Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 204 Internal Strength and Martial Skills

"Vine monster, use a few vines to tie this woman up in a kneeling position."

After Pockmark found the place, he said something to the vine monster.

"Hujia~" The vine monster nodded, and skillfully changed the binding method of the vines.

"Woo~woo~" In an instant, Xiao Ling was bound into a very seductive posture.

"I c! This vine monster has often done such things!"

When Tian Ci saw this scene, he felt inexplicably familiar. After thinking about it, he realized that this was the rope art that a teacher in his previous life liked to play the most!

"Well, that's enough, vine monster, turn around and help me guard the surrounding area."

Pockmark looked at Xiao Ling who was tied up, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Huh~jia~" The vine monster said that he didn't understand his master's strange habit, and turned around obediently.

"Hey hey~ I'm here, little beauty!" Pockmarked face felt that everything was ready, so he pressed his hands on the part that was even bigger because of the vines.

"Woo~woo~" Ning Hui, whose mouth was gagged, could only struggle feebly.

But fortunately, this pockmarked face seems to have a special habit, only through the black protective clothing.

"Huchi~hu~" Tianci and Shitou felt a little heavy breathing while watching the live performance.

Fortunately, they were more than 20 meters away, and the pockmarked face was not paying attention at all, so they were not discovered.

After a few minutes like this, Tian Ci saw the pockmarked face, and his facial expression began to become ferocious and mixed with a little relief, he knew that the opportunity was approaching.

"Huh... But I didn't expect that person to have such a habit! He likes to wear clothes..."

Tian Ci took a deep breath and suppressed the heat in his heart. Fortunately, nothing was revealed through his clothes, otherwise he might not have been able to bear it.

"Little Ling,

Ready, you have a flashbang, right? When I say let it go, you just throw it out.

Then the three of us ignored the vine monster and shot directly at the pockmarked face. "

"En" Shitou pressed his leg in embarrassment, nodded in agreement.

"Okay! I can't wait." Xiaoling took out the flash bomb and said excitedly.

As for whether they would accidentally hurt Ning Hui, the three of them seemed to have ignored it.

Well, it's not ignoring, because Ninghui is always wearing protective clothing, so I believe a little aftermath must be able to hold on.

"Ah~ I'm coming!" Pockmarked face yelled, and squeezed both hands desperately.

"Woooo! Woo~" Ninghui felt pain from being caught, and felt a wave of heat appearing in front of her.

She was a little sad and angry, but also a little lucky, but fortunately, she was still innocent only through the clothes.

"Do it!"

"Shua! Shua!" As soon as Tian Ci finished speaking, Xiaoling threw two flash bombs with precision!

"Ah!" At this moment, the pockmarked face just looked up at the sky,

"Hujia!" The vine monster was also dazzled by the sudden flash, and quickly loosened the bondage on Ninghui.



"Hey Cha ~ Shoo ~"

"Yobo~ Gulu Gulu~"

At the same time, the elves under the three of them also attacked the pockmarked face in a series of attacks.

"咻咻~" Of course Tian Ci's throwing knife and Xiaoling's water arrow followed closely behind.

"Bang bang~ stab~"



The dazed pockmarked face, which was still in a state of ecstasy, didn't react at all, and a series of attacks hit him.

The already damaged protective suit was broken after only holding on for a few times, and the subsequent attacks directly hit his body.

"Bang~" When he was knocked into the air and landed, his flesh and blood were blurred, and he had already lost his voice.

"Hujia!??(◣д◢)??" Seeing the death of his trainer, the vine monster went completely crazy!

"咻咻咻~" In an instant, 7 to 8 vines flew towards the crowd.

"Mouth and flowers, try to block a few of the poisonous thorn whips, and you have already solved the rest."

"Bibi Bird, the shadow clone, and the big tornado sent it to the sky!"

Seeing the drawn vines, Tian Ci immediately said to everyone.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, blow it away with a water gun."

"Little fist stone, gather stones to block in front of me!"

Xiaoling's way of coping was quite satisfactory, but Shitou's way of resisting caught his eye.

Tian Ci remembered that he had never taught Shishi this trick, which meant that Shishi should have been groping for a few nights.

"It's quite like the Stone Shield Technique." After this thought flashed through his mind, he immediately focused on the battle.

"Hujia~jia!" I saw that the vine monster had already been rolled into the sky at this time, and the energy of the flight system was constantly cutting its body.

