Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 220 Respective Development

"Wow~" Hei Lujia immediately ran to another stake after hearing the second skill.

"Woof!" I saw it shouted. Then there were fluctuations of evil-type energy on the body, especially the head, where the evil-type energy was the most intense.

"Woof!" It opened its eyes suddenly, and Tian Ci felt that Hei Lujia seemed to be more energetic, and his eyes were sharper!

"Huhu~" A large ball of flame spit out from Heluga's mouth.

"Puff~Zizi~" This flame also directly burned the other stake into coke.

"Woof~" After the attack, Helujia's spirit obviously weakened, and his eyes were no longer as sharp as before, but from its proud cry, it could still be heard that his fighting power had not declined much.

"It's great, Hei Lujia, this trick is a trick, you just evolved, go rest tonight, we will do control training tomorrow."

Tian Ci also recognized this move, he had memorized the moves of his elves.

"Woof~woof~" Hei Lujia nodded, and went to his old place to rest. It really needs to rest first after it has just evolved.

"You two go to rest too. Since Helujia is going to train, I'll find work for you too."

After letting Hei Lujia go to bed, Tian Ci let Dumber Hua and Bibi Bird go to rest first in order not to favor one another.

"It's time to think about it. What do Koudaihua and Bibibird want to train these days? Headache!"

Because Hei Lujia must be training at home, so in order to find something meaningful for the other two elves to do, he plans to think about the training plan tonight.

"Yes, it seems that Dumb Flower can also learn the shadow clone, Bibi Bird has already learned it, then let Bibi Bird teach Dumb Flower the shadow clone!

After all, Koudaihua's positioning is tanks and interference. If there is a shadow clone, it can resist for a longer time.

For Bibi Bird, in addition to teaching dumb flowers, it also has to teach Hei Lujia the flame vortex. I believe that Hei Lujia should be able to learn it quickly. The truth is that water is fine, but fire is not! "

After working on the chair for a long time, he suddenly thought of it. In this way, Kudaihua would have to learn new skills, and Bibi Bird would be busy being a teacher. Aren't the two elves busy with work? I'm such a genius!

"Beep beep~" Bibi Bird, who was defined by Tian Ci as a teacher, suddenly shivered in his sleep, not sure if he felt something.

"But it's not enough, Bibi Bird should be able to explain the principle very quickly, why don't we arrange it again and see if there are any easy moves to learn!"

After making the arrangements, Tian Ci suddenly thought of the scene where Bibi Niao taught mosquito-repellent frogs in the forest. He remembered that it only took two hours, which must be too little, so he sat down, opened the illustration book and started to search Bibi A move that birds can learn quickly.

"This doesn't work, there is no connection"

"This doesn't seem to be useful!"

"This, why is it so expensive!"

After some research, he finally determined his goal.

"Let's learn air chopping. I don't know if Uncle Sam's toucan can do it? Make a phone call and ask. Anyway, you need to give money. It's better to give it to Uncle Sam, and you can also connect with your relationship."

"Beep~beep~" After confirming the move, Tian Ci took out his mobile phone and dialed Uncle Sam's number.

"Hey~ Tianji boy,

You called me again at night, what's the matter?

Clap, clap, push me hard from behind! "

As soon as the connection was made, Uncle Sam asked straight to the point. Judging from the voices behind him, Tian Ci knew that Uncle Sam was working hard to create future generations of the family again.

"Ahem~ Uncle Sam, how can you say that, I just thought I haven't contacted you for a few days, so I specially called to ask how you are doing recently, how are you doing, and I want to get in touch with you!"

Although he heard the voice behind, Tian Ci decided to pretend to be stupid, and exchanged feelings first, anyway, Uncle Sam didn't shy away from it, and he didn't have anything to be embarrassed about.

"Hehe~ I am living a very good life, I enjoy it very much, you don't need to care about it, it's fine, I'm really fine, I just hang up!

Ah ~ hoo ~ hurry up, you two speed up! "

Uncle Sam also joked a few words happily, and even deliberately added a sentence at the end to let Tian Ci know how good he is now!

