A still young Yaya, a dragon-headed gopher who is in self-isolation and refuses to fight, plus a conductive flying squirrel who is always trading volts to show off his cleverness!

With just three Pokémon, it can be seen that Alice still has a way to go to become the Dragon Master!

She was not in a hurry. Although she trained with Xiaozhi every day, she still had to give some discounts to the tasks given by Xiaozhi, let alone those Pokémon.

No, Alice, who was walking slowly with her teeth, suddenly frowned,"The wind is blowing from the south, and there's the smell of water, so it looks like it's going to rain!"

"Alice, didn't I ask you to run with your teeth? Xiaozhi turned back to look at her,"By the way, are you trying to compete with Mei for the position of navigator on my ship?""

Although he said that, Xiaozhi still paid attention to Alice's words. She has a lot of experience in the wild, and her predictions about rain are really not wrong!

Now the sun is shining above the group of people, and the air is very It was muggy, but if it really rained, the situation would be terrible!

Unexpectedly, before Xiaozhi could explore possible solutions, the originally clear sky suddenly became cloudy and thunderous!

Xiaozhi encountered such a thunderstorm during his journey Several times, and there are always unexpected gains!

But now, the heavy rain fell at any time, and Xiaozhi hurriedly led a group of people to run towards a large house not far away.

Under such a background of clouds and thunderstorms, this The house looked particularly gloomy, but it was the best shelter they could find around!

Tiantong and Alice had stopped thinking in the rain. After knocking on the door, they saw that the door opened by itself, and they slowly walked in. , until the door closed automatically, fear filled my heart!

"Don't have anyone? Tiantong was a little uneasy, always feeling like he had walked into a haunted house!

Xiaozhi smiled slightly and shook his head,"The decision is yours, Crying Mask!""

This child should evolve soon. With it by their side, Tiantong and Alice felt a lot more at ease. Sure enough, the Crying Mask quickly sensed it and floated towards the direction upstairs! At this moment, at In the attic of this house, the Rocket trio looked at the surveillance footage and gritted their teeth!

"That's right, little devil, there was no one before you came!"Musashi and Kojiro changed back to their old white uniforms.

Since Operation Dinner was eliminated by Xiaozhi, Team Rocket's operations against Hezhong have once again faded into the shadows. The hell-trained trio has no mission for the time being. They were ordered to move freely and control themselves!

In addition to being able to get more technology and financial support, they seemed to be back on the previous track!

So they once again launched the evil action of robbing Pokémon, and never bothered to conquer Pokémon. Kojiro used a can of Pokémon food to conquer a Crying Mask with his incredible affinity!

"I finally found a suitable place to be a secret place in a sparsely populated place, and now everything is probably going to be ruined again!"

Ojiro was a little reluctant. Although he knew that Xiaozhi and the others were nearby, he always thought that they would not notice the house!

As he said that, the trio couldn't help but sigh listlessly!

But immediately, they cheered up again Come, prepare to use the surveillance equipment that has been arranged here to catch Pikachu!

"In this case, let the Candlelight Spirits give it a try!"Right behind the trio, in front of the Crying Mask that Kojiro had just conquered, there were four small white candles swaying the purple will-o'-the-wisps on their heads!

They seemed to get along well with the Crying Mask, but if Xiaozhi saw When you see them, you will definitely laugh at how stubborn they are!

The strange-looking purple will-o'-the-wisps are not burning themselves, but the life energy of others!

The candlelight spirits will illuminate dark places and pretend to guide people, but in fact they are not burning themselves. It is using its own candlelight to absorb life energy and take people to the spirit world. The life energy it absorbs will continue to burn, forming a flame above the head.

Originally, Xiaozhi thought that the elf egg he brought back from the spirit world would hatch into a It's only candlelight. After all, it is also absorbing Xiaozhi's power!

I really didn't expect to give him such a big surprise!

The Rockets trio have been here for who knows how long, and they are planning to use this place as a secret base. Now they have begun to feel lethargic, with dark circles appearing on their faces, and they are very haggard.

If they really stay here for a long time, they may have to go to the spirit world to keep Xiaoyou company!

"Cry mask!"Kojiro called his crying mask,"Go and tell the Candlelight Spirit to get Pikachu! Then drive them all out of this mansion!"

It can be seen that although the level of this crying mask is not high, its bond with Kojiro is very impressive. He immediately received the order and shouted at the four candlelight spirits! The four candlelight spirits immediately agreed and started to act!

At this moment, After Tiantong and Alice searched several rooms in the house, they confirmed that there was really no one here, and sat down in the middle of the hall!

Tiantong admired,"It's amazing, this is what is called The flavor of wild intuition! Alice

's face was full of wonder, but she reacted,"Where did Xiaozhi and Crying Mask go?""

"He went out! Tiantong smiled and replied,"This heavy rain came so suddenly. There must be Pokémon in the forest who had no time to find a place to hide!" After he settled the two of us, he hurried out!"

In the previous journey, Xiaozhi encountered many such situations, but the environment here is not that bad. Xiaozhi searched a large circle nearby, sent a group of exploring rats into the tree hole, and prepared to go back!

Alice couldn't help but admire her sincerely,"Xiao Zhi is really thinking about Pokémon all the time!""

"It's people like him who can become the Pokémon Masterdivision"Before Tiantong finished speaking, he suddenly turned into a frightened expression, and his whole face was purple and blue!

"What’s wrong with you? Why does his face look like Doudou Ge was hit by a water gun?"Alice looked back curiously and was immediately frightened!

What came down the stairs was a monster made up of various things!

A bust as the main torso, umbrellas, teapots, chairs, lamps and other things made up the Limbs!

The moment the two of them looked at it, the statue seemed to reveal a ferocious smile, and suddenly swooped down from the stairs. The umbrella in its right hand stabbed towards the two of them like a long sword! The two of them suddenly screamed four times. He ran away, but the monster waved his umbrella and chased after him desperately!

"Shadow ball!"

At the critical moment, Xiaozhi is back!

The Crying Mask who was following him threw a shadow ball and beat the monster to pieces. All kinds of things were scattered everywhere!

Then Xiaozhi shouted angrily," Team Rocket, come out to meet us!"


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