Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 468 The original giant beast!

The moment Dawu finished speaking, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the sky.

A breeze could only move the corners of my clothes.

Originally, a wind of this magnitude would not be noticeable near the battlefield where legendary battles took place, but everyone present still noticed it.

Because it is filled with a very vicissitudes of life and simplicity, as if it is the wind blowing from ancient times.

And...this wind changes rapidly.

Almost from the moment when everyone felt the breeze blowing and had no time to say anything, the roar of the wind became louder and louder. When it changed again, they were shocked to find that the main Pokémon under them actually Struggling to hold on in this wind.

The next moment, they were shaken by the wind while standing on their backs, and had to lie down to reduce the possibility of being blown away.

But no one spoke.

No one asked what happened.

Because everyone present has clearly felt the vast aura that is so rich that it seems to make the air extremely sticky.

"Is this...a primitive return?"

Mikri looked into the distance blankly.

I saw that the world had changed drastically at some point, and the extremely dazzling red energy and blue energy forcibly divided the entire world in the field of vision into two even halves.

Groudon walked out of the red sky. His body became larger than before. Omega symbols clearly appeared on his hands and legs. Liquid energy like magma began to flow on the surface of his body. The scars from before The tired body has been restored to its original state by the flow of magma.

Groudon Primal returns to form!

Groudon's every move at this moment was like dozens of giant volcanoes erupting at the same time, and everything around him was melted by the high temperature in an instant.

Even space could not withstand its momentum at this moment. From a distance, the position where Groudon was standing had been twisted together crazily.

"This...this...is this Groudon's original return?"

Chi Yansong looked at Groudon in front of him, his eyes filled with fiery color. He ignored Coal next to him who took the initiative to release the energy protector because of Groudon's terror, but was almost exhausted due to the absolute gap in strength between the two sides. turtle.

"What a majestic figure, what a hot aura, what a powerful force... Hahahahahahahaha!!!!"

The thin middle-aged man who usually looked frail now had an almost crazy look on his face. He was staggering towards Groudon holding a vermilion orb in his hand.

"Groudon, I helped you regain the power of the super ancient era, now it's your turn to help me.

"Come on... come on... Groudon, let's achieve our common great goal together!"

Chi Yansong kept talking while pointing the vermilion orb in his hand at Groudon and raising it high.

But despite the passage of time, Groudon didn't react at all. Instead, his hot breath rushed towards the red flame pine more and more fiercely, as if he was going to melt him directly.

Such an unexpected situation suddenly gave Chi Yansong a bad premonition, but his life goal was right in front of him, and he was unwilling to give up like this.

Looking at the orb flashing with strange red light in his hand, Chi Yansong was heartbroken.

"Groudon! The scarlet orb is in my hand, and I order you now..."

Before he could finish his words, Groudon, who had been looking into the distance, lowered his head and glanced at the small figure below with his huge eyes. The crimson orb immediately flew out of the palm of the red flame pine and merged into its body. middle.

Then, Groudon looked forward again to where Aoliu and BattleGreymon were, and the originally turbulent momentum quickly became violent.

This is directly affected by its mood at the moment.

From its birth to now, whether it was fighting with Kyogre or Rayquaza, it had never suffered such a big loss, suffered such serious injuries, and even lost consciousness.

Such a thing is absolutely unforgivable.

Now there is only one voice in Groudon's heart, and that is - revenge!


Roaring in anger, Groudon took steps and began to move forward.

Chi Yansong raised his head, his eyes full of despair.

No matter how much he shouted, it had no effect. He could only watch as Groudon's huge feet enveloped the entire nearby area, and finally fell to where he was and then headed towards the distance.

Almost at the moment when Groudon began to officially advance, several huge underwater whirlpools suddenly emerged on the sea, engulfing the Marine Team and their submarines.

Immediately afterwards, huge water columns with horrifying diameters rose into the sky from the center of the whirlpool, and the phenomenon of dragons absorbing water would forcefully connect the sky and the sea.

The sky suddenly started to get dark.

Boom! ! !

Sounds of dull thunder and flashes of lightning shuttled between the pillars of water. Waves of mysterious aura emerged, and indigo orbs flew into them.

The next moment, Kyogre's figure suddenly appeared from the changing sky.

Its body became transparent from the previous dark blue, and a strong yellow light burst out from the inside. The mark of the first Greek letter "Alpha" corresponding to the last Greek letter Omega on Groudon appeared on its head and wings. above.

After sweeping away the decline, Kyogre descended with an aura that was not weaker than Groudon's original return state.

Or... Kyogre: Primal Return Form!

Kyogre flapped his wings gently, and dark clouds and gusts of wind instantly appeared in all directions, and rain clouds condensed one after another.

But although it was clearly a downpour, not a single drop of rain fell, and even the rain clouds that had just gathered together had become unstable at some point.

Kyogre was not surprised at all, and his yellow eyes looked at Groudon, which had turned into a ball of high-temperature energy in front of him.

Its primitive return would cause rain, while the opponent's primitive return would automatically evaporate the rain clouds. The two collided and evolved into the current situation where it could not rain.

In the past, it would definitely rush directly towards the opponent, but now... they have a common enemy!

After a pause, Kyogre retracted his gaze, and finally also looked at the area in the direction where Groudon was heading - the dragon man floating in the air.

Compared to Groudon, it now wants to tear this guy into pieces more!


Kyogre flapped his wings heavily, and suddenly a strong wind blew, blowing away the water columns.

The next moment, the huge flying fish rushed forward and headed straight for Battle Greymon.

Watching the two figures, one red and one blue, rushing towards him, Battle Greymon leaned forward slightly, ready for battle.

It could feel that compared to before the original return, the strength of these two guys had a terrifying surge, and it could even be said to be a qualitative change.

Even it had to go all out.

But before it rushed out, Qingliu reached out and stopped it.

"Even if you are now, you may not be able to deal with the two of them, unless you use that, but now is not the time..."

"What should we do now?"

Qingliu looked at the two crazy primitive beasts quietly, took out a Poké Ball from his pocket with his left hand, and raised his right hand at the same time.

"There are many ways to deal with this kind of primitive beast, but there is only one that is really suitable. It's time to let it come out for a breath..."

As he spoke, the Poké Ball fell downwards. (End of this chapter)

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