“I said that this characteristic ladder diagram you guys are engaged in is simply boring, and it doesn’t make any sense at all,” Mizuharazawa didn’t waver in the face of Yamato’s questioning, and still said lightly.

“What!? You say that the ladder diagram of this characteristic is useless? Do you know that this is the hard work of our elf training academy for many years, which can make the general public clearly understand what characteristics are useful and what characteristics are useful, so that people can have a deeper understanding of the world of elves! Did you know! And…” As soon as he heard Mizuharazawa question the availability of the ladder diagram, Yamato immediately became furious.

“Hmph! It’s just stupid! There is no strongest characteristic in this world at all, and the difference between strong and weak is just the strength gap of the trainer! Have you ever heard the saying that there are no garbage pokemon, only garbage trainers? Without waiting for Yamato to finish speaking, Mizuharazawa directly interrupted his words and said in an indifferent voice.

“You! It’s just nonsense! You…” Yamato’s face flushed when he refuted this, and he wanted to refute Mizuharazawa’s words but found that there were no words to refute Mizuharazawa, he could only choke somewhere, like a duck being pinched by the neck.

“Snap! Syllable! Syllable! Well said! No garbage pokemon, only garbage trainers! What an incisive summary! At this time, there was a round of applause behind Mizuharazawa, and a vicissitudes voice said.

“Well?” His eyebrows furrowed slightly, and his head slowly turned back.

What caught his eye were two people, one of them was a medium-sized girl, her long black hair was tied into two ponytails, and her healthy wheat complexion and her body did not exude a resolute and steady momentum, which made people can’t help but look sideways.

The other was an old man with white hair and a face full of layers of wrinkles, and I saw that the old man was holding a crutch made of unknown wood in his right hand, and his body exuded a perennial high position.

“Well said young man! You’re this year’s novice trainer! It seems that your talent is good if you can say such a thing! Yamazaki said with a smile, listening to his tone as if he was very satisfied with him.

“Dean, you…” Yamato heard his own dean praise Mizuharazawa, doesn’t this mean that this kid is right! What is that characteristic ladder diagram!

“Dean? The dean of this school? Mizuharazawa’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said softly.

“Yamato! Don’t worry! Young man, although what you just said is very good, but! Yamazaki Tetsuto stopped Yamato with his left hand, signaling him not to speak first, and then changed his voice.

Sure enough, as the dean of this elven training academy, he would eventually defend the interests of his academy, and Mizuharazawa put his hands around his chest and made a look of listening.

“Whether the ladder diagram of this feature is useful or not is not up to us! Whether it is useful or not, it will take a long time to do it! Still with a kind face, Yamazaki said to him with a smile.

“Why don’t you verify it now! If I’m not mistaken, the one standing next to you is the owner of the Taoist Hall in Kanaz City! Just as I was about to challenge the dojo, wouldn’t I kill two birds with one stone? Mizuharazawa said as he lowered the Lalu Race in his arms to the ground.

“Oh? Larulas? Try it like this! Cuckoo! No problem! Yamazaki Tetetsu looked at Mizuharazawa, whose face was still as plain as water, and then directly agreed for the cuckoo.

“Huh? Be! No problem! “Facing Dean Yamazaki Tie, the owner of this Taoist Hall in Kanaz City is very respectful.

Soon, the news that a novice trainer who had just debuted challenged the Kanaz City Pavilion Master Cuckoo spread throughout the academy, and what was even more shocking was that the novice trainer actually questioned the practicality of the characteristic ladder diagram.

After a short period of preparation, Mizuharazawa and Cuckoo stood on the battle platform of the Elf Training Academy.

“So now, the Dojo Hall Master Cuckoo and Novice Trainer Mizuharazawa Dojo Tournament is about to begin, the rule is a knockout tournament using three pokemon, and only the challenger can change the elf in the competition, is there any objection?” The referee held a flag and explained the rules of the challenge to the two.



The two of them are already familiar with this rule, this is just going through the motions! So the two said in unison.

“Which one to use for the cuckoo!” Just as the cuckoo was about to take out the Spirit Ball, Yamazaki Iron in the audience suddenly spoke.

“Oh? All right! Hearing Yamazaki Tetsu’s words, Cuckoo said that the Poké Ball he had originally picked up was put down, and then picked up another Poké Ball and threw it into the sky.

“Come out! Rice spoon snake! With a white light, a purple-black rice spoon snake with a snake letter constantly stretching out appeared in everyone’s eyes.

“Spoon snake? Didn’t cuckoos use rocks? How did you use the poison system? “The first elf of the cuckoo surprised everyone, after all, the cuckoo has been mainly used by the rock system for a long time, and now it suddenly uses a poison system, which is very abnormal!

“Sorry! I’m using a super poisonous system this time, and the characteristics of this rice spoon snake of mine are first-class characteristics! Poison therapy! Du Juan’s eyes were a little apologetic, this poison system was a secret she had hidden for a long time, after all, a single attribute specialization was too easy to be restrained, so she secretly trained the poison system to use it as a killer tool.

But what she didn’t expect was that her killer skill turned out to be a novice trainer who had just taken an adventure, so Cuckoo was sorry for Mizuharazawa snake fan.

“Get on! Lalulas! My Lalulas’s characteristic is synchronization, I don’t know where this ranks in your so-called feature ladder chart? As if he had known that the cuckoo would use the poison system, Mizuharazawa’s face did not have any fluctuations, and he still said flatly.

Although his face was as plain as water, in fact, Mizuharazawa was also taken aback in his heart, after all, the owner of the Kanaz City Taoist Hall is famous for using the rock system, so it is difficult not to be surprised when he suddenly uses the poison system.

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