Burning Bug, this is another Pokémon I’ve seen for the first time!

The burning bug now looks like a caterpillar surrounded by five red tentacles, but the name of its evolved form is like thunder to Xiaozhi!

Vulcan Moth, the Sun Pokémon!

This large moth-like Pokémon has three pairs of orange-red wings on its back, which represent the sun. There are also black spots on the wings and outside of its abdomen, which represent sunspots.

When fighting, the Vulcan Moth would fly around while spreading flame scale powder, turning the surrounding area into a sea of ​​fire. Ancient people were afraid of this and called it the wrath of the sun.

According to legend, the Vulcan moth was born from a cocoon burning with flames. When the ground became pitch black due to volcanic ash, its flames would replace the sun's function, and it was therefore considered the incarnation of the sun.

When he was in the ancient castle before, Xiaozhi found the image of the Fire God Moth at the altar, which proved that people at that time worshiped the Fire God Moth as a god!

It's a pity that the place has long been covered by the desert, and it is absolutely impossible to find traces of the Vulcan Moth!

Xiaozhi must be thoughtful about this kind of Pokémon, and he also believes that with his luck, he will definitely meet one that suits his needs!

However, even though Luke is the director of Pokémon movies, his luck is really strong!

Zoroa, Burning Bug, and a clay puppet to help him carry the camera. Each of his Pokémon is precious!

"The flames of the Burning Bug are very powerful and can create movie special effects. They are super workers!"Luke's words made Xiaozhi's mouth twitch!

Use the flames of burning insects as special effects in movies. Are you trying to make me jealous?

"Although this is the case, now it's a battle, it's not that simple! Tiantong showed his momentum this time,"It's time for evaluation!""

The audience who knew the Pokémon Bartender immediately cheered, looking forward to the tasting time of the A-level Bartender!

In the previous battle against Emperor Xiu, Tiantong had already fully proved his tasting ability,"Let me show you, Mudfish. A new flavor!"

"First, hot water!"

Although it is a ground type and electric type, it is still a fish after all, so it must be able to learn water type skills, and it is also effective against burning insects!

Luke failed to react for a moment, and the burning insects were hit hard,"Burning Chong, are you okay?"

The horn on the top of the Burning Bug's head spurted out a wisp of flame, and responded that it was okay,"It's our turn this time, Burning Bug, spin silk!"

The mud fish was lying on the ground, tied up, but Tiantong didn't care and gave the electric shock command, but the burning insect easily avoided it!

"Use insect buzz!"

The power of this move is not low, and sometimes it can reduce the opponent's special attack!

The burning bug suppressed the mud fish in one fell swoop, and then launched a jet of flames. The temperature of the flames it sprayed from its five horns was terrifyingly high!

This is also what Xiaozhi said. The reason why I think Luke is really a waste!

"I will accept that flame!"Tian Tong did not issue an order, but instead asked the mud fish to bear the flame spraying move. The purpose was very clear, which was to burn off the worm threads wrapped around the mud fish!

But Xiaozhi shook his head, this move was Underestimating the power of the burning insect's flame, the damage suffered by the Mudfish may have exceeded his calculation!

But this time, the Mudfish really withstood the jet flames!

"That’s it for the review, I’ve tasted all of your Pokémon! Tiantong still felt that he had a chance to win, and continued to talk,"Your burning bug blends the intensity of the rich flames with the slenderness that only the insect type can have. It is a very beautiful Pokémon!""

"However, although his mobility is impeccable as he can easily dodge electric attacks, there are still limits to his three-dimensional movements while crawling on the field! Tiantong actually ordered,"Fly to the sky, mud fish!""

This order made Xiaozhi cover his forehead involuntarily!

Tiantong was so proud that he couldn't help but start showing off his skills. His mud fish could indeed flap the small fins on both sides and stay in the air for a short time.

But in The ability to move in the air is a complete target for him, a master of the flying system!

If it were Xiaozhi, he would never do such a thing. This would not bring out the characteristics of the mud fish at all. It is simply superfluous and thankless.!

It can only be said that Tiantong, as a Pokémon bartender, always has very unique ideas!

"Often creating situations that the opponent does not expect, this is also a trainer's skill! Mudfish crawling on the ground can also use the space freely depending on their exercise methods!"

Xiao Zhi really couldn't stand it anymore. With such mobility in the air, any special attack can knock it down. What kind of space can be used?

But while Luke was stunned, Tiantong actually successfully launched the attack. , hot water comes from mid-air!

"Burning worm, use silk spinning on your own!"

Facing the extremely effective attack, the Burning Worm wrapped itself into a cocoon and resisted the hot water!

When the mud fish landed again, the Burning Worm jumped into the air, and five red horns spurted out. The flames tore apart the threads of the worm, and even spurted out flames to keep itself suspended in mid-air!

No, just now Tiantong said that the burning worm could not hang in the air, and the slap in the face came so quickly!

"What a surprise!"Tian Tong's face also changed drastically, but it was already too late. Luke also shot out flames from the air, which immediately burned the mud fish to black!

"The Mudfish loses its fighting ability and the Burning Bug wins, so the winner is Luke!"

Sure enough, Tiantong, who was so proud of himself, lost to the criticism he was so proud of!

"I got excited after seeing such a good battle!"Kenny Yang couldn't wait. Before the host could read their names, he pulled Alice onto the battlefield!

"What's going on? The trainers have already appeared!"Uncle Dong George was the first to react,"Then the fourth game of the second round, player Alice vs. player Kaniyang!"

"Go ahead, conductive flying squirrel!"

"Come on, fight the ghosts, come out!"

Kenny Yang's Striker is also a fighting Pokémon. It has a lean body and blue stone skin. It seems to be wearing a black and white martial arts uniform. It has a black martial arts belt around its waist. When the belt is tightened, it is full of energy. , the destructive power of boxing also increased!

Alice called the conductive flying squirrel in front of her and said patiently,"Conductive flying squirrel, when using volt exchange today, you can't exchange it with others casually! I'm really looking forward to this battle, so let's fight enthusiastically together!"

She has finally grown up, and the conductive flying squirrel is also happy to accept the order!

Volt exchange can still be used, as long as it is not replaced, it is an ordinary electric skill, but Alice and the conductive flying squirrel still have a small problem.

Of course, to fight against the fighting type, you must use flying skills, such as the conductive flying squirrel. It has not yet been able to use any flying skills, so how should Alice deal with it?


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