Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 453 Unexpected Changes

This light is like the last afterglow of the setting sun at dusk.

The whole skeleton melted quickly like a snowflake exposed to the scorching sun.

At this moment, the faces of the four people showed visible emotional fluctuations.

Even if it was to realize the history of the creation of the Yulong clan, even if they had made up their minds, when they really saw the skeleton of the guardian god who had accompanied the Yulong clan for countless years gradually dissipating in front of their eyes, their mood was inevitably a little complicated for a while.

However, as the two people with the highest status in the Yulong clan and the strongest among the younger generation, they knew that there was no room for turning back as soon as this matter started.

On the other side, Qingliu and Shirona were also a little surprised by the occurrence of this scene.

Especially Qingliu.

Looking at the huge dragon skeleton that was disappearing, and the light that replaced it with a burst of ancient atmosphere...

At this moment, he already knew in his heart that he really owed the Yulong clan a huge favor, but he didn't know whether this favor would need another "digital egg" to repay it in the end.

At the same time, under the deepest pool of the Millennium Dragon Cave.

After countless turns, the color of the water slowly changed from clear and bright to blurry, and the water pressure also surged, until everything was completely replaced by deep black.

This is the bottom of a mysterious unknown sea.

It is pitch dark, and you can't see what's around you. The sound of undercurrents surging back and forth drowns out all the nearby movements.

This kind of darkness and noise seems to have been like this since the beginning of its birth, and will continue until the end.

Until... several bubbles suddenly rise.


The bubbles burst quickly, but the surging seabed torrents nearby seemed to be suddenly disturbed by something extremely huge, and the frequency of rolling out and rolling back was completely disrupted.

For a while, the bottom of the entire sea was turbulent.

It was at this time that a pair of huge eyes that were not affected by the sea water at all, as bright as a lighthouse, suddenly lit up.

Then, as if sensing something, it quickly turned its direction and looked in a distant direction, and a very complex emotion emerged in the huge eyes.

It seemed like some nostalgia, and some sadness...

But it only lasted for a moment.

After a while, the owner of these eyes slowly turned around, and the lighthouse-like light quickly disappeared as he turned around, and the ocean currents that were seriously disturbed and chaotic began to slowly return to the turbulent state at the beginning.


"The next step is the most critical part. You two can't relax for a moment, and recite the spell at the fastest frequency at the same time. Do you understand!"

The Dragon Elder said at an extremely fast speed.

Adu and Xiaochun did not reply after hearing this.

It's not that they didn't want to reply, but they didn't have the time and ability to reply at all.

I originally thought that no matter how outrageous the difficulty of the Ultimate Promotion Ceremony was, it was only more than ten times that of the ordinary Promotion Ceremony. According to their experience of being able to easily perform the Promotion Ceremony, there shouldn't be any big problems.

But I didn't expect that the Ultimate Promotion Ceremony would be so mentally exhausting.

Beads of sweat kept dripping from their foreheads, but they had no time to wipe them off. Just maintaining the current state was already very exhausting, and the key was that the Dragon Elder and the old woman took on most of the pressure.

It was really hard to imagine how terrifying the potential would be after such a ceremony.

On the other hand, how outrageous it would be for a Pokémon to need such a terrifying ceremony to activate its potential.

Compared to Adu and Xiaochun, who were gradually approaching their limits, the Dragon Elder and the old woman were also pale at this moment, but their slightly turbid eyes were still full of energy.

Especially when the whole ceremony had come to an end, the skeleton of the huge Dragonite was transformed in the continuous light, but all the light did not show any signs of condensation.

The two looked at each other and realized that this was the last moment.

Without any hesitation, the Dragon Elder and the Dragon Granny clapped their hands at the same time, and the speed of chanting the spell in their mouths increased again. Seeing this, Adu and Xiaochun next to them hurriedly tried their best to keep up with the rhythm.

Buzz! ! !

A low humming sound suddenly sounded in the dragon cave.

Accompanied by it, a bright light bloomed above the head as if a giant firework was lit.

When everything dispersed, a dragon-shaped shadow that was a circle larger than all the dragon teeth that had been transformed into light dragons through the promotion ceremony floated in the air, motionless, as quiet as if it was sleeping.

"Is this... the light dragon condensed from the dragon bones of the guardian god's body?"

"It feels that there is no obvious difference except that it is a little bigger."