"Hey~ No, Uncle Sam, I'm really here to get in touch with you, and I have something to ask you by the way?

Can your toucan kill in the air? "

Although he knew that Uncle Sam on the opposite side was teasing him, he had to cooperate with being teased, so he took advantage of the opportunity to reveal his true purpose.

There is no way that in interpersonal communication, the weaker party will always suffer a little inadvertently. In order to achieve their own goals, the weaker party always needs to cooperate to make the stronger party happy first.

"Heh, I knew that you would go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do, that's all right, you can just let your Bibi bird fly over the day after tomorrow, and I will let the toucan teach it."

Uncle Sam also found a sense of accomplishment in the conversation with Tian Ci. Even if you are a genius, you still have to cooperate with me obediently and please me, so he agreed happily.

"Yeah! Yes, thank you, Uncle Sam!"


After explaining the matter clearly, Uncle Sam ignored Tian Ci's last thanks, hung up the phone directly, and continued to play multiplayer sports with today's new maid on the big bed.

He was clear in his heart. Although the relationship between the two seemed to be getting better on the surface, in fact, the core of maintaining the relationship between the two was the transaction.

To put it bluntly, I will invest in your future, and you will borrow my present.

He believed that Tian Ci's kid was clear about Yemen, otherwise he wouldn't have been caught plucking wool, obviously just taking as much as he can now.

Of course, he is also willing to be plucked by Tian Ci, or do you think that elite trainers can really only pay half the price of skill balls?

"Phew~ then everything has been arranged. Tomorrow, let Bibi Niao teach Duanhua first, and then teach Hei Lujia. Hei Lujia's current energy control still needs to be improved first, and the foundation is laid firmly. It will be faster when combining new moves.”

Lying on the bed, Tian Ci thought about tomorrow's plan for a while, and then fell asleep. He didn't plan to call Ning Hui over these few days.

He is not the kind of person who can't distinguish between priority and priority. Elf strength is his foundation. If Hei Lujia's training is not treated well, even if Hei Lujia's qualifications are higher, he will not be able to enter the elite level. .


In the early morning, after a good night's sleep, Tian Ci and the three elves, who were all rested, came to the open field consciously after morning exercises and breakfast.

"Bibi Bird, your task today is to teach the shadow avatar of Kou Daihua in the morning, and then teach Heluga the flame vortex in the afternoon.

As for you going to Uncle Sam's house tomorrow, to find Toucan to learn air slashing, this move is actually a bit similar to the wind blades you know now, but we have been stuck in the last step, unable to gather those small wind blades, if Gathering together should be the air cut!

This time I also arranged for you, you have to study hard, understand! "

Tian Ci first talked about Bibi Bird's training tasks, after all, Bibi Bird's tasks are the most cumbersome.

"Beep (???_??)?" Bibi Bird nodded quickly, expressing that he would study hard.

As for whether it is afraid of the toucan, when it was learning to peck before, it already understood that the subdued toucan was indeed different, so it was not afraid at all.

"Okay, the next step is Koudaihua. Koudaihua's next task is to learn the shadow clone as soon as possible. After learning this dodge move, you have a solution to your slow-moving weakness."

After arranging the bibi bird, Tian Ci turned his head and explained its mission goal to Koudaihua.

"Moo~" Koudaihua nodded, expressing that he could definitely learn it.

It was aware of the fact that it moved slowly, especially when it was fighting against Smelly Flower, it didn't catch up to Dai Rubi at all. If it didn't have long-range attack moves, it probably would have lagged behind in that battle.

Although this trick can't directly increase its movement speed, it can increase its dodging ability, which is not bad, so it must learn!

"The last thing is Hei Lujia. You release your skills in the morning to improve your proficiency, and you also deliberately control your energy, get familiar with your new body as soon as possible, and regain control of your basics!

Then learn the flame vortex with Bibi Bird in the afternoon. This trick should not be difficult. The principle is the same as that of a tornado. Xiaoling's mosquito-repellent frog learned it in about 2 hours. I believe you will not be worse than it! "

"Woof! Woof!" Hearing that Tian Ci said that other elves could learn it in two hours, the competitive Hei Lujia quickly said that he could do it in one hour!

