Everyone then introduced themselves, the little girl who was the trainer of the three evil dragons, named Kalita.

Seeing Victini, Pikachu, Eevee, and Fang quickly playing together and getting along with each other, looking very happy, Kalita stood next to Xiaozhi and said,"I didn't expect Victini to show up. It’s simply a miracle!"

"And it’s incredible that it can be so close to you! Kalita looked at Xiaozhi. This handsome brother indeed seemed to exude a special charm that could make wild Pokémon trust and get close to him!

Xiaozhi nodded slightly,"I am the man who wants to become a Pokémon master!""

Led by Kalita and her mother, the stall owner's aunt Jiangta, the group took Victini to the orchard of the mayor Momundo!

"Hi there!"The young man who kindly led Xiaozhi and his party in the Earth Sword Castle stood together with Momondo,"We meet again!"

Xiao Zhi had a good impression of him and nodded with a smile,"It is indeed fate, Mr. Dredo!"

"elder brother!"Kalita ran to Dredo. It turned out that the two were brother and sister!

Ms. Jiangta blamed,"Dredo, you haven't contacted your family for half a year. When did you come back?"

"I'm now helping to restore the castle!"Dredo explained.

Xiaozhi and his team already knew this, but now that they have returned to their hometown, it is really unreasonable not to get in touch with them first!

The mayor of the town, Momondo, invited everyone to his home, and the orchard here The air is fresh and comfortable, which is why Ms. Jiangta suggested bringing Xiaozhi and Victini here to play!

"Brother, Victini is real!"Kalita admired her brother very much and pointed at Victini lying on Xiaozhi's head.

Unexpectedly, Dredo did not have a surprised expression, but just nodded calmly,"I know! But then, he looked at Victini and said,"I want to use Victini's power!" Seeing this

, Xiaozhi looked at him and said,"Mr. Dredo knows a lot of things, can you tell me too?""

Momondo invited everyone to sit down at home and let the Pokémon play with the wild Pokémon here in the fruit forest.

"Jiang Ta and I are both descendants of the clan known as the 'People of the Earth'!"Momondo found relevant books from the bookshelf. These people of the earth are exactly the one mentioned in the legend here!

Ms. Jiang Ta looked at Xiaozhi,"The next thing I want to talk about is the relationship between the people of the earth and Bi. The story of Cethini!"

"More than a thousand years ago, under the rule of the king, the country of the people of the earth was very prosperous!"Momondo opened the book he found, and what was revealed in front of everyone was an old but highly respected king, and beside him was Victini!

In other words, Victini belonged to the old king. Partner!

According to what Xiaozhi knows, there was no such thing as a Poké Ball more than a thousand years ago! It was an era of constant war. The wave guide hero Yalang even paid his life to prevent the war! Then,

Momundo turned After passing the next page, what is displayed in front of everyone is a beautiful landscape!

"There, people call it the land of the earth, where the energy of the dragon veins is used, which is the invisible huge power flowing on the earth!"

Xiao Zhi nodded slightly. The so-called dragon veins of the people of the earth are probably an energy source similar to meteorites at night!

"They used that power flexibly to create a place where Pokémon, humans, and nature can live in harmony!"These words made Xiaozhi see the beautiful scene of that era, and he couldn't help but smile!

And it can be speculated that the reason why the fruit trees in this town are growing so happily is probably because of the nourishment of this dragon vein!

But I'm afraid, the next part is the story The turning point!

"The king has a pair of twin princes. Both of them are outstanding princes with both wisdom and courage! The two princes have extremely excellent qualifications, and are called the Ideal Brave and the Real Brave respectively! This shows how good they are!"

"Both of them have a giant dragon following them! Zekrom and Reshiram, they only give power and wisdom to those who are recognized by them!"

This is the legend that the guy Kuiqisi told Xiaozhi before, and what is spread here is just one of the legends left by the two giant dragons in Hezhong!

And there is more to the story of the people of the earth!

"However, because of the future of the country, the two princes began to confront each other, and even developed into a large-scale war!"When Dredo said this, he stopped.

Because he noticed that Xiaozhi's face was very bad!

Zekrom and Reshiram, these two legendary Pokémon, the battle between them will probably be inevitable. This kingdom must be devastated!

In fact, the consequences of that war were more serious than Xiaozhi imagined!

Ms. Jiangta continued,"The two sides fought fiercely, but in the end both sides suffered losses! The two giant dragons, who had severely depleted each other's lives, changed their postures and turned into stones, and then entered a long sleep!"

"By the time the princes discovered that they had made a big mistake, it was already too late!"

"Because the energy of the dragon veins has been chaotic, and seeing the destruction of the earth, the king decided to use the power of Victini!"

Legend says that a trainer who conquers Victini will never fail!

Its body can produce endless energy, and it can transfer this energy to other Pokémon through touch, which Xiaozhi has just learned. After experiencing it and gaining its power to evolve, Xiaozhi is really looking forward to the terrifying power of the Fang Shark!

But to deal with the catastrophic loss of control of the dragon vein, I am afraid that just one Victini is not enough!

"In order to concentrate Victini's power, the king used protective stone pillars to set up a barrier around the castle! This castle carried people across the sky and finally came to this mountain!"

"However, the king had exhausted his power, and the guarding stone pillars and barriers remained like that! From then on, Victini could never leave the barrier!"

In other words, Victini has been hiding in this town for thousands of years!

"Soon after, the chaos in Dragon Vein finally subsided, and the princes reflected deeply on themselves, and placed the Dragon Stone in a place no one knows about! The story ended here, but Dredo spoke again,"The people of the earth who lost their ties with the earth were scattered all over the world, leaving only the missing Victini!""

"That’s the land of the past!"

He came to the window and pointed to the location that Tiantong had pointed to earlier. Even after a thousand years, it was still very barren and not a single tree could grow there!


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