Looking at the simple map in his hand, Chen Shi waved his hand.

"Okay, Swampert, bury him!"

"Huh?" Yoshino was confused and shouted anxiously.

"What do you mean by bury, brother?"

"I've already told you, shouldn't you send me to jail?"

"La tsk~"

Swampert didn't care about that, he ran away with one in each hand, obviously he had done this many times.

Daigo was a little confused, "Shouldn't we hand him over to Junsha?"

Chen Shi said disdainfully: "Believe it or not, we send him to jail today, and he will be out tomorrow."

Daigo opened his mouth, as if he wanted to refute, but when he thought of the situation within the alliance, he didn't say anything.

The Junsha family does have a strong sense of justice, but they are only responsible for arresting people, not imprisoning them.

Then, Daigo listened to Chen Shi continue.

"There is a girl named Youzi in our Green Shade Town, who is the same age as me. Her parents are senior investigators of the Alliance, and they died while on a mission two years ago."

"The Alliance promised to compensate Youzi with a potential King-level Gosanjia and five million Alliance coins."

"But guess what happened?"

Daigo thought for a moment and said, "Did the Alliance not give it?"

Chen Shi sneered, "It would be better if they didn't give it."

"When the Gosanjia came into her hands, it had already turned into a stingtail elf egg."

"This is fooling people like fools!"

"My grandfather was so angry that he went straight to President Miyazaki.

"In the end, it was discovered that this King-level Gosanjia had been exploited layer by layer, and when it came into Youzi's hands, it turned into a stingtail elf."

"The five million Alliance coins disappeared without a trace." "

The more Daigo listened, the uglier his face looked. He had heard his father say that the Alliance was corrupt, but he had never thought it would be so corrupt.

Both parents died fighting for the Alliance, but their daughter was still bullied like this. If this gets out, who would dare to work for the Alliance in the future?

"How is Yuko now?"

"My grandfather helped her get her things back. I heard that she is traveling in the Kalos area now."

Daigo's face looked better.

Chen Shi said: "In the future, when you meet the people of the Lava Team and the Ocean Team, don't be soft-hearted. Listen to what they say about fair duels."

"These people are all desperate criminals. They won't talk to you about fairness."

"And they will... Forget it."

Chen Shi suddenly said solemnly: "Daigo, you have to work hard."

"Become the champion as soon as possible, and then eliminate the bad atmosphere in the Alliance."

"I believe you can do it! ”

Anyway, with Daigo’s talent, the championship will be in his pocket sooner or later. The reason why Chen Shi told him this is that he hopes he can change in the future.

Don’t let the alliance continue to decay, and make this world a better place.

Hearing this, although Daigo felt something was wrong, he still agreed.

Then he asked: "What should we do now?"

"It’s not far from the Lava Team’s base. It’s too dangerous to continue here."

Although Daigo said it was dangerous, there was no fear on his face, and there was even a little eagerness in his eyes.

The two people said before that they found many strange stones, and Daigo was very interested in it.

Chen Shi didn’t understand Daigo’s idea. It just so happened that he himself was also interested in those strange stones.

The two looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"Let’s do it." ×2

"But they have a quasi-king-level strongman, how can we do it. "

Chen Shi was also silent. The further back you go, the bigger the gap in level becomes.

It sounds like there is only one level difference between Quasi-King and Gym-level, but in fact, two people combined are not enough to fight a Quasi-King.

Of course, it is the Quasi-King who has at least three Quasi-King Pokémon.

If that person only has one or two, Chen Shi and Daigo are still confident to fight.

Besides, he has some senior team members and so on. Who knows what level of person he is.

Chen Shi touched his chin, "We have to make a long-term plan."

"I know something about this Lava Team. Their people are extremely good at Fire Pokémon, which is also not good for you."

Daigo also felt that what he said made sense. The attribute is indeed not good for him, and he is stronger than himself. There is no chance of winning no matter how you look at it.

But Daigo is not a person who gives up easily. He keeps thinking of ways in his mind.

Chen Shi said: "The Lava Team is here to find meteorites, so it is impossible for them to stay in the base all the time. "

"Those middle and senior members are probably out, and the base may only be guarded by the cadre named Huoshu."

Dawu nodded, as if what you said made sense.

"Then what?"

Chen Shi coughed and cast his eyes onOn Duolongqi, who had been silent since the beginning.

Duolongqi suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.


In the temporary base of the Magma Team, a red-haired middle-aged man sat on a chair with a big horse and a golden sword.

This is the new cadre of the Magma Team, Huoshu.

Some time ago, Huoshu was sent by the leader to Meteor Falls to find a meteorite.

And promised that if he found it, he could help his other three Pokémon advance to Quasi-King.

Huoshu was moved, and all his men rushed into Meteor Falls.

Huoshu was playing with five shrunken Poké Balls in his hand, "I didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest!"

"With these five baby dragons, even if this mission is not completed, I have the confidence to let the other three Pokémon under my command advance to quasi-kings."

"Four of them can be sold, and leaving one is enough."

"If there are too many, I don't have so many resources to train them."

Just as Huoshu was immersed in joy, a pair of narrow yellow eyes were scanning the entire base.

This was the captured Dragonki. As a ghost Pokémon, invisibility is a piece of cake.

Dragonki carefully observed, and when his eyes swept over the three Poké Balls on Huoshu's waist, a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

The aura in these three Poké Balls is very strong. Dragonki feels that he is probably not a match, and the other three are much worse.

It is about the same as his own strength.

Then, Dragonki's eyes stopped on a pile of stones on the ground. These are all stones that the Lava Team thinks are useless.

Some people have dug out evolution stones, but they were all picked out.

Duolongqi remembered that when he was a child, he was looking for strange stones.

Then, Duolongqi took out a space backpack prepared in advance, and took them away one by one when Huoshu was not paying attention.

During this period, Duolongqi was always cautious, for fear of making a noise.

Soon, the pile of useless stones was packed, and Duolongqi left here immediately.

At this time, Huoshu didn't know that something was missing in the base. After all, he was not Daigo, and he had no interest in this pile of useless stones.

Now Huoshu is still immersed in a beautiful fantasy.


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