The uncle who came out of the calcium carbide cave was actually Dr. Yew's father, and he looked a little bad!

After detailed inspection, he was fine, but he was too tired and seemed to have been hungry for a long time!

After eating a big meal in the camp, the yew uncle recovered. The food in the Pokémon world can be absorbed and utilized so quickly!

"This is Dr. Yew’s father!"Xiao Zhi feels that this uncle and the intellectual and charming Dr. Yew are father and daughter, which seems a bit inconsistent!

Dr. Yew introduced,"My father is a researcher of legendary Pokémon!"

When talking about the legendary Pokémon in the Hezhu area, the first reaction must be Zekrom and Reshiram. Alice suddenly became excited and looked at Xiaozhi's backpack. These two dragons were The transformed black and white dragon stone is right there!

"By the way, Dad, why are you here?" Dr. Yew said with concern.

Putting down the hot tea, Uncle Yew replied,"That's it, someone discovered a relic related to the legend of heroes! This time is awesome, maybe it’s the place where the hero and Zekrom exchange information! However, on my way to the ruins, I accidentally got lost in the cave!"

A large part of the legendary ruins are places where people hoped to communicate with legendary Pokémon in ancient times, but no matter what kind of ruins they are, they have the value of exploration!

When we were in Sinnoh, the people of Team Galaxy were Exploring ruins in various places also promoted the research of legends in Sinnoh. When Xiaozhi disintegrated them, not only did they not bring harm to the world, but they also left a positive promotion effect! Therefore, the alliance has a positive impact on Xiaozhi. The reward must not be small, but now Xiaozhi is not paying attention, and a large part of it is put into the construction of the island!

"Dad, this is yours!"Dr. Yew handed over the pen that Xiaozhi had found.

The uncle nodded,"It's mine, why is it at your place?""

"Xiaozhi brought it back from the cave, and it got stuck in the gears of the gear monster. Be careful! Dr. Yew complained.

After taking the pen, the uncle looked at Xiaozhi and asked,"Are you Xiaozhi?" I have heard about your story, thank you very much!"

This serious look is like a doctor.

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Doctor, can you please let us go with you to the ruins of the black hero?"

Alise and Tiantong behind them also nodded repeatedly and showed great excitement!

Although they have seen the black and white dragons of Ain Duo Oak, their legends are spread everywhere in the Hezhong area, and many people related to them have also been left behind. Relevant ruins!

Now that I have encountered such an opportunity, of course I will not miss it!

"It will be much more secure if you, Xiaozhi, accompany me!"Uncle Yew nodded, and looked at Dr. Yew as he spoke,"I'm almost leaving. I've met you anyway, and I also want to see the ruins quickly. Look at Xiaozhi and the others. Can’t wait!"

Leaving Bai Lu at Dr. Yew's research camp, Xiaozhi and his group followed Uncle Yew and set off for the Black Hero Ruins!

Leaving the Carbide Cave and walking through the forest, on the way, Xiaozhi completed the exchange of Pokémon at the Pokémon Center they passed..

Now that the incident has been resolved, the electric Pokémon were exchanged, leaving only Roentgen Cat!

Roentgen Cat has the ability to see through walls. Next, we are going to explore the ruins. I believe its ability will come in handy!

The group of people After walking for two days, we arrived at the entrance of a hidden cave!

"We've arrived, here is the entrance to the ruins!"Under the leadership of Dr. Yew, Xiaozhi and his party walked through the cave and soon came to a stone wall corridor!

Xiaozhi has already explored many ruins, and his Tyrannosaurus is a treasure that was captured in the ruins. Dragon, but he was still surprised by the stone wall built with huge square rocks like this! There were also ancient characters carved on the stone wall, which Xiaozhi didn't recognize. Sirona might like these, so he followed them all the way. Shooting with a navigator

"Be careful, there may be traps in order to repel the intruders!"Dr. Yew, who was walking at the front, warned!

Hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded and threw the elf ball out,"The decision is yours, Roentgen Cat!"

As soon as the big electric cat came out, Pikachu and Eevee jumped on its back, and it gently rubbed Ash's arm. After it evolved, its journey to Sinnoh was over. It had not yet interacted with it in this posture. I have traveled with Xiaozhi!

It is very happy to be able to help Xiaozhi now!

"That's right, if this was really the place where Zekrom communicated with the heroes, then it wouldn't be so easy for people to break in, right?"Tian Tong also recognized Dr. Yew. Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, everyone saw a stone wall in front of them!

There was a hollow in the stone wall, and inside was a statue of a centipede!

"This is the first trap! Dr. Yew must have said, but Xiaozhi and Roentgen Cat looked at each other, went up and twisted the centipede!

Sure enough, the stone wall rose, and a huge stone ball appeared behind it!

"Iron Tail! Alice and Tiantong exclaimed, and were about to run away, but Roentgen Cat and Pikachu had already used Iron Tail, the Supreme Sharp Sword and the Meteor Hammer at the same time, cutting the stone ball in half with one knife, and then And completely crushed it!

"This is not a trap, just a test. Without such courage and ability, there is no way to enter the ruins, let alone witness the legend of the hero!"Xiao Zhi said lightly, not taking this trivial matter seriously at all!

As you can see, there is no second way here, so the only thing that can be done is to open the stone wall and find a way to deal with the stone inside. Ball!

Now, the channel is open!

"Ash is a real hero!"Alice said this!

"Haha, you really deserve to be Xiaozhi! Being able to solve a problem and feel the atmosphere of adventure at the same time is really killing two birds with one stone, the perfect solution!"Dr. Yew also praised Xiaozhi full of praise, and I heard that this uncle has a very adventurous spirit!

After passing through the stone wall corridor, the group came to a cliff, with two suspension bridges in front of them. No matter how they looked, they looked like One of the suspension bridges looks like a trap!

On the stone wall on the side, there are indeed hints of ancient writing, and Dr. Yew confirmed that it was written in encryption, and only he can understand it!

He seemed to be able to decipher it, but Xiaozhi failed A Roentgen cat, but saw this big cat stepping forward, looking around for a while with golden eyes, but then turned around and walked in another direction, where the real route was hidden!

"Ah la la!"Xiao Zhi looked at the stunned two people and smiled,"It turns out that both bridges are traps!"


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