Adu and Xiaochun looked at the shadow above their heads and spoke slowly.

Even the dragon elders and dragon ladies were staring at the sky at this moment, trying to make the most reasonable judgment.

However, this was the first time they activated the ultimate promotion ceremony, and the first time they saw the light dragon that appeared with the ceremony. Even the historical books of the dragon-controlling clan did not have any relevant records about this.

Only Qingliu, from the moment this light dragon appeared, had half-closed his eyes.

Although the opponent was not a Pokémon, the panel could not display the opponent's information, but for some reason, he could feel a very ancient and heavy feeling, which was just like the places and life forms he had encountered before that met the panel exploration requirements.

"Tianxiang V-dramon, don't be careless."

Qingliu reminded.

At this time, the light dragon transformed from the huge dragonite skeleton... moved.


An explosion-like roar suddenly sounded in the sky.

Then, the light dragon appeared directly in front of Tianxiang V-dramon as if it had achieved teleportation, and the huge dragon head opened its bloody mouth with a roar.

For this extremely abrupt scene, Tianxiang V-dramon's eyes widened uncontrollably, and his pupils enlarged in an instant. At the same time, his fists clenched instinctively and punched it hard.

Bang! ! !

The sound of heavy objects colliding sounded.

Immediately following, there was a crisp and extremely broken sound.

In front of Tianxiang V-dramon's fist, the front half of the Dragon of Light was hit by a huge force and had collapsed by more than half. Even the back half of the body was covered with cracks. It was only a matter of time before it broke.

"How could it be so fragile..."

"Could it be that the ultimate promotion ceremony plus the skeleton of the guardian god can't meet the requirements?"

Listening to the somewhat incredible voice in his ears, Qingliu frowned slightly.

That kind of vicissitudes and simplicity can't be fake, but the things in front of him are real. This Dragon of Light is just like the previous ones. It was solved by Tianxiang V-dramon in just one move, which means...


Qingliu suddenly thought of the previous scene, and then realized a very important problem.

It seems that the real activation of the potential of the race is after the Dragon of Light is broken, combined with the breath he feels.

In other words...

Qingliu hurriedly reminded loudly: "Tianxiang V-dramon, keep your mind."

As soon as the voice fell, the remains of the Dragon of Light that had just been broken flashed a strong light again.

A burst of terrifying light surpassed all the previous ones, like the scorching sun hanging high in the sky at noon in summer, which could not be looked at directly.

All the people and Pokémon present had their eyes stung and had to lower their heads to avoid the strong light. The closest Tianxiang V-dramon had to block his hands in front of him while turning his head.

But in just a moment, it felt as if its hands were burned by a terrifying high temperature, and then the whole body, the strong stinging sensation attacked every corner of its body without omission.

At this moment, Tianxiang V-dramon felt like it was about to be melted by this high temperature.


Not like!

It was evaporating and melting!

The "Jedi Instinct" feature was directly triggered. Relying on the sudden increase in physical strength, Tianxiang V-dramon directly mobilized all the energy in his body and launched an attack directly.

But before it could launch this attack, the stinging sensation like a tide had already submerged it, and its arms could no longer make the push-out movement, and the flow of energy also completely stopped.

Obviously, the speed of the attack was far less than the speed of the heat destroying its body.

It came here to improve its strength, but it didn't expect such a serious problem.

A strong sense of unwillingness emerged, and its consciousness began to blur at this moment, and its vision was gradually occupied by the thick darkness.

At this moment, two huge metal door panels flew in front of it, and with the sound of heavy metal collision, they turned into an indestructible shield!

This is...

After seeing the shield with the remaining light, Tianxiang Vdramon barely supported his body, and after confirming that there was indeed a special pattern similar to the digital core written on it, he moved his head as much as possible and turned his sight to the position diagonally in front.

However, because the size of this shield was too huge, and it was too weak at the moment, it had no way to see the figure in its imagination.

It only saw the three sharp claws like metal blades extending completely from the arm armor at the edge of the shield.

The next moment, a steady voice sounded.

"Don't worry, leave this to me..."

Even with the shield to block the heat, Tianxiang Vdramon has reached its physical and physical limits.

The breath in his heart was relieved and he fainted immediately.

In the last moment of losing consciousness, a few extremely vague but extremely powerful words that made people instinctively feel at ease echoed throughout the cave.


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