The gym trainer of Leiwen Gym is the super model Miss Xiao Juer!

"It turns out there is a fashion show today! After reading the notice at the door, Bai Lu hurriedly flipped through the magazine,"It's nearby, let's go take a look!""

"I'm so lucky to be able to see Miss Xiao Juer's fashion show!"

As she said that, she turned around and ran away. She was so impatient!

"Then let’s go and have a look too!"Xiao Zhi called the two of them to follow. He was also very curious about Miss Xiao Ju'er during the investigation. Since she is not in the gym now and cannot fight, it would be good to go and see what kind of person she is first.!

"Next, there is the super model, Miss Xiao Juer, who is the gym trainer of Raven Gym but is at the forefront of fashion in Hezhong!"

The show stage was bustling with activity. Under the spotlight, Miss Xiao Ju'er was dazzling! Her tall figure and beautiful face were not her real charm!

Xiaozhi looked at her from the audience, as if her whole body was shining. Dazzling brilliance!

Standing on the stage, she is the center of the stage. Everyone's eyes are focused on her. Her shining presence is really powerful!

If glamor contests become popular in Hezhong, this Miss Ju'er will definitely She can become the top coordination trainer! But even so, Miss Xiao Ju'er's fighting style must be very gorgeous! Unexpectedly,

Xiao Ju'er, who was showing off her charm on the stage, suddenly noticed Xiaozhi and Pikachu on his shoulders."It’s so dazzling! She actually jumped directly from the stage to Xiaozhi,"It's Pikachu. This is the first time I've seen it with my own eyes. It's really shining!""

"With Pikachu, are you the Alliance investigator who recovers the Poké Balls from the breeding house and the Pokmon Center, Xiaozhi? I heard Sirona talk about you, the legendary wave guide hero, the true master of magnificence! Xiaozhi smiled and nodded,"I am Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town. Nice to meet you, Miss Xiaoju'er!""

"Are you here to challenge the gym?"Miss Xiao Ju'er reached out to touch Pikachu's cheek, and even Eevee also rubbed it around,"Xiao Zhi, do you still want to stand on the stage again?"

Standing on the stage again as a gorgeous master!

But Xiaozhi shook his head,"I have said goodbye to the stage, and this is the stage that belongs to you!"

"I see!"Xiao Ju'er nodded,"Then we'll meet you at the gym after the fashion show!"

When the fashion show was over, the group came to the gym again. It should be said that Hezhong's gym was indeed very interesting. There was actually a roller coaster inside the Leiwen Gym!

And at the end of the roller coaster, Miss Ju'er was ready to fight. , standing there, slim and graceful!

"Xiaozhi, I'm sorry, but when I saw Pikachu, my heart was completely dazzled!"Miss Xiao Ju'er came to Xiao Zhi

"Pika Pikachu!"

"Want a hug?"Xiao Zhi said with a smile. It can be felt that Miss Xiao Ju'er is really passionate about electric Pokémon, so she forgot about it when she saw Pikachu!

Xiaozhi said so, and Miss Xiao Ju'er was not polite and picked up Pikachu. She came over and held her in her arms, and soon became familiar with it!

She hugged Pikachu and looked at Bai Lu,"Are you Miss Bai Lu who has an appointment?"

"Yes, please let me challenge the gym competition!"Bai Lu blushed a little. She admired Miss Xiao Ju'er very much. It can be said that she regarded her as an idol!

"But before that, Miss Bai Lu, there is someone waiting for you!"After Miss Xiao Juer finished speaking, the door behind her opened, and an old man in a suit came out.

"Hi Bai Lu, how are you doing?"He greeted Bai Lu with a smile. He had the beer belly of a middle-aged uncle. He was a bit naive, but he should be easy to get along with.


It turns out that this uncle is Bai Lu's father!

"Dad, why are you at Raven Gym?"Bai Lu didn't seem very happy to see her father here!

The uncle came to Bai Lu and others,"I'm here to take you back. I did promise you before that you can travel by yourself! But I felt you were still too young, so I regretted it a bit, so I came here to pick you up!"

What a wayward uncle!

After hearing what he said about his purpose, Bai Lu immediately refused and said,"I can't go back yet! Because my goal is to play in the United League!"

But the uncle said,"I didn't ask you not to participate, it's just that you are still too young."

"I definitely don’t want to go back, I want to continue traveling!" Before the uncle finished speaking, Bai Lu interrupted him with a very determined attitude,"I want to continue traveling and compete in gym competitions like this! Dad, when you were young, didn't you also travel like this and challenge gym competitions?"

"That’s why I’m worried, because it’s easy to encounter danger when traveling!"The uncle's words made Xiaozhi understand. This uncle is either willful or a bit girly!

But he, a girly girl, never stops Xiaomei from taking risks. Instead, he encourages her and protects her!

Xiaomei knows very well, As long as Xiaozhi is around, she will definitely not be in danger. But once Xiaozhi is not around, she will be very cautious!

"Miss Bailu!"

Looking at Bai Lu who kept shaking his head, Miss Xiao Ju'er spoke,"Just let your father see how much you have grown when you travel in the gym competition between you and me, wouldn't it be good? Besides, you also made a reservation!"

Xiao Ju'er's suggestion is the most appropriate. Since this uncle was also a trainer, then such verbal communication will not be useful. Now we should use the trainer's method! The uncle suggested,"In this case, if you lose To Miss Xiao Juer, you must go home with me!"

"I see! Bai Lu showed her consciousness as a trainer and mustered up the courage to challenge,"If I lose, I will stop traveling and go home with you!""

"The battleground is over there!"

Under the leadership of Miss Xiao Ju'er, everyone came to the battle venue of Lei Wen Gymnasium, but saw that the surrounding stands were full of spectators. Seeing everyone coming in, cheers and cheers suddenly rang out! Everyone came to see

Xiao Ju Miss Er’s gym battle!

"Xiaozhi, this is the battle venue of Raiven Gym. The so-called battle is not just a battle, but also a show where you and your Pokémon can all be displayed!"Miss Xiao Ju'er's momentum increased amid the many cheers!

Xiaozhi smiled and nodded,"I will use my gorgeous trump card to challenge Raven Gym, a truly gorgeous performance!"

Miss Xiao Ju'er's understanding of battles is worthy of Xiaozhi showing off his gorgeous trump cards and allowing her to truly experience the difference between gorgeous battles and ordinary battles!

"A gorgeous performance by a gorgeous master, it’s my honor!"

The fighting spirit on both sides is rising, but before that, Miss Xiao Ju'er needs to complete the battle with Bai Lu first!


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