Name: Bud Deer ()

Attributes: General, Grass

Characteristics: Chlorophyll (speed will increase in sunny weather)

Tie value: 175/220

Skills: Wooden horn, super horn attack, protective color, Double Kick, Power of Nature, Energy Ball.

Xiaozhi did not expect that he originally planned to conquer a few four-season deer in this special secret realm to expand the pasture!

But he didn't expect that the four hundred-year-old budding deer with different shapes just gave him a warning. After subduing their little princess, they left here and were not allowed to subdue the four-season deer here again.

So Xiaozhi had no choice but to give up!

The four of them maintain this secret realm to protect their own group from infringement.

He was able to tame this budding deer because Xiaozhi had already established a deep bond with it. On the way here just now, if Xiaozhi had made any subduing moves, he would have been expelled!

However, Xiaozhi, the budding deer on the ranch, is not in a hurry. Deer from all seasons can be seen everywhere in the Hezhong area, and there is a chance to capture them. The scenes in various areas on the island have not yet been completed, so he is not in a hurry at this time.

The budding deer in front of you is the real treasure!

Its characteristic is chlorophyll, and its speed will increase on sunny days, which is very beneficial to its already superior leg strength. Another characteristic of the budding deer is herbivory. Not only does it not take damage when attacked by grass, it will actually increase the attack!

Fortunately, it is not a herbivore, otherwise the Ivy Snake's series of attacks against it would be ineffective.

However, the herbivorous trait only targets grass-based attacks, and grass-based skills are not very effective against it. I believe that under normal circumstances, it will rarely be attacked by grass-based skills!

That’s Xiaozhi, who likes to fight with the same attributes recently!

As for its skill structure, it should be said that it was trained by four century-old budding deer. It is very complete, and the most critical of them are the two skills, protective color and natural power!

Both of these skills are related to the environment!

Protective colors can change their properties depending on where they are located.

For example, if you use the protective color in sand and swamps, it will become a ground attribute. In caves and rocky areas, it will become a rock attribute. On ice and snow, it will become an ice attribute.

What's more special is that using this protective color skill in the Pokémon cemeteries such as the Pokémon Tower and Lost Tower that Xiaozhi has visited will turn it into a ghost type!

The same is true for the force of nature. It will use another move depending on the location where it is used!

The power of the earth in the sand, the power gem in the cave, the water cannon on the freezing ray in the snow, the energy ball in the grass, the shadow ball and so on!

And protective color and natural power are also available, and the use of these skills can get attribute bonuses!.What a terrifying ability this is! -And the budding deer that Xiaozhi created has a very strong will to fight and with Xiaozhi's command, it will surely kill everyone at the Unova Alliance Conference!

Taking the sprouting deer down the mountain and slowly walking out of the fog, Tiantong and Alice immediately came up to them,"Xiao Zhi, I finally found you! Hey, you have conquered the sprouting deer~!"

Tiantong came up and said,"Scare me. I jumped and got separated in the fog just now!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi immediately smiled. What he perceived was correct. He and Robert camped in the mountains for a night, but for Alice and Tiantong in the outside world, it was just a short time. Small meeting!

This secret realm transcends time, and the four budding deer that have been around for a hundred years must have maintained their respective postures because of this!

But no matter what this secret realm is, it is not a dream. The sprouting deer standing next to him at this moment is real. The three sisters get along very well. Now Gardevoir and Ivy Snake are both on the sprouting deer's back!

"We've got some photos of the budding deer!"Robert is no longer so surprised by the magic of the secret place. Instead, he can't wait to show the photos he finally took!

But unfortunately, only blurry shadows can be seen in his photos, and the four budding deer cannot be seen at all.!

"Although you can’t see clearly, it doesn’t matter! I have had a wonderful experience that no one else can imitate!"Robert sincerely thanked Xiaozhi, but he didn't know that Xiaozhi had encountered many wonderful experiences that could not be imitated!

Returning to the Pokémon Center again, Xiaozhi exchanged Pokémon!

The sprouting deer temporarily stayed. By his side, Ivy Snake was teleported back by him and went to the island to receive training from the Lizard King. In this way, all three of his Hezhong Royal Family returned to Kanto and were sent to three training venues!

Fried Pig He had already gone to the Red Lotus Volcano to train with the Blazing Monkey, and Shuangbianmaru was receiving shell blade training from the Shrimp Soldier and Crab

General in the Twin Cave! The Pokémon currently staying with Xiaozhi are except for the three girls Gardevoir, Gerald Deer, and Qingpiaopiao. , namely Ishiwanko, Slippery Boy, and Wheel Ball.

Wheel Ball is also a process similar to that of a cocoon. It does not take long to complete its ultimate evolution and become a giant centipede king. Xiaozhi judged that it should evolve soon. So I decided to take it with me!

"~Are you ready? I'm going to start!"After setting out on the road again, Xiaozhi invited Alice to do battle practice to confirm the status of the wheel ball!

"The dragon-headed gopher is about to fight Xiaozhi again, and we must try our best!"Alice's fighting spirit burned, and she specially sent a dragon-headed gopher with steel attributes to challenge it, so that the poisonous skills and stinger characteristics of the wheel ball could be invalidated! Although it could not help Xiaozhi further understand the poisonous attributes. The use of, but inverse attribute battles also made Xiaozhi very interested,"Scroll!"

Ash took the lead in launching an attack. This wheel ball is suitable for such skills. Its sharp insect horns formed a terrifying wheel saw, roaring and crushing towards the dragon-headed gopher!

"We can also spin! Alice was also very excited,"Use a straight forward spin!""

Drill versus wheel saw, the powerful collision happened at this moment. The electric sparks formed by the fierce friction were constantly bursting out, and traces of Jiaohe also appeared on the surrounding grass!

"The dragon-headed gopher, knock it away!"

Alice can feel that the leader has the upper hand. This skill is very powerful, but the power of rolling requires a process of accumulation, so it must be interrupted as soon as possible!

Wheel Ball is indeed After being knocked out, Alice took advantage of the victory and pursued her,"Dragon-headed gopher, use Qi bombs!"

After falling behind, Xiaozhi didn't panic at all,"Sunshine and flames!"

The fighting skills are very ineffective against the wheel ball, so Xiaozhi directly ignored it and let the wheel ball start to gather sunlight! The sun was just right at the moment, and the solar flames were charging very smoothly, and they were about to hit the dragon-headed gopher. On his body, a huge boulder behind Tiantong was suddenly smashed into pieces. As a referee, he was startled and the battle was interrupted!

And the culprit who smashed the rock turned out to be a Single-headed dragon!

"It’s a single-headed dragon, so cute!"


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