Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 455 Qualitative Change and Advancement!

"This feeling..."

War Greymon lowered his head slightly, looking at the thing in his hand, his expression slightly solemn.

Although this is the first time that the Gaia Energy Cannon has been used since it evolved into the Ultimate Form, it has been used several times before when it was in the mature and perfect stages. All the energy absorbed several times combined is not as strong as this time.

Or... vigorous!

A vigorous breath that seems to be full of vitality.

It is precisely because of this strong vitality that it is also very hot.

Even with the barrier of the Time Digizoid, it can clearly feel the abnormal burning feeling in it.

If it absorbs it directly according to the situation of Tianxiang V-dramon just now, isn't it a bit risky...

War Greymon then turned his eyes to Qingliu.

Qingliu instantly understood what it meant.

Because at this moment, he also had this doubt in his heart.

This light dragon is obviously not in the same class as the previous ones, and it has obviously exceeded the carrying limit of Tianxiang Vdramon. If it is forced to absorb, there may be accidents...

But if it is not absorbed, this extremely precious and special thing will be wasted.

Thinking of this, Qingliu fell into deep thought.

After a moment, he looked at Granny Long and Elder Dragon.

The two of them also looked at him at the same time.

"Because this is something that no one has ever done before, in the end, we both have no idea, otherwise we wouldn't have the situation just now, but according to the clues recorded in the ancient books, we found some information that may be useful.

"That is... after the Ultimate Promotion Ceremony, the energy is in the purest and most primitive state, which can make the potential of the dragon Pokémon bathed in it extremely stimulated, and even have the possibility of atavism. "

Qingliu frowned slightly when he heard this.

He didn't care much about reversion, after all, whether a Digimon reverted to its ancestral form was not too important.

He was more concerned about a certain point.

Dragon Pokémon...?

"That means this ritual is no longer aimed at one Pokémon, but multiple, or even larger numbers of dragon Pokémon?"

"Yes, this should be the most likely possibility. "

The Dragon Elder and Granny Dragon nodded at the same time and said in unison.

"In that case..."

Qingliu glanced at the Skydramon that had recovered under the protection of the Digital Core Shield not far away, and the WarGreymon that was looking at him with a pair of green eyes, waiting for his order. After thinking for a moment, he took out two Poké Balls from his pocket.

One contained a Pokémon, and the other was empty.

The former contained a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and the latter contained a Poké Ball of SteelSeadramon placed outside the Millennium Dragon Cave.

These are all the Pokémon with dragon attributes that Qingliu has at this stage.

Since this so-called Ultimate Promotion Ceremony is likely to cover multiple Pokémon, with the racial potential and characteristics of Skydramon, the overall strength has exceeded that of many Ultimates. If none of them can successfully absorb it, then sending all of them should be feasible.

The only problem is that the guy Steel Sea Dragon Beast is not here now.

And with such a huge body, how to place it is also a problem. If it really doesn't work, we can only go outside the cave.

Thinking of this, Qingliu looked around.

His sight finally stopped at the pool with ripples not far away, and the specific depth could not be seen. His mind couldn't help but emerge the last 1% that was not explored when he used the panel to explore this thousand-year dragon cave.

Granny Long, who had been paying attention to Qingliu's eyes and guessed what he was thinking, said first without waiting for him to speak: "The pool is very deep and the space is not small. We didn't reach the bottom when we explored before."

"Is that so? That's good."

Qingliu then turned his head to look at Sirona and said: "Miss Sirona, thank you for taking a trip to help me bring the guy Steel Sea Dragon Beast in."

"Don't worry, leave it to me. "

While speaking, Shirona took the Poké Ball, turned over and sat on the back of Garchomp, and rushed towards the exit of the dragon cave above.


"Then let's leave too."

Grandma Long said first: "Even if we are here now, we can't help much, but it will make you and these guys feel a little restrained. We might as well wait for you outside and help maintain the external security of the ceremony. "

After that, Granny Long did not linger any longer and started to act directly, taking out Poké Balls from her pocket and releasing four flying dragon Pokémon.

The elder dragon standing next to her paused for a long time on Sky-Soaring V-dramon, Battle Greymon and the "light and heat" gathered in his palm, his eyes full of hesitation and reluctance.

In theory, what Granny Long said just now is very reasonable.

On the one hand, they have already done all the roles they can play, and on the other hand, the young man in front of him can have so many powerful, special, and no one has ever had dragon Pokémon, obviously he has his own way of obtaining them.

And in the next ultimate promotion ceremony, they, as outsiders, are likely to affect the progress of the other party's ceremony.

But if she leaves at this time, it will be more painful than killing her.

She is old enough, and has almost seen and done everything that should be seen and done. The Yulong clan is also developing very well at this stage. In the next few decades or even hundreds of years, there will be people who will take the lead. It doesn't take much. Worry about the problem of lack of support.

The only thing she wants to do now is to complete and witness the ultimate promotion ceremony that even the ancestors of the Yulong Clan failed to succeed.

So after repeated silence, the Dragon Elder slowly spoke: "If I leave at this point, I guess I won't be able to sleep for the rest of my life. You guys, let's go, I want to stay."

After that, he looked at Qingliu and continued: "In addition, you can rest assured, I can feel that I won't live long, and even if something happens, it will rot in my stomach and be carried into the coffin.

"If you are still worried... I can use the luck of the entire Yulong clan as a guarantee to ensure that no one else will know anything I see."

Qingliu nodded when he heard this.

Since the other party is willing to swear such a heavy oath, it can prove that his attitude is good, and the Yulong Clan has also paid a lot for this ceremony, and the ultimate benefits will also affect him and his Digimon.

