Shark.

Bang! ! !

Almost the next moment the guard was formed, Super Biting Land Shark saw a huge metal claw slamming into the protective shield at the speed of a flash.

Super Biting Lu Shark felt as if his heart skipped a beat, but his eyes became sharp again in just that moment, and he was ready to use all his strength to defend the move.

But an unexpected scene happened.

Pushing that huge metal claw forward, it could easily block the attacks of champion-level Pokémon, and it could still defend its moves intact in the face of the all-out blows from those powerful second-level gods, but...it collapsed. Broken.

It wasn't a crack, nor was it shattered like spider silk, but simply and simply shattered into slag.

This blow was so unexpected that the Super Biting Land Shark had no time to react and could only rely on the fighting instinct that had been invisibly formed in its body after countless battles.

Super Biting Land Shark crossed his arms and exploded all the energy in his body as much as possible, trying to block this frontal attack.

But in front of the dragon beast nemesis, everything is in vain.

While its power against dragons skyrockets, it can penetrate the moves of dragon-type Pokémon.

Boom! ! !

With an extremely dull collision sound, the body of Super Biting Land Shark was forcibly repelled from the sky and fell rapidly towards the sea below.

Bang! ! !

The huge body of about ten meters hit the sea, instantly causing a wave of waves to reach the sky.

next moment……

"Just right!!!"

With an extremely angry roar, the Super Biting Land Shark broke through the sea surface, and with energy surging throughout its body, it began to advance rapidly into the air.

"As expected, he is worthy of being the main force. He is actually able to withstand a frontal strike from the Dragon Beast Nemesis."

Seeing the roaring Super Biting Land Shark, Qingliu nodded with satisfaction.

And in this case, being praised for enduring a simple incident would be somewhat embarrassing in the ears of Grandma Long on the opposite side, even if the embarrassment is based on facts.

"If you bite the land shark fiercely, we can't let others look down upon us."

When Granny Long raised her hand, Super Biting Land Shark's body was filled with huge energy, compressing it into a ball and launching it towards the sky.

Dragon Star Group!


Amidst the violent dragon-type energy packages, huge bolides began to fall from the sky at high speed, hitting the location of BattleGreymon like a violent bombardment.


Qingliu's voice sounded, and he waved his hand and said: "Charge."

Under the defense of the huge Digital Core Shield, even this super biting land shark, whose size and strength seriously exceeded the standard for its kind, split apart among the dragon stars launched by it. The smallest one was also more than ten meters in size. Meteors can't break through the defense at all.

All attacks were intercepted, and BattleGreymon charged into Super Biting Land Shark again.

"Dragon Claw!"

BattleGreymon activated its move for the first time, and its claws made of Chronic Digizoid were wrapped in dragon energy and struck down heavily.

"We're coming too, Dragon Claw!"

The super fierce bite land shark came up with its claws, and the huge sickle was lifted from the bottom up.


A loud noise erupted, and the Super Biting Land Shark fell downwards again.

This time, Qingliu didn't stop any longer.

At his signal, BattleGreymon dived at high speed towards the location of the Super Biting Land Shark, and collided with the Super Biting Land Shark, which had just stabilized its body and reorganized a new round of offensive.


During the violent collision, the Super Biting Land Shark fell directly into the sea, but soon woke up from the violent collision again, stepped on the sea and flew again.

BattleGreymon arrived at the same moment and hit it hard with its knees, pushing it high into the air.

The next moment, the two figures quickly came closer together, and surging energy and huge collision sounds came and went, becoming more and more turbulent.

The battlefield at this moment is gradually developing into a weird situation.

Every time the battle with Greymon closes the distance, the Super Bite Land Shark will be blown away in an instant, but it is like a weakling that cannot be beaten to death. It is constantly being blown away but keeps waking up. , attacked each other again, and then launched a new round of charges again and again.

But the only good news is that I am holding on.

The Super Bite Land Shark has withstood more attacks than the previous five combined, and the hold-on move is already close to its limit.

Although no one knows exactly how long it can persist, and what the specific significance of persisting for a longer time is.

As long as you persist, there will always be a chance.

Just like now...

At this moment, the body is already covered with scars, and the scythe in the left hand has become slightly curved. The super biting land shark is breathing rapidly and heavily. The continuous head-on collision and the huge damage caused by the dragon beast nemesis have made its consciousness close to Fuzzy state.

But on the contrary, the aura on its body became stronger and stronger, and the whole dragon seemed to turn into an extremely sharp sword at this moment.

So much so that Qingliu couldn't help but be a little surprised.

This kind of momentum may have truly reached the limit of the championship level, heading towards a higher level.

"Sword Dance..."

Qingliu naturally noticed such an obvious change, or in other words, he discovered it early but did not stop it. Instead, he let it go and even gave it a chance.

The attack power can be continuously enhanced by stacking the gaps in the battle and the opportunity of the characteristics. It is an alternative move to the Dragon Dance that the Super Bite Land Shark cannot master.

At this moment, it has obviously reached its limit.

Qingliu counted the sword dances twelve times in total.

Even if it reaches the championship level, its resistance to attack and physical fitness have reached a very good stage among Pokémon. Twelve sword dances are already its upper limit.

At this moment, Granny Long launched an attack.

"Qingliu, this is my strongest and final attack.

"Bite the land shark fiercely and use... the ultimate impact!"

The general energy that was so huge that it seemed to compress the air to the extreme wrapped the body of Super Biting Land Shark, covering the whole body under the impact of extreme speed, and finally turned into a huge shock wave and launched a sprint.

The second update will probably be in the early morning. I will post it when I finish the changes.

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