“Huh? Isn’t that iceberg face? He won’t also come to participate in the family competition, right? Just as Mizuharazawa walked into the competition venue of the family competition with an indifferent face, there was a lot of commotion in the crowded square.

“Gee……. He seems to be twelve years old! Can I participate in the family competition now? ”

“Didn’t you offend the eldest young master when you said that? How can you participate in the family big competition for you? ”

“Who says it isn’t! He looked like a dead father and mother all day, as if who owed him money! ”

“Hey! You’re right! That iceberg face is the father and mother who died since childhood! Haha…………..”

In an instant, the originally calm scene around became lively, and disdain and ridicule continued to emanate from the crowd.

He slowly raised his head, revealing a somewhat green but handsome face, an icy breath rushed to his face, and his dark eyes indifferently swept over those who mocked and mocked him.

“Uh………………..,” Everyone who was swept by his eyes felt a cold breath wrap around his body, and the wanton ridicule gradually decreased.

“Great……. Gentleman! Just when everyone was shocked by Mizuharazawa’s eyes, a slightly trembling voice came from the crowd.

“What….. What big young master? ”

“Ahhh I’m going to prepare for Dabi! Just flash first! ”

“That’s right! I’m going to get ready too! ”

“That’s right! That’s right! ”

Hearing that it was the eldest young master coming, the people gathered around immediately scattered, as if they were burning their buttocks.

“Mizuharazawa! You’re still this iceberg face! It’s disgusting! Suwon Shio walked up to him, his face full of disgust, and said in a condescending tone.

“Suwon Shio! Your sense of superiority that doesn’t know where it comes from is still so disgusting! He said in a light tone, as if stating a fact.

“Abominable!” Seeing that Mizuhara Zena was still paralyzed, a nameless fire emerged from his heart.

“Hah! Brother Ze! You’re here! Just as Suwon Chao was about to get angry, a sticky and cute voice came.

I saw a person about one meter three, wearing a beautiful princess dress, combing a double ponytail, and holding a doll in his arms, jumping towards this side.

“Brother Ze! It’s been a long time see! Xiaomeng misses you so much! “Mengmeng’s big eyes, fair and delicate skin, coupled with the cute aura that exudes from her body, Xiaomeng is like a porcelain doll, which people can’t help but care.”

“It’s Xiaomeng!” Seeing that it was Xiaomeng, his paralyzed face also cracked a rare smile.

He rubbed Xiaomeng’s head vigorously with his right hand, rubbing the neatly combed hair into a mess.

“Nasty!” Xiaomeng pouted the most and made an angry look, but the fat baby fat still made her look extremely cute.

“Abominable! Hum! Looking at Mizuharazawa and Xiaomeng’s intimate behavior, Mizuharazawa’s face on the side immediately became gloomy, snorted coldly, and left directly with a flick of his head.

“Could it be……………..” At this time, he looked up at the back of Suhara Chao, and then at Xiaomeng, who was coquettish in his arms, and suddenly he seemed to understand something.

“Oops! My little princess! How can you hug this lowly man? Then came a goosebump-jerking sound.

I saw an aunt with heavy makeup on her face, crossing the waist of the bucket, staring at him fiercely, but she seemed to be afraid of something, and did not directly rush up to break him and Xiaomeng.

“It’s annoying!” Seeing the person coming, Xiaomeng immediately wrinkled her nose and muttered.

“Huh……. Little Meng should be well-behaved! You’re grown up now, you’re a big girl! You can’t always be coquettish in my arms! Otherwise, others will laugh at you…” he said again, ruffling Xiaomeng’s freshly arranged hair.

“Brother Ze! I’m still a kid! Hearing his words, Xiao Meng immediately pouted and pretended to be unhappy and said.

Looking at the unmanned Mizuharazawa and Xiaomeng over there, Grandma felt angry! It’s so arrogant! That kid dared to ignore her!! And the little princess of the Suwon family made such an intimate move.

But strangely, although she started such a big fire, it still did not stop his intimate action with Xiaomeng, but uncharacteristically suppressed the fire, which looked at Mizuharazawa for a while.

If before, when grandmother saw him and Xiaomeng so close, she would have jumped up angrily, and then rushed up to separate them, but now she has put up with it?

“Why is today so abnormal!?” First, he was suddenly notified that he was allowed to participate in the family competition, and then the guy from Suwon Chao came over to provoke, and under his keen perception, he felt a strong smell of conspiracy.

“First one! Mizuharazawa vs Mizuhara Kaze, please come to the center of the ring as soon as possible” At this time, a loud voice came.

“Oh? So fast!? Little cute, you have to be good! I’m going to fight! He touched Xiaomeng’s head and said.

“Go, go, go! Be sure to teach those hateful guys a hard lesson! Make them look down on you! Xiaomeng’s white and tender little hands clenched into fists and cheered him on.

After a while, he walked to the ring of the fight.

“In the first game, Mizuharazawa said to Mizuharazawa,” the referee next to him waved a small green flag.

“Come out! Yo-yo sugar balls! “I saw Tatsuhara throw the Spirit Ball, and the white light flashed, and a little elf like a spider appeared.

“Yo-yo sugar balls? Come out! He touched the Poké Ball lightly, and a little dazy man appeared in the ring.

“Haha! It turned out to be a dumb beast, it seems that I won! When Mizuhara Kaze saw that his elf was a dumb beast, he immediately burst out laughing, as if he had won the battle.

“Haha…. What a dumb beast! It seems that Suwon Wind has won, and that kid’s luck is really good.”

“Yes! How could I not encounter such a good thing?

Seeing that Mizuharazawa’s elf was a dumb beast, everyone in the audience was not optimistic about him.

Cause? The reason is that the dull beast is naturally dull, and some of the dull personality is very difficult to command, often ignoring the trainer’s instructions.

“Good! We put on the yo-yo balls and use bubbles! Seeing that the opponent was a dumb beast, Suwon said confidently.

Saying that, many blue bubbles flew towards Xiao Du in a straight line.

“Little nerd, use instant amnesia!” In the face of Suyuan Feng’s attack, he was very calm and said lightly.

I saw that Xiao Du showed a dumb look, and the special defense was instantly increased by two levels.

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