Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 457: Changes in Hoenn

Four days ago.

In the distant Galar region, the Dynamax energy suddenly began to riot, and the entire Galar sky turned into a huge dark purple vortex overnight.

From a distance, it looked exactly like the scene when the catastrophic "Night" fell three thousand years ago.

After a brief period of confusion, the Galar Alliance quickly organized people to investigate what caused the incident, and martial law was imposed in the entire region.

And this was just the beginning...

Half a day later.

Above the Corona Altar and the Moon Altar in the Alola region, two rays of light with completely different auras suddenly rose.

One was as bright and hot as the sun, and the other was as cold and icy as the moon.

And in a gloomy and dark area somewhere, a beam of colorful light began to flicker, and waves of terrifying black light began to gradually become active from the dead sleep, and a strong ominous aura that did not belong to this world burst out!

And this almost identical situation began to occur in various regions in a continuous state.

Three days ago.

In the Padiya region, a huge light emerged from the giant pit, and a turtle-like majestic figure was looming in it.

Two paradise guardian dragons in different positions raised their heads at the same time, staring at the sky for a while and then rushed straight into the sky.

Two days ago.

In the Kalos region, the dormant cocoon of destruction burst into a burst of destructive breath, and the existence inside was ready to move.

On the other side, a towering tree that had just sprouted buds also reacted, and the rich light of life began to slowly spread around.

And under this tree, there were already countless small green figures that looked like turbellarians, starting to merge quickly with one of the turbellarians that looked very different from the same kind as the center.

A mysterious and powerful aura began to breed from it.

Also two days ago, a few hours later.

In the Unova region, in a huge meteorite crater called the Giant Cave, filled with icy cold, a huge dragon slowly opened his eyes.

The vast and distant sight seemed to have passed through the barrier of space, looking at a towering ancient tower in the distance, full of the breath of time.

In the glowing pupils, two round stones, one black and one white, emitting different breaths in the tower were reflected.

One day ago.

In the Sinnoh region, the gap between space and the latitude where time stopped soon became quiet again after a brief turbulence.

And in the place where the fourth lake of Sinnoh, where Qingliu had arrived, was located-the inside of the Farewell Fountain.

In the cave called the Homeward Cave, a breath filled with a feeling completely opposite to all things in the world slowly overflowed from the huge black shadow that was spreading.

This terrifying scene that had never happened before scared all the Pokémon living in the Farewell Fountain and they fled.

Still one day ago.

A huge whirlpool suddenly appeared in a certain sea area in the Hoenn region. It lasted for a day and a night without disappearing, and it was even expanding in all directions.

The Hoenn Alliance, which had been prepared, quickly blocked the sea area.

But one wave has not yet subsided, another wave has risen. A volcano that has been dormant for countless years, and even in historical records has not shown any signs of activity for thousands of years, suddenly began to boil, and the surging magma may erupt at any time.

If there are problems in only one or two regions, it can still be said to be accidental.

But the regional alliances and the Pokémon Alliance headquarters are not fools. They have been monitoring the most powerful and terrifying Pokémon in each region.

Almost all of the above events occurred in those legendary sleeping places.

Now the continuous movements are undoubtedly revealing one thing-they are waking up from their slumber for some unknown reason.

Although some of them are relatively friendly to humans, there are also quite a few who do not care about humans. Once they are completely awakened and take action, the natural disaster-like energy they possess will definitely cause extremely serious damage to the ecological environment of humans and even the entire world.

The key is that this is only based on the premise that they do not deliberately cause damage.

Who knows why they woke up collectively this time and what kind of actions they will take afterwards.

But no matter what the reason is, the Pokémon Alliance will never let this happen.

After summarizing all the information, the Alliance Headquarters issued the highest level of alert order and mobilized all champion-level, king-level and gym trainers in their respective regions to the scene of the incident in their respective regions.

Miss Sirona had returned to Sinnoh a day ago. Although no similar incidents occurred in Kanto and Johto, her cousin had gone to Quartz Plateau to take charge of the Alliance Headquarters for the sake of safety.

As for her, Granny Long, the Dragon Elder, and these powerful trainers of the Dragon Clan, they also had to split into two groups, half to Quartz Plateau, and the other to support Sinnoh.

After taking a last look at the Millennium Dragon Cave, Xiaochun looked at the two figures in the front.

"Elder, Granny, it's almost time."

Her words did not receive a response.

