The two of them were killed, but they were still alive.

"They are all Chinese, but he insisted on killing them!"

"I was also forced to do it. What's my fault? Wang Xun was tortured so badly, who wouldn't be afraid of becoming the second one!"

Gu Liao huddled behind Gubuta, looking at Chen Xiao viciously.

Now, he just wanted Chen Xiao to die.

Die with him!

In the turbulent waves just now.

Twenty-nine people were killed.

A total of ten seconds.

The next moment, Chen Xiao's figure suddenly flashed!

The four-corner camp was facing a great enemy!

"Gubuta, why don't you take action?"

Seeing such a miserable scene, Black Spear questioned Gubuta.

Gubuta sneered: "We two kings are fighting, do you want to benefit from it?"

Black Spear was speechless.

But the next second, a chill swept through his body!

He had no time to hesitate!

The black magic in his hand gathered like a trickle, gradually condensing into shape.

Finally, it turned into a spear with a burnt surface and flowing luster.

He took a deep breath and looked around, trying to find Chen Xiao's position.

His sixth sense told him.

That Chinese man...

is coming!

"I sensed it, he is on your left! Black Spear!"

The perceptive awakener in the team reminded, allowing Black Spear to focus.

He quickly raised the black spear.

He was in a posture of throwing a javelin.


In an instant!

A halberd interwoven with blue and green, like the dawn of dawn, broke through the barrier of space!

It appeared out of nowhere!

The murderous intent suddenly appeared!

It penetrated Black Spear's head without any obstruction!

After piercing the Black Spear, it continued to fly out!

A member of the Black Camp behind the Black Spear was also pierced by the halberd and had half of his body shattered!


"The leader was killed in seconds?!"

"The Black Spear leader was careless!"

"That despicable Chinese actually attacked!"

"A civilized country? This is not a martial ethics!"

There are only six people left in the Black Camp, and the backbone of everyone is the Black Spear leader.

Now that the leader is dead, they are also panicking.

"If the leader is dead, we are dead!"

"I didn't expect that the leader died before he used his trump card..."

"Gubta will not let us go!"

"Where is Gubuta? Look at that Chinese, his eyes are about to eat us!"

Yusi stood next to Gubuta, and was splashed with blood.

He retreated violently as if facing a great enemy.

The current situation is not good.

That Gubuta was waiting for the two of them to die, and then he would fight the Chinese.

Although if it was him, he would do the same.

But at this moment, he just wanted to curse:

Despicable beast!

"Chinese, I am willing to join forces with you to kill Gubuta together!"

"Gubuta is very strong, stronger than you think!"

Yusi turned against him at the critical moment, which was his only chance of survival.

Only when Gubuta and the Chinese fought, and the two strong ones fought, would he have a chance.

Chen Xiao's figure appeared.

A big foot appeared in front of Yusi!

"Who do you think you are?"


Yusi flew back seventy or eighty meters, and knocked down a tree along the way!

He spurted blood, and half of his body was kicked to pieces by Chen Xiao!

But he was reborn quickly!

The severe pain made Yusi struggle on the ground constantly.

Constantly trembling.

Chen Xiao held the long sword of water and swept all the way.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"

Each dodged was accompanied by a wail.

And the gushing of blood.

Until he came in front of Youxi, his cold eyes made Youxi tremble.

Youxi still wanted to struggle: "Chinese, I liked China very much before the end of the world, and I even played football..."


Before he could finish, he was met with a heavy punch from Chen Xiao!

Extremely violent!

The whole body was beaten to pieces!

Small pieces of flesh and blood were scattered all over the ground!

Completely cut off his hope of regenerating flesh and blood!

"Do you really think I don't watch the game?"

Chen Xiao sneered and silently remembered the time.

Twenty-one seconds.

He slowly turned around and looked at the only remaining Tianzhu camp in the whole field. The five people were waiting seriously.

Agni inheritance?

Vulcan inheritance?

Chen Xiao smiled faintly. He wanted to see what kind of person this Gubuta was!


Then he stepped on the ground and flew up!

"Great God of Fire Agni! Bless India!"

"Gubuta is invincible! He has not tasted


"We believe in Chief Gubuta!"

"This tiny Chinese man should be melted by the God of Fire! "

Gubta heard everyone's praise, without any pride.

Instead, he stepped forward with a serious face.

He threw his black cloak, revealing his original appearance.

He had a standard Indian appearance.

He wore a kurta on his upper body and a wide toddy on his lower body.

The scorching flames flowed around him!

The flames danced and jumped on the surface of his skin, like layers of flowing halos!

It was like a living sculpture of the holy fire of Brahma!

"I am the inheritor of Agni, a Chinese, you can..."



Chen Xiao didn't intend to let him finish pretending, the mountains and rocks in the mountain and river map rolled!

Facing the terrifying pressure!

Everyone in India showed their magical powers and wanted to escape!

But the mountains were heavy and numerous!

Blocked everyone's way!

"Nine-foot seal! "

The next moment, the majestic power of rules descended!




"What kind of means is this! Sealing my power?"

"At this point, we can only rely on the God of Fire!"

"Kill that damn Chinese!"

"The power of Agni will definitely defeat everything!"

Before they could hope.

[Eight-way Slaughter] has been launched!

The lens blade of the space is buzzing!

Like a soul-calling death knell!




Continuously harvesting until Chen Xiao's figure came in front of Gubuta.

Gubta was shocked and his face was a little ugly.

Only by facing this man can you know how strong this oppression is.

What's more terrifying is that his own fire power...

It has been suppressed and unable to fight...

"I'm curious, what on earth are you? "

Chen Xiao's words were so cold that Gubuta frowned.

"Why, you don't want to say it?"

"Then I'll beat you until you say it."

Chen Xiao shook his head, took a step forward, and a long water thorn formed in his hand!

"Vulcan Bell!"


In an instant, a tripod of illusory bell appeared!

The surface of the bell seemed to be flowing with runes and patterns, sometimes clearly visible, and sometimes hidden in chaos.

As if it came from another dimension!

It revealed the charm of ancient vicissitudes!

It firmly locked Gubuta's figure.

Looking at this posture, he planned to be a turtle until he died.

"Another opportunity..."

Chen Xiao sighed and slowly took out half a sheep's horn from the map of mountains and rivers.

The bright lamp can have cracks.

This big bell can also have cracks.

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