"Fragrant monkey, you can rest in the elf ball!"Burt took out the elf ball to take back the Explosive Monkey, but his tone was very bad!

The elf ball glowed red, but the Explosive Monkey avoided it, and rushed to Burt and screamed!

It was telling, Burt Te Qi became impatient,"What's wrong, why are you angry? Are you angry about what happened? Seeing him saying it was"something to lose out of anger", the Fragrance Monkey closed its eyes and waved its arms, shouting harder and harder! Xiaozhi could see that it didn't care about losing anything, let alone losing to Huaye How could it care about Brother Monkey!

What it cares about is Burt, the trainer!

But Burt snorted coldly,"It was you who missed the big-character explosion at the critical moment!""

Seeing that Bert actually blamed himself for the mistake, the monkey's head turned red, and he looked very angry, and his screams became even louder!

"Bert, it was you who was wrong just now, and you blamed the monkey for losing! Tiantong stepped forward to persuade Burt, hoping to stop him from thinking like this!

But he didn't expect Burt to get more serious, pointing at the incense monkey and blaming him,"It's so noisy. It's obviously this guy who can't do it, so he loses.""

Before he could finish his words, the Incense Monkey sprayed flames and hit him in the face!

"You boy"Burt was just getting angry when he suddenly felt a terrifying aura pressing down on him. The terrifying aura of a champion was like the bloody mouth of a man-eating beast, enveloping him fiercely!

Even Alice and Tiantong felt their whole bodies trembling and slowly looked behind them!

But when she saw Xiaozhi looking at Burt with a sullen expression, his terrifying aura made even the two of them standing aside feel chills running down their spines. Alice swallowed,"How strong is Xiaozhi?"

But I saw a flash of blue light on Xiaozhi's body, and he suddenly came to Burt,"Burt, the gym trainer of Sanyao Gym in Hezhong area, do you still want to be a trainer?"

Tiantong looked at him on the side. Yilin, what Bert said just now must have touched Xiaozhi's bottom line, and as the alliance's investigator, Xiaozhi does have the right to deprive him of the qualifications of a trainer!

The reason why Xiaozhi is so angry is precisely because of his subordinates Lao Pi, Blazing Monkey and Fried Pig!

The veteran who was Charmander was abandoned by his previous trainer after losing to a tadpole in a battle. At the Pokémon Center, the man said exactly the same thing as Burt!

The situation of the Blazing Monkey is different. Xiaozhi got it from Shinji, but it was Shinji who couldn't train it, so he gave it to Xiaozhi after weighing it!

When he arrived in the Hezhong area, Xiaozhi met another Nuannuan pig that was abandoned in the battle club, and he had cultivated it into a fried pig!

If Bert were to continue talking, he would get emotional and wonder where he would go, so Xiaozhi quickly tried to stop him.

At this moment, the Incense Monkey suddenly came to Xiaozhi and shouted again!

Xiaozhi's momentum suddenly subdued, he hugged the Incense Monkey in his arms, and scolded with a smile,"If you still plead with him, you'll save some face for me!"

Tiantong and Alice breathed a sigh of relief, but Bert didn't. Frustrated, he turned around and returned to the Pokémon Center!

"What's going on with him?"Xiao Zhi looked at the Incense Monkey in his arms, and it screamed again.

It seemed that it wanted to know what was going to happen, so it was the fastest to ask the blue warrior Kouen!

After getting through the contact with Sanyao Gym, he found out that Bert has clearly run away from home!

Thinking back, I have indeed been hearing the news of Bert's defeat recently. After Tiantong left, the wine waiter Cabernet defeated Bert and got the Three-Element Badge!

Emperor Xiu challenged the Three Elements at that time In the Yao Gym, he also defeated Burt. According to Xiaozhi's understanding, Mei seemed to have also challenged Burt, using the same Nuannuan Pig as Xiaozhi!

After many defeats, Burt began to doubt life, and Cohen said bluntly Pointing out his problem, Bert's fighting style did not pay attention to defense but was impulsive, and turned to attack!

Unable to bear this, Bert ran away from home, but was suppressed again by Xiaozhi!

After hearing what happened, Ash nodded slightly.

The reason why fire-type Pokémon are more likely to abandon Pokémon than water-type and grass-type attributes is because fire-type Pokémon are enthusiastic. To bring out their characteristics, they must attack. Mainly!

Just like Bai Lu’s Chao Chao Pig, she used her attacks very well, and Chao Chao Pig’s performance was also good!

But of course it’s right to be enthusiastic, but calmness is also necessary. Pokémon can be enthusiastic to show courage, training However, you must be more calm and grasp the situation in front of you. If you cannot do this and only know how to attack blindly, you will naturally be easily targeted!

"Tiantong, go find Burt, and I'll teach him how to fight fire-type Pokémon!"Xiao Zhi smiled slightly and went to exchange the fried pig again!

The relationship between the three brothers was very deep. Tiantong quickly found Bert back to challenge Xiao Zhi. They even held a special pre-war meeting!

Xiaozhi and Chao Chao Zhu are already waiting at the battle site,"Burt, you have an impulsive and irritable personality, and are very compatible with the fire element! I'll show you what a real flame is! I only use fire skills today, please feel it!"

"Jet flames!"Xiao Zhi launched the attack without hesitation, regardless of whether Bert and Fragrant Monkey were prepared!

"The incense monkey, avoid it!"

Burt reacted quickly and hurriedly asked the Incense Monkey to avoid it. This scene was exactly the same as Tiantong's response!

But Xiaozhi's attack did not hesitate at all,"Charged Flame Attack!"

The fried pig's strong legs stamped hard on the ground, and within a few moments, the whole body shone with light, turning into a fireball and rushing towards the spicy monkey!

"How could it be so fast!"Burt felt suppressed. Xiaozhi's attack was almost airtight. It turned out that this was a real fire battle! The

Explosive Monkey was knocked away. Burt gritted his teeth and said,"Incense Monkey, it's our turn, use Throw a fire punch!"

"slow! too slow!"

Xiao Zhi asked Chao Chao Pig to easily take down Chao Chao Pig's flame fist, but he saw Chao Chao Pig roaring, pinching the arm of Sao Xiang Monkey, and a mouthful of blazing flames spurted out from his nostrils, and hit him at close range. Devour!

"This is the real flame"Bert murmured, but Xiaozhi's attack was not over yet!

"High temperature and pressure!"

The fried pig held on to the fried monkey and didn't let go. Flames burst out of his body and he jumped up high. During the spin, he pressed the fried monkey and smashed it to the ground!

Even though the fried pig is still a little pig , which is still much heavier than the little monkey called Exploding Fragrance Monkey. The power of this move is very terrifying!

"The fried monkey loses its fighting ability, the fried pig wins, and the winner is Xiaozhi!"

Although he lost the battle, Burt still had some understanding and was able to cheer up again. After Baoxiang Monkey regained his energy, he would leave to return to Sanyao Gym.


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