And if it came time to expose something, it would definitely be at a very critical moment. In that case, he didn't think that the other party could still watch safely.

Seeing that Qingliu had no objection, Granny Long and others flew out of the cave, led by the Pokémon beneath them.

It was at this time that Sirona left and returned.

After handing the elf ball to Qingliu and telling him to be careful, he left with a few others.

The Elder Dragon also took the initiative to distance himself, creating a sufficiently open space for Qingliu.

For a while, the cave became much quieter.


A crisp sound sounded, and a huge body crashed directly into the pool.


As Grandma Long said before, the depth of the pool is indeed enough to accommodate the Steel Seadramon. After a brief adjustment of the body angle, only the huge head with the sharp blade on its head poked out of it.

Steel Seadramon didn't know why it suddenly let him in again, but since Qingliu had arranged it this way, it had its own reasons. It didn't need to use any brains, it just had to follow the arrangement.

Even if the three-headed bastard that made him feel very unhappy came out of the Poke Ball next time.

"BattleGreymon, Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon, Steel Seadramon, Tianxiang Vdramon, all are here..."

As Qingliu murmured, his eyes swept over the four figures who were also looking at him one by one, and finally stopped on BattleGreymon.

"let's start!"

BattleGreymon nodded slightly, and then threw its arm forcefully toward the space above after sinking slightly.

The next moment, the Dragon of Light, which emerged from the bones of the huge dragon in the ultimate uplifting ceremony, and was finally gathered and compressed into a ball by the war storm, appeared again, bursting out with an incomparably strong energy.

It's just that compared to before, the energy at this moment is no longer so hot. Instead, it is like a stubborn stone that has been smoothed away by all the edges and spikes in the constant erosion of the river.

This surprised Aoyagi who was behind the Digital Core Shield.

But now is obviously not the time to be surprised by this kind of thing, because as this burst of light exuding warm energy completely illuminates the entire cave, the three Digimon and elves present began to change.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s the lowest stage among the four, or because of something else…

The first one to react was Tianxiang Vdramon.

It had only recovered from the burns, and its body covered with scabs and wounds quickly became dry and transparent like a snake shedding its skin, and finally fell off completely, revealing a brand new body.

"It actually has a healing effect..."

Tianxiang Vdramon looked in amazement at the "skin" that had just fallen off and was embedded in the entire skin, as well as the body that was so clean that it was impossible to tell that it had been seriously injured. His tone was full of disbelief.

“Rather than a treatment, it’s more likely to be a rebirth.”

Qingliu looked at the information displayed on the status bar of Tianxiang Vdramon's panel, which was obviously much bigger, and said, "First feel the changes in your body."

Hearing Qingliu's words, Tianxiang Vdramon raised his hands and clenched his fists tentatively.

Click, click, click! ! !

Crisp crackles like fried beans suddenly sounded from the clenched fist, and even the space around the fist... seemed to be slightly distorted by the impact of this action.

"Am I dazzled..."

After Tianxiang Vdramon muttered in surprise, he tried a few more times.

Without exception, space was distorted again.

Moreover, every time a new fist-clenching motion is made after the previous fist-clenching motion, the amplitude of the space distortion increases to a certain extent than the last time.

Although the overall range is not very large, or relatively weak, such an improvement is real.

Tianxiang Vdramon turned his head to look at Qingliu in surprise.

Qingliu didn't have much expression on his face, but he was also a little excited at the moment.

Although he had vaguely guessed that this Dragon Clan Ceremony would bring a very good improvement based on the prerequisites of this Ultimate Promotion Ceremony, he had never expected that it would reach such a level.

Clenching a fist can distort space...

You know, the last one who could distort space at the perfect stage was Machine Tyrannosaurus, and he relied on the "Gaia Flame Cannon", a move derived from the "Gaia Energy Cannon".

Even if the racial potential of the Tensho V-dramon clan far exceeds that of Machine Tyrannosaurus, it is still too incredible to distort space with a single move, even if the concepts of distortion of both parties are not at the same level.

The key is that this is just the beginning.

He doesn't know what level it will reach later.

And... it's not just Tensho V-dramon that is performing the ceremony, but four dragons.

Qingliu's eyes then looked at the other figures under this warm light.

The first one is the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon that shows the most body.

At some point, it had already raised its pair of wings that were big enough to block out the sun and sky. If it weren't for the limited space in the cave, it would have stretched them out completely.

But even if it was just raised, it was already big enough.

Three huge heads emitting cold white light were raised high, and the sharp blue eyes were filled with an inexplicable spirit.

The next second, a special breath burst out from the body of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

There was also a movement similar to frying beans in its body, but this time the body shape did not change at all. What really changed was the surface of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

On the clearly layered white dragon scales, in the cold white luster, suddenly appeared a number of blue lines like marks.

Then, in these lines, a series of thin blue arcs like spider silk quickly emerged.

Soon, the arcs spread all over the body.

Even in the three pairs of blue eyes, there were arcs flashing from time to time.

The figure, which was originally filled with noble and elegant atmosphere, added a touch of violent ferocity under the reflection of these constantly jumping blue arcs.


The Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon opened its mouth, and white mist suddenly rose from its sharp teeth.

And the aura on its body was soaring at a terrifying speed.

Until it seemed to completely trigger the switch of the emerging marks.

The spider-like arc suddenly turned into an electric current as thick as an arm!

The jumping blue current instantly turned the surroundings of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon into a blue ocean of electricity.

At this moment, the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon was like an ancient dragon king who had just emerged from the sea of ​​thunder and lightning, exuding an absolutely fierce aura!

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