"Okay, then you have to study hard!" Tian Ci, who was interrupted, looked at the aggressive Hei Lujia, and then at the height that was already about the same height as him, and smiled. He was actually just a child Ah, it's just eating well, eating a lot, and growing fast!

"Then I will continue talking, Hei Lujia, you have to listen carefully!"

After stroking the dog's head as a sign of encouragement, Tian Ci opened his mouth and continued.

"After you learn the flame vortex, you should be able to find that this move has some similarities with your new move Purgatory!

The next thing is the key point, you have to find a way to combine these two tricks to complement each other's advantages!

Or combine that sudden burst of skill with the flame vortex.

Either way, it is to combine the manipulation skills of the flame vortex with Purgatory, so that the utilization rate of the flames can be increased as much as possible, so that the hit rate of this trick will definitely increase!

In this way, Hei Lujia, do you understand? "

"Wow? Bark?" Hei Lujia looked puzzled, saying that he didn't understand much, and he didn't know how to combine?

"It's okay, don't worry, I will help you with me when the time comes, now go and do your own things according to the plan."

Tian Ci was not surprised when he heard the words, and after clapping his hands, he let the three elves go to train according to the plan.

After all, if you can understand and understand, then why do you need him as a trainer!

"Beep beep~beep beep beep" Hearing that it's time to start training, Bibi Bird and Koudaihua immediately walked aside, Teacher Bird's small class started!

"唰唰~" While talking, it also used the shadow clone once to show the effect to Kou Daihua.

"Moo moo~ moo" the mouth is dazed and his eyes are shining, what a magical skill!

"Woof! Huhu~huhu~"

"Bang! Ka~ka~" Hei Lujia also released his main skills over and over again: sparks, purgatory, lightning teeth, etc.

"Hey~ Bang! Hey~"

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu by Yuan Jue".

Because he found that when he exhausted all the zhenqi in his body and was exhausted, he would practice this exercise a little faster than normal, so now he practiced in this order.

"Unfortunately, Xiaoling and Shitou seem to have taken their new elves out to hunt. Otherwise, they can be called together, and they can discuss the doubts about the exercises with each other."

Tian Ci couldn't help sighing when he thought of the experience of rushing to empty space twice this morning.

Even if there are annotations, practicing exercises cannot be done by one person behind closed doors. There are always some places where the words are actually ambiguous. At this time, everyone can discuss with each other and combine the annotations. It takes a long time for people to think on their own.

"But it's normal. It's been a few days since the two of them got the second elf. They should be exercising in actual combat now. I hope to break through the normal level soon. In this way, even if it is an ordinary high-level task, I can touch it too."

"Ah owe!" At the same time the other side. Xiaoling, who had just commanded Haixingxing to defeat a little Lada, sneezed for no reason.

"Xiao Ling, are you catching a cold? But we are all trainers, and you seem to be a superhuman water element, right? Can you catch a cold?"

Shi Shi also just commanded the two rats to deal with the two little Ladas who were trying to escape. When he heard Xiao Ling's sneeze, he asked a question in doubt.

"No, no, I don't know why, let's harvest the materials quickly, Brother Stone."

Xiaoling quickly waved her hand, and at the same time asked Hai Xingxing to carry the corpses over there with mental power.

"Well, rats and mice, go and move all the corpses from the other side."

Hearing this, Shi Shi didn't mean to ask any more questions, so he asked two mountain rats to carry the corpse.

"Kujia!" "Kujia~" The two rats nodded and went to carry the corpse together.

Among the two mountain rats, the mouse has changed a lot. Although it has not been planted with a contract, it has been able to understand some simple commands that Shishi said after being together for so many days.

Moreover, its current body is almost as fat as a rat's, and its originally thin and thin appearance has become round and round.

Anyway, Xiaoling can't tell which is a rat and which is a mouse, and only people like Shitou who get along day and night can recognize it.

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