"Xiaozhi, please take these two Dragon Stones away!"

The two dragon stones, black and white, were supposed to be the treasures of the people of the earth, but now Jiangta's family wants to hand them over to Xiaozhi,"If it weren't for you, the land of the earth and Ain Duo Oak would be in crisis, but Not only did you calm the anger of the earth, you also brought the possibility of recovery to the land of the earth!"

Seeing Xiaozhi accept it calmly, Jiang Ta smiled happily.

Then, she looked at her son and daughter, who she was proud of,"The next step is the hardest part. Just like what Xiaozhi said, enlightenment, let Let's get our land back together!"

This is the bond between the people of the earth and the earth!

After putting away the two Dragon Stones, Victini flew up from Xiaozhi's head and spun around several times!

"Are you going back to the land of the earth?"Xiao Zhi opened the Poffin box again and let the little guy eat to his heart's content,"The recovery and reconstruction of the land of the earth requires your power!"

Victini nodded and gestured"V"!

Now that there is no restraint from the barrier, Victini can go anywhere freely. I believe that it will not be long before this land of earth becomes exactly the same as in its memory!

Before leaving, Xiaozhi fulfilled his agreement with Victini and took it to the beach, allowing the Pokémon to relax for a day before embarking on the journey again!

In the next town, they met a Pokémon movie director named Luke!

What made Xiaozhi pay attention to him was that he actually brought a Zoroa, and it was a little girl!

This reminded Xiaozhi of his Soraya, and he didn't know if that naughty little boy had trained properly with his MA!

Look, this little sister doesn’t have a fox tail when she turns into a human form. I wonder if she will blush when she sees her!

According to Luke, he works at the oldest movie theater in town and helps show movies so he can watch them for free.

However, he would often notice the heroine of the movie appearing in the audience, only to find out later that it was a Zoroa.

He and this Zoroa have the same interest in movies, so he invited it to perform in his movie. What a wonderful bond!

Luke invited a group of people to watch the movie shot by his director. The little girl who transformed into the protagonist performed very well!

But Xiaozhi made a suggestion. The Pokémon battle scenes are not bold enough, so the shooting effect is not impressive enough!

The cinema owner also had the same idea, and suggested that Luke participate in the battle tournament held in Raven Town."After experiencing various battles, you can shoot more courageous battles!" You ca n't pretend that you haven't heard this news. Xiaozhi and his party immediately decided to go to Raven Town with Luke!

Raven Town is a small town still some distance away from Raven City. Historically speaking, Raven Town is an older town, and the Battle Championship is held by the Battle Club here!

Xiaozhi really has a good impression of the competition club in Hezhong. He has already planned to go to the club in town to gain points. This conference is more suitable!

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way"

As soon as he arrived at Raven Town and was about to sign up, Xiaozhi heard a hurried voice behind him. When he turned around, he saw that it was Bailu!

He fixed Bai Lu again,"Bai Lu, this time you are going to participate in the battle tournament, are you anxious to sign up?"

Bai Lu nodded repeatedly,"Yes, but shouldn't the registration deadline have already closed?"

"Don’t worry, Bailu! We are only going to sign up now!"Tian Tong and Alice both plan to participate this time and show off their skills!

"In order to participate in the battle tournament held in Raven Town, East George Battle, many experts gathered here!"Luke decided to film the entire process of this conference, and he was very motivated!

But soon he realized that this filming might not go so smoothly. Bai Lu actually entangled his Soraya, no matter what He followed him regardless and interfered with his shooting in every way!

"Brother Xiaozhi!"

The cute voice came to her side. It was Mei Yi's sister. Next to her stood a little girl in a black skirt. She was the evolved form of Gothic Baby, Gothic Kid!

In other words, many of Mei Yi's Pokémon are The first stage of evolution has been completed, and it seems that we have gained a lot in the wilderness area!

"Mei, you also want to participate in the battle tournament?"Xiao Zhi nodded, and gently touched the Gothic boy's head,"Then let's sign up together!"

Everyone came to the registration point, and as expected, the person in charge was Uncle Dong George. They all looked exactly the same,"Leave all matters related to the battle to me!"

"Thank you for coming to participate. Please go to my disciples to register the registration form!"

They each received the registration form. In addition to their name and place of birth, the most important thing is to fill in the three Pokémon to be used in the conference!

Xiaozhi is very familiar with this rule. The Alliance Conference also requires pre-registration of the Pokémon to be used in the conference. Back then, the two brothers, Latios and Latias, even pretended to be themselves and modified the registration form!

But there were only three of them, which made Ash a little confused!

The Fang Shark had just evolved and was in good condition. The training of each of the Yusanjia is very effective. Nuannuan Pig should have evolved long ago. Secondly, there are also the Crocodile and Qingpiao who performed very well in Ain Duo Oak this time.

After thinking for a moment, Xiaozhi wrote down the names of the three Pokémon,"Very good, let's try their skills!"

As for Alice and Tiantong, they only had three Pokémon, so it was easier to save them. Trouble!

At this time, a thunder zebra came to Xiaozhi, and on its back was Kenny Ocean. The zebra that had fought with the Ivy Snake before had also evolved,"Long time no see, Xiaozhi!"

"Kenny, you're here too!"Xiao Zhi's pronunciation is still not standard.

"never mindOf course I will participate, I have become stronger again!"The evolved Thunder Zebra is the answer to his training during this period. He will fulfill the agreement at that time and challenge Xiaozhi with a stronger attitude!

Xiaozhi can see that this Thunder Zebra has been cultivated extremely well!

At this time, the enemies of Alice and Tiantong, the Dragon Destroyer Lan GeLei, and the wine waiter Cabernet Sauvignon also appeared one after another!

Finally, Xiaozhi noticed the figure of Emperor Xiu, and raised his hand as before Taking pictures everywhere with cameras.

It seems that this East George Conference has brought together all the trainers that Xiaozhi has known since arriving in Hezhu. The competition must be very fierce!

Of course, what Xiaozhi is looking forward to most is with Mei Mei. In the battle against this beautiful girl who holds the template of the protagonist just like him, Xiaozhi will not be surprised to see how much her strength has improved!


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