The two important people in the Dragon Clan were watching the moving Dragon Cave in silence, as if they were silent, and as if they were waiting for something.

Until another five minutes passed

Granny Long turned around and said, "Xiaochun, you should still go to A'du as you said before, but you have to give me some people."

"No problem."

Xiaochun nodded first, then asked in confusion: "Grandma, why did you change An..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiaochun suddenly realized the problem.

"Did something happen again?"


Grandma Long said seriously: "The news just received before the gathering is that the legendary Pokémon Groudon and Kyogre in the Hoenn region have awakened half the expected time.

"Even if there is a backup plan, several nearby cities have been affected and the losses are not small. And now the two legendary Pokémon are still approaching. It is predicted that it is likely to affect one-third of the land area. Now the Hoenn Alliance is requesting support from various regions. "

"How could it be..."

Hearing this news, Xiaochun was stunned for a while.

Although she has not seen what the most powerful Pokémon in each region look like and what kind of terrifying power they have, the fact that the Hoenn Alliance has asked for help is enough to show the seriousness of the problem.

"What about the Hoenn champions and the Four Heavenly Kings? Isn't it said that there are two young champions in the Hoenn region? Can't they even stop it a little? "Xiaochun asked.

The Elder Dragon, who had been facing away, turned around at this time, squinted his eyes and looked at Xiaochun, and said lightly: "Xiaochun, you still don't understand? Or do you not want to believe it now?

"The champions in the human league are indeed very strong, so strong that they can defeat some legendary Pokémon.

"But in front of the strongest legends, all they can do is barely hold on so that they don't lose so quickly, that's all."

Grandma Long also took over and said: "In other words, the champions can only protect themselves against them, and this is based on the premise that these legends do not focus on them. "

Such words made Xiaochun feel a little confused.

Just like what the Dragon Elder said just now, she knew a lot of things, but she still couldn't believe that the gap between the two sides would be so big, so big that it seemed that the two sides were not on the same level.

The key point is that in similar incidents that occurred in almost all regions this time, most of them were not just one legendary Pokémon, but two, three, or even more.

According to what the elder said about the legend crushing the champion, what should be done with so many legendary Pokémon?

The big crisis that was originally thought of, now it seems that it can no longer be described as "big".

Because it is very likely to be a real... world-destroying crisis!

"But...but, if that's the case, what's the use of us and people from other regions going there?"

After hearing this, the Dragon Elder and Granny Long fell into a brief silence.

After a long time, they said: "It is impossible to give up resistance directly because the opponent is strong. Besides, the alliance has existed for so many years. Facing such a situation, there are always some emergency trump cards and means. One more person and one more Pokémon means more power and possibility.

"And it doesn't mean that all champions have no means to confront the first-level gods head-on.

"For example, the current champion Dandi, who is considered the strongest champion in the Galar region, the former champion Mashide, Yeci from Padiya, and..."

At the end, the two looked back.

Xiaochun followed their gaze and looked at the thousand-year-old dragon cave in front of her.

A figure appeared involuntarily in her mind.

The other party defeated Miss Sirona and her cousin.

Defeated Granny Long.

Used and endured the oldest ultimate promotion ceremony of the Dragon Clan.

Xiaochun has not witnessed the region's most Strong legendary Pokémon, I don’t know how strong the Dandi, Yesi and Mashide mentioned by the grandmother and the elders just now are...

But with that person’s experience and the dragon Pokémon in his hands that are almost the only one in the world, they should not be much worse than them.

With him, the possibility of solving the problem is greater.

So the elders and grandmother gathered here on purpose? It’s to see if the other party can end the ceremony at this time.

But judging from the fact that there is no attenuation in the movement in the dragon cave now, it should not be possible.

Take a deep breath, Xiaochun immediately turned his head and looked at the Dragon Elder and said: "Elder! Let Xiaoxia lead to my cousin, and let me follow you to Fengyuan."

The Dragon Elder slowly raised his heavy eyelids,

"When you get to the battlefield, even I may not be able to protect you. Once you encounter danger, you will really die. Have you really thought about it?"


The Dragon Elder heard this, silent for a moment, and slowly closed his eyes again.

"In that case... let's go."

"Understood! "

In a moment, the three hundred people present quickly divided into three groups.

A thin girl named Xiaoxia led one group to the Quartz Plateau.

Grandma Long led another group to the Sinnoh region.

The Dragon Elder and Xiaochun led the largest group to Hoenn.

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