Dragon Master!

A simple understanding is that a Pokémon master specializes in the dragon type. According to Xiaozhi's current understanding, reaching this level with 18 attributes is the basis for becoming a Pokémon master!

Now Xiaozhi is unswervingly walking on the path of being a Pokémon master. In the Hezhong area, he will use all the experience he has accumulated so far to cultivate the Pokémon he has conquered here!

For Alice, since she wants to become the Dragon Master, cultivating Yaya into a powerful dual-axe fighting dragon is her first test!

Ever since Xiaozhi's naughty boy hatched, the two little brothers have often had to fight against each other!

"Very good, let's go, Yaya, use the claw attack!"

Under Alice's command, Yaya ran towards the slick boy, but stopped under the slick boy's glare attack!

This basic glaring attack was actually used by Xiaozhi. Alice really has to admire this level!

Xiaozhi smiled slightly,"Headbutt!"

After a period of physical training, the slick boy gradually gained momentum in his movements. He lifted his pants much faster. He immediately rushed in front of Yaya and hit his head hard on Yaya's head!

Yaya immediately hugged his head. She screamed in pain, but did not move back!

At this moment, Alice encouraged Yaya and ordered,"Come on Yaya, use the dragon's wrath!"

That's the order. Tiantong, who was preparing the meal at the side, quickly covered the food. The round land sharks who were training not far away also stopped, paying attention to whether Yaya could use this move!

But still In this way, the dragon energy failed to gather properly, and an explosion still occurred!

The naughty boy who was nearest pulled the molt up high to resist the damage of the explosion as much as possible!

"Still not working!"Alice picked up Yaya, still doting on her. The growth of dragon Pokémon takes time. Xiaozhi has nothing to teach about the accumulation of dragon energy. Just wait patiently for Yaya to grow up!

Xiaozhi gently touched the naughty boy's head. This child has made great progress!

At this moment, a blue light flashed on Xiaozhi's body, and he looked at Alice and said,"Wait here for a moment, I'll be back soon!" Round land shark!"

Ultimately, he called out to Yuanlu Shark. Before Alice and Yuanlu Shark could respond, Xiaozhi's figure disappeared in front of them!

A hole suddenly appeared under his feet. Xiaozhi fell into it before he could finish his words. Go in, and the hole is not strong. It collapsed immediately after Xiaozhi fell!

Just now, Xiaozhi sensed that the hole extended to his feet, so he made some explanations and fell in. How brave!

Yuanlu Shark, Vine Snake and other Pokémon who were training on their own quickly gathered around. The smart Vine Snake immediately used its vine whip and wrapped it around the dorsal fin of the Round Shark!

Nuannuan Pig and Water Otter held on tightly to the Round Shark. Lu Shark's arm, Crying Mask, which was resting in the shadow, pulled the Slippery Boy's arm and followed them!

In just a moment, under the command of Vine Snake, six Pokémon formed a team, led by Yuan Lu Shark used his burrowing skills to keep up with Xiaozhi!

It wasn't until they disappeared underground that Alice and Tiantong reacted!

Regardless of admiring Xiaozhi's training, Tiantong also threw the elf ball,"Let's catch up too. Come on, cauliflower monkey, dig a burrow!"

Unexpectedly, Alice also took out a Poke Ball with awareness. It turned out that Alice had a second Pokémon besides Yaya!

"At this time, it will definitely be obedient!"But when Alice threw the Poke Ball, a big drill hit the ground hard!

This is a dragon-headed gopher. This ground-type and steel-type Pokémon is very talented in digging and can create complex tunnels. It can also attack by transforming into a drill-like posture, and its power can penetrate iron plates!

But maintaining this drill form at this time shows that the child is unwilling to exert force!

Alice was discouraged.

Xiaozhi passed through the long hole and came to a valley below, and what appeared in front of him was the black-eyed crocodile wearing sunglasses who had found him before!

This guy ran away before he was beaten in the kindergarten. Unexpectedly, he found him again this time and went to a lot of trouble to dig such a long hole!

"Who will you challenge this time?"Ash looked at Black-Eyed Crocodile, and now he was surrounded by Pikachu, Eevee and Riolu!

But as soon as he finished speaking, Round Shark rushed out with the Pokémon and gathered around Xiaozhi, full of people He stared at Black-Eyed Crocodile with war intent!

Unexpectedly, this guy was not timid at all and even roared repeatedly!

Then, Pikachu jumped off Ash's shoulders. This guy dared to challenge Pikachu. He was really brave.

But so was Black-Eyed Crocodile. For ground-type Pokémon, electric-type skills are not effective on it!

"Then it starts, the lightning flashes!"Ash gave the order, and lightning flashed under Pikachu's feet. His speed suddenly increased and he hit the Black-Eyed Crocodile hard!

But this guy is the leader of the Black-Eyed Crocodile group. He is much larger and has extraordinary strength. Fanxiang actually withstood Pikachu's impact!

He even opened his big mouth and bit Pikachu, using the bite skill!

"Iron Tail!"

Actually, there was no need for Xiaozhi's order. Pikachu's tail was already shining with metallic light. The supreme sharp sword was unsheathed, and the black-eyed crocodile flew away!

But at this moment, the black-eyed crocodile was about to regroup, and a The baby duck suddenly came in front of it!

This baby duck is the pre-evolution posture of the dancing swan that Xiaoxia wanted to conquer when she first arrived in the Hezhong area. Now this baby duck does not have the elegance of the dancing swan after the evolution. Instead, it is cute and stupid. Cute.

When Xiaozhi said goodbye to Xiaoxia, he learned that she had not yet been able to conquer Dancing Swan. After all, she was not that good at flying Pokémon!

But he saw this baby duck taking advantage of Black-Eyed Crocodile's daze. He actually slapped off the sunglasses he was wearing and put them on his face!

Now the black-eyed crocodile became anxious, and after asking for it repeatedly, the baby duck took off his sunglasses.

Just when the black-eyed crocodile thought it was When he was about to return the sunglasses, he sprayed a mouthful of hot water on the black-eyed crocodile. The water-based skill had an extraordinary effect on it, and it immediately flew away!

This is a water-based skill, and the hot water sprayed out was scalding hot. The boiling water will sometimes cause the opponent to fall into a burning state!

After beating the black-eyed crocodile away, the baby duck actually flew away with sunglasses!

The Pokémon gathered around, only to find that the black-eyed crocodile had lost its fighting ability.

Xiaozhi After giving it treatment, I found that without the sunglasses, this black-eyed crocodile, which was originally brave and fearless and had a strong will to fight, actually shrank into a ball. A billowing bat flew by, and it was so frightened that it trembled all over and burst into tears! What a cute contrast!


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