Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 470 One Billion Sea Dragon Beasts!

Chika...chika...ka! !

Suddenly, there were bursts of harsh and noisy sounds in the air, like computer data jamming and tearing apart.

The waves that spread rapidly around the sea in circles have no tendency to weaken due to distance, carrying huge power and violently impacting everything around them over and over again.

And at the source of everything, even more terrifying changes are taking place.

Steel Seadramon, which was already said to be extremely huge, and whose size, in Aoyagi's opinion, might not even be matched by Mega Rayquaza, began to grow in size again at this moment.

From beginning to end, everything about Steel Seadramon is changing exponentially.

The most obvious change is the length.

One thousand five hundred meters!

Two thousand meters!

Two thousand five hundred meters!

Three thousand meters...

Thirty-five hundred meters! ! !

It wasn't until it almost reached more than three times its initial length that this rapid rate of change slowly stopped, and the light that resembled the light of evolution began to slowly dissipate, revealing the figure inside.

It was seen that the body, which was originally covered by the Digizaloid of Time, but the curves and curvature of the flesh could still be seen, had now been completely metalized, with all parts becoming sharper and more mechanized.

The sharp blade that grew on the head since the time of Super Seadramon has been completely blunted at this moment, turning into a clip-shaped signal receiver. Two thrusters are derived from both sides of the huge dragon head, and each thruster has its own function. Yu's miniature wings break the waves.

Even the purple mane, which was originally flamboyant, now seems to be in pursuit of the ultimate speed, clinging softly to the back of the neck.

Looking further back, there are two pairs of huge fins that are also more mechanized and pursue faster speeds, and two large and small thrusters are generated in one-to-one correspondence.

The only thing that can still be seen on the current Steel Seadramon's body that looks like a living thing is the golden-purple tail at the end that is swinging gently in the water.

And the posture in front of me, which seems to be all about speeding up the movement, not only can drive the huge body, but also has a very important function.

That is to drive the cannon located in the mouth.

Among the four sharp metal teeth, there is a terrifying cannon with a terrifying diameter, emitting bursts of red light and aura of destruction.

And this is the new form formed by Steel Seadramon after absorbing the X-antibody...

——One billion sea dragon beasts! ! !

New illustrated information about it also appeared in front of Aoyagi at this moment.

[Race] Billion Seadramon

[Category] Transformed Pokémon

[Attribute] Water, steel

[Features] Sea-controlling monster (movement speed in water increases by 40%, and any physical energy consumption in the water is permanently reduced by 30%)


[Exclusive move] Ultimate Wave Cannon → Giga Ocean Destruction Cannon (Water type - Power 170, launches terrifyingly powerful energy torpedoes from the super giant cannon in its mouth)

Maelstrom (water type - power 100)

Ice Arrow (Ice Element - Power 95)

Wall of Frozen Breath (Ice System - Defense)

High-pressure water column (water system - Power 80)

【Moves mastered】......

[Race value] 715→820 (HP 100→130, attack 110→120, defense 120→130, special attack 125→140, special defense 115→130, speed 145→170)


[State] Restless, excited, crazy (reaching the limit of Seadramon's lineage, the power possessed by the body puts it in an indescribable state of excitement)

[Information summary] After possessing the X-antibody, it becomes a true war-level monster that far exceeds Steel Seadramon in both size and speed.

Its total length exceeds that of Whalemon, and it is capable of carrying Chaosdramon and a large number of troops inside its body. It is a super-large Digimon with terrifying sea control capabilities.

"What a... earth-shaking change."

Looking at the super beast that was more than 3,000 meters in front of him, Qingliu couldn't help but sigh.

"It turned out to be so big..."

BattleGreymon was equally surprised, but what surprised him even more was that the change was not a physical change, but something more internal and external.

The deepest and most basic thing in a Digimon is data.

If before absorbing the X-Antibody, Steel Seadramon posed no threat to CombatGreymon, the current Billion Seadramon feels very dangerous to it.

This sense of threat even surpasses the two ultra-ancient Pokémon on the other side at this moment.

"This should be the change brought about by the X-antibody, the change in the roots of Digimon..." Aoyagi said softly.

In fact, there was no need for BattleGreymon to speak. Even from a pure human perspective, he could clearly feel that when he locked his eyes on the opponent, the area centered on the billions of Seadramon bodies had An extremely awkward and twisted feeling.

It's like... this space cannot bear a billion sea dragons.

But even if one billion sea dragons are extremely huge and weigh a huge number, can the space of a world really not bear it?

No, it's not.

So it's not that the space can't bear the weight now, but that it can't bear... the terrifying amount of data from one billion sea dragon beasts now.

Strictly speaking, Digimon are all specific network data, which can move freely in the real world after having a body with protein as an important component.

But the most fundamental thing about them is data.

In the anime, several major changes in the digital world eventually reflected and had a great impact on the real world, which is the best proof.

So, has this situation also happened in the Pokémon world?


Although he didn't know whether this would cause any changes in the Pokémon world, one thing that could be confirmed now was...

The Digimon that can have an impact on the world just by existing undoubtedly have very powerful strength.

In other words, the current strength of Billion Seadramon is probably...

Aoyagi looked at Billion Seadramon.

After the excitement, Billion Seadramon also turned his head that had risen from the sea and came directly to his side, and met Aoyagi's eyes.

The corners of Aoyagi's mouth slightly raised upwards.

"If you are ready, then let's start. Let me see the power you possess after obtaining the X-Antibody and becoming a super-ultimate being..."

After that, Battle Greymon began to rise rapidly, freeing up a large enough space for it to display its power.

The only thing left was Aoyagi's last words.

"Don't let me down, Billion Seadramon..."

The moment the voice fell, a roar suddenly sounded, and a huge wave reaching tens of meters high suddenly broke out.

And at the forefront of the wave, a terrifying black shadow thousands of meters long! (End of this chapter)

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