"Bang~" The vine monster that fell to the ground didn't pay attention to its own wounds. It was full of anger and quickly condensed green energy bombs in front of it.

"Boom!" Just as it was about to launch, the ground suddenly shook.

"Hujia~咻咻咻~" The vine monster was directly knocked down, and the energy ball also hit the air above.

"Wow~" At the same time, a vortex of water also surrounded the fallen vine monster.

"Bibi Bird, seize the opportunity, let's have another big tornado!

De Ruby, it's time for you to use sparks in the tornado! "

Knowing that it was Xiaoling and Shitou who made the move, Tian Ci quickly seized the opportunity to let Bibi Bird make another move.

"Beep~Hurrah~" Bibi Bird nodded and began to flap its wings vigorously.

"Huh~huh~" It was another big tornado that swept the vine monster into the sky.

However, it can also be seen that the tornado this time is obviously smaller than the last one.

After all, a big tornado consumes a lot of energy.

"Woof~hu~hu~" At this time, Dai Ruby who ran to Tian Ci's feet obediently spit out a few sparks from his mouth.

"Wow~hoo~" Immediately the tornado turned into a fire tornado.

"Add! Puchi~puba~hujia!" The vine monster wailed in pain in the fire tornado, and its voice slowly dropped.

"Bang~(?_?)?" When it fell to the ground, it had already lost its ability to fight, and the originally blue vines were also burnt black.

"Bibi Bird, finish it with a peck." Seeing the vine monster that had lost its ability to fight, Tian Ci directly gave the order to kill it.

"Beep~puchi!" Bibi Bird nodded, and the bird's beak lit up with white light, passing through the vine monster's eyes.

"Thank you, thank you for saving me." Seeing that the battle was over, Ning Hui also came out from behind the big tree and bowed to the three of them as a thank you.

"Tick tick ~ tick tick ~" is that the unknown liquid dripping from her body can't help but make people think a little bit.

As for why she didn't take advantage of the chaos and escape just now, it was because she didn't know the way at all, and she didn't have any elves on her body. If she didn't rely on other people in the inner circle of the forest, she couldn't get out at all.

"Well, you're welcome, Ning Hui." After thinking for a while, Tian Ci took off his mask and waved at Ning Hui.

After all, Ning Hui did him a little favor at the Fairy Center to be honest.

Anyway, it was decided to send her back to the town, so it was impossible to wear a mask all the time, it would be fine to just recognize her directly.

"Ah! You are! You are Tian Ci-kun! That~that~" Seeing the face disfigured by scars under the mask, Ninghui said in surprise.

"It's me, Ninghui, you go clean yourself first, then my teammates and I will send you back to town safely."

Seeing Ning Hui who was hesitant to speak, Tian Ci didn't ask her to say anything, he just waved his hand, and walked straight towards the pockmarked corpse.

"Ah!" Ninghui noticed that there was still an unknown liquid on her body, blushed, screamed, and hurriedly ran behind the big tree, took out some wet wipes from her backpack and began to wipe them.

"Xiao Ling, Shi Shi, you two should get rid of these two elves first, and sell the materials directly."

Tian Ci first took out the two elf balls from the waist of the corpse, looked at the two elves that were still sleeping because of serious injuries, nodded, and threw the two elf balls to Xiao Ling and Shi Shi respectively. .

(The belts that release the poke balls are all specially made, and ordinary-level energy can't hurt the lowest-level belts.)


"Okay." The two nodded, and began to find a place to deal with it.

"Kao, why is there nothing!"

After finding the poke ball, he searched the corpse inside and out again without disdain.

Originally, he thought that this kind of fugitive should keep important things close to his body, but he didn't expect to catch a single hair, and even made his gloves stink.

"C! Then let me see what's in your backpack. If you don't satisfy me, I'll let Kou Dahua hang you up and flog you!"

Throwing the stinky gloves aside, Tian Ci changed a new pair, and said something bitterly to the corpse.

When he was searching inside and out just now, he was really disgusted, especially that part, just to be on the safe side, he searched carefully inside and out.

After all, he found an evolutionary stone from a girl in this way before!

"Moomoo?" Hearing Tian Ci calling himself at this time, the vigilant Duanhua immediately turned his head and yelled twice in doubt.

"It's okay, dumbfounded, I said you were really careful when you were on guard!"

