Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 133: The Black Hand

"Come on, Tianci, let's withdraw quickly, this seems to be!!!"

Takashima turned pale when he heard the roar. No matter how weak he was, he was still an ordinary trainer. Of course he knew that the voice was made by that elf, and there was only this kind of elf in the forest.

"It's the circle bear! Hurry up, try to solve the two Ladas together! Just take away the bodies of the two Ladas quickly!

Or Takashima, are you willing to give up the prey you have already obtained?

If we give up, besides running away, we have to find two Ladas again! All these injuries are in vain! "

Tian Ci's expression immediately became tense, and after he quickly told Takashima the prepared speech, he let Kou Duanhua and Bibi Bird speed up and rush towards Takashima's battlefield.

"Okay!" After looking at Lada who was still dying, as well as Koudaihua and Bibibird who had already rushed over, Takashima struggled for a while, and immediately agreed.

After a fight without water, the two Ladas fell in a pool of blood in less than a minute.

"Quick! Dumbfounded, Bibi Bird brings back Lada's body.

Takashima, you let the small fist stone, wrist strength pay attention to vigilance! "

Seeing that the battle was over, Tian Ci pretended to be anxious and asked the two elves to bring the corpse.


"Beep~" The two elves immediately grabbed one and drove towards Tian Ci's direction. Because they were carrying something, their actions were affected to a certain extent.

"Roar!" A deafening bear cry sounded beside the two cubs, and then the powerful impact knocked them into the air.

"Beep beep~( ̄ε(# ̄)"

"Moo~( ̄ε(# ̄)"

The two elves who were hammered fell to the ground. Although they were mentally prepared, they still hurt a lot!

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but from Tian Ci's perspective, the position of Xiaoquanshi will definitely not be a blind spot!

It clearly saw the circle bear appearing behind Koudaihua and Bibibird, but it didn't move at all. It watched helplessly as its original comrades were thrown to the ground by two lower arm hammers.

"What are you doing!!! Takashima! Why..."

Tian Ci turned his head and was about to scold Takashima, but suddenly a strong force came from behind him, pushing him towards the battlefield.

"Tear~" Takashima easily cut the backpack strap with a special dagger, and kicked Tianji hard.

After all, he is an ordinary trainer who has experienced energy feedback, so it is no problem to kick people a few meters away.

"Why? Go ask Hades, little fist stone! Destroy yourself with all your strength!"

After Takashima finished speaking, he immediately ran outside with his backpack in his hand. Of course, his initial elf wrist strength had already been retracted into the elf ball when he was attacked just now.

"Hey Cha~(??_??)" With the rapid increase of his own energy, Xiao Quanshi's eyes clearly showed a sad expression.

Of course it understands that after the self-destruct, if there is no help and treatment from the trainer, it will definitely die here, but this is an order from the trainer it has been with day and night, so it still does not hesitate.

"It's just that in your heart, after all, I'm not as good as that bully,

Already lost the wrist strength of the fighting heart.

Farewell, my trainer! "

"Bang!" In a burst of bright white light, Little Fist Stone burned all his energy, detonating the surroundings!

"Roar~roar" The circle bears who were also within the explosion range screamed again and again after being bombed.

"Shua!" On the contrary, a faint energy barrier appeared around Tian Ci, who had expected it for a long time.

Of course, Koudaihua and Bibiniao had taken him back the moment he was pushed out. Fortunately, Takashima didn't look back after giving the order to blew himself up, otherwise he would have understood that this was a game set up for him.

"Phew, this ten thousand yuan is not in vain." After a few seconds of the big explosion, Tian Ci looked at the broken amulet in his hand and couldn't help sighing.

This talisman is also sold in department stores, but unlike the reusable barrier, it can only be used once, and the corresponding price is much cheaper, only 10,000 yuan. Of course, it can only protect against ordinary and advanced attacks at most.


"After all, it is an ordinary high-ranking one, and there is a big gap in strength between the mid-ranking elves.

Come out, dumbass, Bibibird! "

Looking at the circle bear with only a few bald hairs and several wounds on his body, but his limbs are still sound, Tian Ci also let go of his unrealistic thoughts.

"Quanquan Xiong, you have also seen that my two elves have recovered, and they are not weak. Are you sure you want to fight me?"

"Hiss~" Before Quanquan Xiong could reply, Tian Ci took out a powerful repellent spray from his bag and sprayed it twice in the direction of Quanquan Xiong.

"Moo moo~"

"Beep beep!" When the two elves were taken back into the elf ball, they had already taken the berry to restore themselves, so they appeared full of momentum when they appeared.

"Roar~" Quanquan Xiong's family knows his own affairs. Although he looks like he still has 70% to 80% of his fighting power, in fact, the aftermath of the explosion just now has shaken his right hand, and he is still in pain, so the actual fight may be real. Can't beat the two elves on the opposite side.

But it is impossible to lose without losing, as a tyrant in this forest, it is impossible for it to retreat in such a dismal manner, so it purposely endured the pain, and pointed with its left and right fingers that the two bodies that had been completely destroyed by the explosion Rada who lost his life.

"Ho Ho!" said that he could leave, but the two Ladas belonged to me!

"No, those two Ladas are useful to me. You can only take all the little Ladas on the ground at most! Or fight!"

When Tianci saw Quanquan Xiong pointing at the two Ladas, his face immediately turned black. This is just enough for the task!

This must not be given, the worst case is that it can't be beaten by letting Kou Duanhua roll it with a vine and run away immediately. I don't believe that it will endure the injury by force and catch up with the powerful repellent spray.

"Hey~hey~" Quanquan Xiong understood Tian Ci's meaning, looked at the 10 or so little Ladas on the ground, and nodded.

After holding the little Lada's body in his arms, Circle Bear ignored Tian Ci who was still on guard, and walked directly to his lair.

Seeing the circled bears that had retreated, Tian Ci immediately disposed of the bodies of the two Ladas. Fortunately, the materials were still valuable within a short time.

After "then this little fist stone" spent 1.2 minutes quickly harvesting the materials, he also noticed the little fist stone that was still panting.

After all, it didn't burn all its life like the previous gas egg and explode, but the small fist stone that burned all its energy can still be saved.

"Forget it, it's still 25 points of contribution. I'll hide you in a tree first, and I'll rescue you after capturing Takashima!"

After Tian Ci thought about it, he asked Bibi Niao to put the small fist stone between the branches of a big tree. After all, the subdued elves can't be received in other people's elves balls.

He also believed that it was only a few minutes, Takashima must not have run far, and he believed that it would be easy to deal with the injured wrist, and elves like Little Fist Stone would definitely not be able to die in such a short period of time.

PS: Reward 10,000 points for book friend Jiang Shan! Thanks guys! !

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