Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 442 Female Demonmon and Mostimon

What follows the dark energy is the pure and incomparable light energy that Demonmon has absorbed in the sacred plan space since the Digi-Egg period.

Along with its scarlet pupils, a touch of intense white began to appear.

At this moment, the momentum that had slowly stopped its upward trend fluctuated again.

Almost just a moment later, the female demonmon had already broken through the boundaries of the championship... and then directly reached the top of the championship!

In an instant, there was an explosion of strength!

Buzz! ! !

The huge energy continued to roll one after another, and the entire research room was violently blown by a howling wind, and the turbulent air waves instantly flooded the surrounding areas.

The Pokémon living in the laboratory on this floor, who were watching from a distance out of curiosity, had no time to react and were directly thrown away.

Even if the Sun Rock and Moon Rock suspended on the ceiling were impacted by this energy, they could not think of any resistance at all, and were forcibly pushed by the air waves to retreat into the distance at a high speed.

Except for Xie Mi, Aoyagi, Ayako, Celebi and Xiaoguang who were closest to the female demon beast were affected by the gust of wind. Even when Rosemon quickly extended the other end of the vine to withstand everyone, The body was also forced backwards by the strong wind and air waves, and the soles of his feet drew traces on the ground.

Perhaps if it weren't for Rosemon's obstruction, all of them might have ended up being blown away like the other Pokémon nearby.

Feeling that the energy and momentum were still surging, Rosemon's eyes slowly narrowed at this moment.

And BattleGreymon's whole body aura was on the verge of unlocking the data compression and returning to fighting form. A pair of sharp green eyes stared directly at She-Devilmon.

If it was just a release of energy or something else, even Aoliu was hit by the impact. This situation undoubtedly made BattleGreymon dissatisfied with the opponent's behavior.

It even doubted whether the female demon beast did it on purpose.

"Don't worry."

Aoyagi stopped it.

At the same time, he also signaled to Miss Caiko and Celebi, who were nervous about the situation at the moment because they were worried about Xie Mi, to calm down.

Then, Qingliu's eyes fell on the female demon beast.

He could feel that, and only he could see, the newly added status displays on the panel were telling him that everything that happened just now and was still going on now was not the female demon beast's original intention.

——That is, it is not its own idea to activate light energy again after activating dark energy to bring about an increase in level.

The light energy in the body of the female demon beast was... drawn out by the strange Xie Mi at this moment! ! !

Such a thing is simply unbelievable.

After all, Semiko has little to do with the light and dark forces in the Digital World, let alone transcending Demonmon to pull the light power within it.


"Don't worry about us, do what you want."

Qingliu's voice came to mind, but the female demon beast didn't speak, but a cold response sounded directly in his mind.


As Qingliu knew, activating the light energy was not its original intention, and neither was the impact of the air waves caused by the sudden energy surge.

As energy that has been integrated with itself since before birth, how could it produce such a situation that seems to be out of control when used.

And it stands to reason that the purity of dark energy is enough for it to spy on many things, so how can it also mobilize light energy.

However, the accident happened after all.

If it only affects those inconspicuous humans and little things, as well as Rosemon and the one who can barely be regarded as Aoyagi's competent bodyguards, She-Devilmon won't care too much.

But if it affects Qingliu, that won’t work!

At this moment, a trace of uncontrollable anger arose in the heart of the female demon beast.

"I just want to see what it is that has such courage!"

The next moment, the female demonmon slowly stood up.

Then, its momentum...

An explosion of white energy was even more fierce and dazzling than before, more like a sun that had completely lifted into the sky and burst into light.

The female demonmon actively activates the light energy!

The extremely terrifying momentum immediately launched a fierce impact towards the level above the champion.

Only this time, there was no strong wind blowing, no air waves sweeping across, everything was firmly controlled by the female demon beast.

Some are just the fusion of all light and darkness, half black and half white slowly forming like Tai Chi, and finally condensed on the index finger of the right hand.

Finally, he gently tapped Xie Mi’s forehead in front of him.

laugh! ! !

The two energy auras exuded completely contradictory energy, and almost the moment they touched Xie Mi's eyebrows, they turned into an extremely huge feather arrow.

It was shot out heavily with an extremely sharp sound, as if it was about to break open Xie Mi's forehead.

Caizi and Celebi next to them suddenly became extremely anxious when they saw this, but there was nothing they could do.

They wanted to stop it, but they were afraid that it would affect Qingliu's Pokémon and Semi, and they were also afraid that it would have a greater impact on Xiaoguang's problem after Semi.

So, I could only pray silently in my heart.

Especially after the light above the black and white arrows shone again, and Xie Mi let out a painful groan.

"Thank you... thank you... rice... it hurts..."

Before Semi's painful murmurs could be finished, the female demon beast interrupted him.

"Use the time you spend talking on memories instead of wasting my time."

While speaking, the finger of the female demon beast poked at Xie Mi's forehead and pushed forward heavily.

Buzz! ! !

The energy of darkness and light ushered in the third explosion.

Moreover, it was the most powerful explosion in the past three times!

In just an instant, the black and white feather arrow shot directly into Xie Mi's brain like a broken bamboo.

The petite hedgehog floated feebly in mid-air.

Its body began to slowly emit black and white light, and the small light not far away also lit up with white light as if it had received the same call.

But unlike Xiao Guang, who was stunned, Xie Mi's consciousness was awake at the moment.

However, its expression was extremely painful.

Because there are two kinds of energy that are constantly colliding fiercely in its mind.

One was the black and white feathered arrow that the female demon beast had just shot into its consciousness, and the other... was the power that seemed to have obscured part of its memory.

