Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 131 Germination

"Let's put all the materials here first, and put these poke balls here.

And Takashima, your wrist is also seriously injured, just in case, we will come tomorrow morning. Then go to the forest over there and deal with Radha! "

On the surface, Tianji didn't care about Takashima's surprised expression, and continued talking about the following arrangements.

Sometimes you can't act too deliberately, and put the most valuable in your backpack. This is what the captain will do when strangers form a team in the wild.

"Oooh, okay, thank you Captain."

Hearing Tianji's material arrangement, Takashima didn't say anything, but took it for granted.

"Okay, then let's go back first, show her the materials, and ask the client to sign the mission certificate.

Then find a homestay here for the night. "

After speaking, Tian Ci walked towards the plantation with the two elves.

"Let's go, little fist stone." Takashima also quickly called out to the still vigilant little fist stone to follow behind.

"That's 120,000! 120,000! I have to do a few one-star missions, and I can earn it by killing a few elves at the border of the inner circle of the forest!

And this brat is so young and so strong, the illustrated book must have played a key role! "

Takashima followed behind Tianji, thinking about his daily income of more than 10,000 points, and remembering that he didn't even have the savings of evolutionary resources, he couldn't help breathing a little fast, and the expression on his face also changed slightly.

"People, that's how it is. When you have some hope, you won't blame yourself for the mistakes you made before, but you always feel that the external environment has dragged you down.

It seems that I have never met a teammate who is wholeheartedly thinking about team unity. "

Tian Ci walked in front. Although he couldn't see Takashima's expression behind him, his body that had been exercising all year round allowed him to hear Takashima's somewhat rapid breathing and obviously heavier footsteps.

After all, the distance between the two of them is not very far, it can even be said that the distance between the front and back feet. So if you pay attention, you can still find it clearly.

"I still need to add more materials. It will be tomorrow, when I go to the wild forest."

Tian Ci silently thought that he knew that no matter how bad Takashima was, he was still an ordinary-level trainer, and he must understand the basic advantages and disadvantages. When he was basically in good condition, he would definitely not make a move, and he would not have a very strong mind.

Basically, it's like this psychological envy, jealousy and hatred, the longer you grow, the more unwilling you are! As long as this kind of emotion accumulates to a certain level, and there is a suitable opportunity to make a move, then 90% of the time, he will definitely choose to make a move.

The two people who had their own concerns went back to the plantation silently. After Tian Ci took the materials to Sister Tao for a look, and then sent a few compliments against her conscience, Sister Tao readily signed and stamped on the mission certificate. chapter.

"Then let's find a homestay now, and leave at the door at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning."

After getting the voucher, Tianji and Takashima began to look for a homestay in the plantation.

In the plantation, the most common houses are the houses of the farm workers, but they also know that there will be quite a lot of foreign trainers coming here during this period of time, so those who have vacant rooms will hang a cute house outside the door. The sign of living outside.

It took no effort,

The two found a homestay, and after saying good night to each other, they entered their own rooms.

There was nothing to say all night, and in the early morning of a new day, the two men dressed neatly led their elves to the wild forest.

"Takashima, your wrists and feet are alright? Elves are such a magical species!"

Tian Ci couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the strength of his wrist following Takashima side by side.

You must know that with yesterday's injury, ordinary people would definitely have to suffer 100 days of injury, but they didn't expect their wrist strength to recover in one night.

"Well, I have used good wound medicine for the wrist force several times, and of course it is also because of the extraordinary physical fitness of the wrist force itself."

When Takashima heard Tianji's question, he immediately explained it, and at the same time patted the head next to him.

"Hey hey (??????_????)??" The wrist strength also immediately made a strong pose!

"Oooh, what a wound medicine, 500 a bottle, it seems that you have really made a lot of preparations."

Looking at the normal wrist strength, he was also a little surprised by the powerful recovery ability of the wound medicine!

"Hey, be careful sailing for ten thousand years. After all, this third mission is really a bit dangerous for me. Buying these things basically used up all the money in my card."

Takashima rubbed his hands in embarrassment after finishing speaking, and looked at Tianji's backpack eagerly.

"Haha, don't worry, we will definitely make a lot of money this trip, Bibi Bird will go and check around, just look for Lada!"

Seeing Takashima who was a little embarrassed, Tian Ci smiled, comforted him, and directed Bibi Bird to investigate the information.

After more than 20 minutes, Bibi Bird flew back.

"Beep~beep~" Bibi Bird told Tianci all the information about the surrounding forests, including information about Lada, and also told Tianci about some powerful elves.

Anyway, there was no contract, and Takashima couldn't understand it, so Tianji didn't shy away from him.

"Takashima, Bibi Bird told me that several Ladas have been found. You are right. There are really many Ladas here. Let's go now and find the nearest one."

After listening, Tianci already had a plan in his mind, but he only told Takashima a few haunts of Lada, and then took Takashima to the nearest place.

"One Lada, 7 small Ladas, it should be easy to solve."

After Tian Ci looked through the binoculars at the Lada group that was still looking for food in front of him, he was also relieved.

He was a little worried at first, whether there would be more than 20 little Ladas together, but fortunately, the Ladas in the forest did not report to the group like this.

He estimated that it should be because of too many numbers and too many goals. After all, the little Lada is also one of the bottom recipes in the entire forest.

"Well, this is relatively easy to solve, but the movement should not be too large. After all, this area has also attracted quite a lot of powerful meat-eating elves because of the little Ladado."

Takashima also put down the binoculars and nodded. If he was alone, he might not be able to take it down, but with Tianji around, it should be easy to solve.

"Okay, then I'd better sprinkle the powder on my side first, if they find something abnormal, Takashima, you should immediately let the little fist stone shake the ground with a heavy pedal!

At that time, let the wrist strength gather energy in advance and rush in, and how many or how many of them can be dealt with directly with fighting moves!

I will also ask Bibi Bird and Kou Daihua to help."

Tian Ci immediately came up with a very reliable plan, which was actually related to his last experience of forming a team. Those few times of besieging and killing Abo monsters also gave him a lot of inspiration.

"Okay, I will cooperate!" After listening to it, Takashima felt that there was no problem, so he nodded in agreement.

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