Hearing Koudaihua's suspicious cry, Tian Ci made a haha, signaling Koudaihua to continue to be vigilant.

"Moo(???_??)?" She didn't want to take her mouth seriously, and it became more concentrated, and its two round eyes looked around with fighting spirit.

"Beep~" "Wow!" Bibi Niao and Dai Rubi heard Tian Ci's praise of Kou Daihua, and immediately put on a more vigilant posture.

"In this way, Tianji will praise me when the time comes, hehehe~"

"Open!" Tian Ci didn't pay attention to the mental activities of the three little ones at this time, he was in a hurry to open the bag.

After he yelled, he unzipped the zipper!

"I'm c! Why are you so poor! Didn't you say that you looted two families!"

Looking at the empty backpack, Tian Ci couldn't help stomping his feet angrily, and kicked the corpse.

In fact, what Tian Ci didn't know was that when this group of people first looted out, everyone's backpacks were indeed bulging, filled with all kinds of elf materials and energy supplies.

But in the bloody battles along the way, especially in the hunts one after another in Pinliang Town, the supplies they snatched were also consumed rapidly.

Not to mention that after their boss, Hirano broke through to the elite level, in order to increase his energy as soon as possible, he confiscated all the things that Abby Lang and his other elves could use.

In addition, Pockmarked Face is the weakest of the remaining 6, so of course there is nothing in its backpack.

"Two fire-type energy crystals, one medium-grade and one low-grade.

One note is for cultivating vine monsters, big-mouthed bats, and Arbo monsters. It has a little reference value, but it is probably a wild way, and it is still far from the orthodox breeding cheats. "

Scolding is irrelevant, but what needs to be sorted out is still to be sorted out. After throwing away some clothes, sundries and other worthless things, he began to look at the valuable things one by one.

"Hey! This! There is such a thing!" When he put the notebook on the other side, the two books exposed under it suddenly surprised him.

I saw that he was holding two old books in his hand, one of which said "Pure Yuan Jue" on the cover.

He immediately looked through it, and found that it was indeed a book of more advanced exercises than "Exercising the Body".

As the name suggests, "Exercising Body Art" is mainly for people to exercise their bodies to break through the sense of Qi. Although there are methods of promoting Qi, they are only incidental, the effect is not good, and there are very few meridians passed through.

But this "Pure Yuan Jue", after looking through it for a while, he found that there are more than two times more qi circulation paths than "Forging Body Jue", and there are dense notes beside it!

With these annotations, he can practice on his own.

Resisting the excitement of practicing immediately, he looked at the book below again, and saw the words "Di Sha Fist" written on the blue cover.

"Hey~ what is boxing, the enemies you are facing now are all elves."

Seeing these three characters, Tian Ci was a little disappointed, but he opened it anyway.

Sure enough, there is a set of boxing techniques used to fight against the enemy. Martial arts moves and routines are not very difficult, but there is a comment at the end that it will have the ability to improve physical fitness.

"Forget it, let's practice. Maybe some elves will surprise me at that time, and it can be regarded as a means of self-defense."

Putting the two cheat books in his backpack solemnly, Tian Ci decided to practice hard when he went back.

"I didn't expect that the weakest fugitive had martial arts cheats from fighters. It seems that they really slaughtered two families, but why are there only two? And it's paper?"

Shaking his head, Tian Ci, who couldn't figure it out, stopped thinking about it and continued to organize his spoils.

In fact, he didn't know that these superficial martial arts cheats were the originals brought back to the family by the gym owner's concubine.

Of course, the symbolic meaning is relatively large, and after bringing it back to the family, it is also placed in the treasure house. The direct descendants of the family usually use a USB flash drive to read it, or just use a brand-new cheat book that has been stir-fried.

After all, the content is exactly the same, why do you have to hold this tattered book? Of course, the public opinion is to keep the original rewarded by the gymnasium master.

After breaking the family, other stronger bandits took space-saving USB flash drives, or brand new cheat books. He was the weakest, so he could only get the two most basic and tattered originals.

But for Tian Ci, these two books are just right for him, especially "Pure Yuanjue". After reading it, he knows that this is actually a method for cultivating non-attributed true qi. Because it has no attributes, it is cultivated. The purity is also relatively high, which seems to be a little bit helpful to break through the bottleneck, but the corresponding is that there is no additional ability of other attributes.

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