Even though there was a silent energy impact between the two parties, not a single trace of that pain was left out, but all of it descended on its body and its mind.

So much so that in just a moment, its whole body was soaked with sweat.

But it was precisely because of the fight between these two energies that Xie Mi felt that his vague memory seemed to be showing some signs of improvement, and the memory did not continue to disappear.

It can even slightly recall part of the scene it saw at that time.

Many huge and terrifying figures...

What do they look like?


Semi continued to remember in the stinging aftermath of the energy blast.

First of all...the guy who made Xiaoguang what he is now.

Xie Mi kept searching for the image in his memory that should have been deeply impressive.

Little by little, those scenes began to become clearer.

Soon, it saw the figure under the black and white wings.

But at this moment, the other party... seemed to have seen it too.


An unexpected whisper.

The next second, in the battlefield between the two energies, the originally evenly matched situation suddenly tilted, and the indomitable trend of the black and white feather arrows came to a sudden halt.

An extremely cold voice sounded in Xie Mi's mind.

"At this time in this world, there is still such powerful energy that can break through my protection mechanism..."

The moment the sound fell, the energy was overwhelming.

Whirring whirring! ! !

It was like a howling wind passing by fiercely.

A giant wing that was half black and half white emerged, as if it were trying to hide the sky and the sun. What followed was a huge figure wrapped in armor that was equally half black and half white.

"You...you...why is this guy here?!!!"

Xie Mi was filled with shock at this moment.

It had already remembered something, but it never thought that the other party would appear directly in its memory like this.

Xie Mi was extremely sure that this was not an illusion, but something that actually happened, but that was why it was so shocked.

How on earth was such a terrifying method accomplished? !

But the other party ignored its shock, and instead sighed softly, with a hint of helplessness in his words.

"Didn't I tell you that nothing would happen? Why do you do these things that cause trouble for me?"

"How could Xie Mi believe you? You are the culprit who caused Xiao Guang to become like this."

Semi roared angrily.

But there was no response.

The other party simply ignored it, and the black and white wings behind him began to flap slightly at the same time, causing Xie Mi's consciousness to fall into a brief daze.

When it reacted again, it found that some of the memories that had been restored had become blurry again, and were even spreading to more aspects.


While Mostemon whispered to himself, his eyes turned slightly and landed on the place where the two energies collided just now. His eyes were a little surprised.

Then, the corners of his mouth that were not covered by the mask rose slightly.

“I see, no wonder you can break my seal.

"It's such an energy that makes people feel extremely friendly, don't you think so... She-Devilmon?"

After the voice fell, Mostemon raised his head and looked forward.

At some point, a figure shrouded in powerful black and white energy appeared in front of it, with a pair of scarlet eyes staring directly at it.

Xie Mi noticed a second figure appearing in his mind, and his dazed state eased slightly. He spoke quickly in disbelief, but no one paid attention to it.

The figure wearing black and white armor and black and white wings and the figure in the black and white light seemed to have only each other in their eyes.

"Who are you?"

The female demonmon took the initiative and asked.

"As you can see." Mostimon replied.

"So, where did you come from and what do you want to do here?"

"Do you believe me when I say I was just passing by?"

"Do you think I will believe it?"

The female demon beast slowly raised her hand while making a deep voice.

For a moment, huge blood-red bats bathed in light and dark energy surrounded it, and as time passed, the number of blood-red bats continued to increase.

"It really fits the temperament of a fallen angel from a virus species. Do you want to take action?"

Mostymon asked with interest.

"Since you are unwilling to take the initiative to speak out, I have no choice but to beat you until you speak up."

"The perfect body challenges the ultimate body?"

"You can try."

"Since you said so, then come on over!"

Mostimon's voice suddenly changed, and terrifying energy rushed out overwhelmingly. In just an instant, it completely covered the surrounding area. The body wrapped in black and white armor was even more ready for battle.

The female demonmon did not rush to take action, but quietly observed this scene.

It wasn't until she felt the two distinct auras of black and white in those energies that the female demon beast's expression slowly darkened.

Just now, two kinds of energy were used outside to attack the thing that affected Xie Mi's memory. It clearly had the upper hand. When it was about to succeed and was suddenly interrupted by unfamiliar and familiar energy, it realized that something was wrong.

Now it seems that is indeed the case.

This guy in front of me...

——It’s a real Digimon!

Moreover, it is a high-ranking Digimon that is in the same evolutionary chain as it and also possesses the two energies of light and darkness.

Then things make sense.

No wonder it is able to produce that kind of vague feeling even though it is far away.

So that’s it…

It is because this superior Digimon of his uses the same light and dark energy that he is attracted to it.

At the same time, the other party also fully conformed to all the situations described by the little thing named "Xiemi".

There is no doubt that this guy is the initiator of putting that little girl into that weird state, and the culprit of sealing Xie Mi's memory.

The female demonmon's eyes suddenly darkened.

It didn't care about the life or death of the little girl or whether the Pokémon had amnesia. What it cared about was whether the other party would pose a threat to itself and Aoliu.

It was like... the light energy that was pulling it was out of control.

Moreover, shouldn't all the Digimon that appear in this world have been summoned by Aoyagi? How could such a guy who has never been seen before appear?

The key is, the opponent is still the ultimate!

However, if you think that you can be unscrupulous just because you are the Ultimate, then you are really thinking too much.

It is not an existence that can be defined by its stages alone.

Since you don’t want to say anything, just take it away and ask again.

She-Devilmon swung forward heavily.

Tsk tsk tsk! ! !

Sharp sound waves erupted.

After being baptized by the two energies around the female demon beast, countless blood-red bats emitted unprecedented terrifying energy and shot out overwhelmingly.

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