"Mr. Adek!"

Adek had just agreed to Xiaozhi's invitation to fight and asked Xiaozhi to open the handcuffs. Emperor Xiu came up to him. Seeing that he recognized him, he finally showed a look of childlike joy,"Although he only met him when he was very young. I've been here once, I really didn't expect you to still remember me!"

"Of course I remember! Adek nodded and began to touch his stubble-covered chin, trying to recall his name,"Your name is Shutaro, right?""

"My name is Emperor Xiu!" Emperor Xiu's expression changed.

"Yes, yes, it seems to be called that!"Uncle Adek touched his head, but he couldn't see how much guilt he felt!

"Mr. Adek, if you want to fight, please fight me first!"Of course Emperor Xiu heard the conversation between Xiaozhi and Adek just now. They started bargaining with everyone and finally decided on a four-versus-four battle mode!

In this way, Emperor Xiu will certainly not miss it. His goal is to fight with Adek. Battle!

Seeing this, Adek laughed again, pressed Emperor Xiu's head and said with a smile,"It's hard to be too red, thenCome and fight me!"

Xiao Zhi shrugged. Of course he didn't care. It was just the right time to take a look at Adek's Pokémon!

When he came to an open grassland, which could be used as a battlefield for grass battles, Adek took out a Pokémon ball and said,"I Just use this Pokémon to battle!"

"Come out and headshot the buffalo!"

Head-bouncing buffalo Pokémon. They have a pair of huge horns and have the destructive power to derail a speeding train.

When they were in Ain Duo Oak, Xiaozhi and his party had seen many of these head-bouncing buffaloes. , but the Adek in front of him is extremely large and strong, and the afro-like mane on the top of his head is also very huge!

This means that for wild afro buffaloes, its status in the group will be greatly reduced. The higher it is, I'm afraid Adek is also a leader-level existence!

This is the head-shot buffalo that Emperor Xiu fed before. Of course I miss it very much now that I see it.

But this is a general-type Pokémon. Since it is You can't be merciful when it comes to fighting, so the warrior sent by Emperor Xiu must be a fighting-type iron-skeletal native!

Looking at the way it holds the I-beam with ease, it seems that it's almost time to evolve,"Like Mr. Adek." There should be no difference if the attributes of a strong person are incompatible with each other!"

Just like when Emperor Xiu challenged Xiaozhi before, there is still no stipulation on how many Pokmon should be used in this battle, but Emperor Xiu still sent out Pokmon with more favorable attributes as soon as he came up. The huge gap in levels is not The way to make up for it is to use attributes to overcome each other. It seems that Emperor Xiu knows this very well!

"Come on, play your best and just attack!"Adek clasped his hands, without any momentum in his body, and the buffalo just stood quietly after the headshot.

"Then go ahead, the iron-skinned native, use the broken rock!"

With no doubt of his fighting skills, the iron-bone native punched the I-beam on the grass again, clenched his fist and smashed it hard on the head of the headshot buffalo!

But the headshot buffalo remained unmoved at all. His footsteps did not move an inch, as if he was nailed to the grass!

Looking at Mr. Adek again, he actually closed his eyes, and seemed to have no intention of issuing an order to fight back!

Emperor Xiu frowned,"In this case, let's use Throw a bursting punch!"

I directly used my ultimate move and delivered the most powerful punch, but this punch landed on the head of the head-exploding buffalo, knocking it back more than two meters.

But the head-exploding buffalo still did not waver in its footsteps. , just shook his head, seemingly not paying attention to this terrifying punch at all!

"Still don't give instructions? The power of that explosive punch is terrifying, right?"Alice looked at Adek with a puzzled look, and asked Xiao Zhi beside her,"Xiao Zhi, - do you know what Mr. Adek is doing? However ,

Xiaozhi had a smile on his face,"It's nothing, I just didn't want the battle to end so quickly!""

To put it simply, Adek doesn't want to abuse food.

"The headshot buffalo can use the fluffy body hair on its head to absorb the damage from the striking attack, so I guess it didn't suffer much damage!"Tian Tong also thought of the key point. It seems that Emperor Xiu's attack is very powerful and the effect should be excellent, but in fact it does not do much damage to the headshot buffalo!

After the ultimate move, even the strong iron-skeletal natives can He was about to start panting!

But Adek still closed his eyes and didn't look like he was ready to give an order. Emperor Xiu looked at the head-exploding buffalo and frowned tightly,"Damn it, you iron-skinned native, use the lower body kick!"

Since punching the head has no effect, then kick the buffalo over!

At this time, the head-exploding buffalo was also prepared, but when it looked back at its trainer Adek, it found that he actually He fell asleep with his eyes closed, and snored. What an uncle! He was so angry that he raised his legs and stamped on the ground repeatedly, making a cry to wake him up.

But at this moment, he kicked his body and kicked his heavy body. Falling to the ground with a bang, this move had quite an effect on it!

"Ah la la, the calf is going to be angry!"Xiao Zhi smiled slightly, and saw the head-exploding buffalo stand up from the ground, and actually knocked Mr. Adek away, who could even fall asleep standing up!

Adek hit the tree, and then After waking up, he said,"Sorry, because I was walking all night last night, so I didn't have enough sleep, so I accidentally started dozing off, hahaha!""

He clearly didn't look embarrassed at all!

Then, Adek cheered up and said,"Let's start, head-shot buffalo, head-shot assault!"

Just by looking at the name, you can tell that this is the exclusive skill of the Headshot Buffalo. It is extremely powerful and will cause feedback damage!

The huge Headshot released a scarlet light, and the Headshot Buffalo finally started a strong charge. The momentum was very terrifying. , and obviously not using all his strength!

But even so, the iron-skeletal native, who had already consumed a lot of energy, could not avoid it. He could only set up its I-beam to resist it, but he had no resistance at all and was immediately hit. He flew out and fell to the ground, losing his ability to fight!

With one move, he killed Emperor Xiu's iron-skeletal native instantly!

"This big cow is quite cute!"The battle was over, Xiaozhi went up to touch its explosive head, and took out a blue orange and fed it to it,"How about colliding with my Kentaro?"

"Okay, okay, I'm hungry too!"Adek sat directly on the ground, he never showed any fighting spirit!

"Then have a good rest today, and our battle will be tomorrow! Xiaozhi immediately established a good relationship with Explosive Buffalo,"Mr. Adek, let's have dinner together later?"

Emperor Xiu took back the iron-skinned native,"The champion is indeed very powerful!" Mr. Adek, please let me ask you another question!"

"What's up?"

"I took what Mr. Adek said to me as my goal, and I have been practicing continuously. I want to confirm whether what I am doing is correct!"

After hearing Emperor Xiu's question, Xiaozhi was finally a little relieved. This shows that Emperor Xiu is thinking more or less because of his words!


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