Xiaozhi teleported five Genesect back to the island. I believe Xiaomao and Dr. Oak must be very excited!

It was obviously inappropriate for this newly discovered Pokémon to be first announced by Pansy magazine, so Xiaozhi never allowed the young lady to take photos!

Of course, Miss Pansy would never dare to write a random report before she knew something about Genesect!

But as compensation, Xiaozhi entertained Miss Pansy aboard the Miles Sunshine,"Miss Pansy, I'm so sorry! What are your next interview plans?""

"Next, I want to go to Fruit Island. It just so happens that a harvest festival is being held on the island today. I want to write a related report on the Pokémon Sumo wrestling held in the festival, which is the key event of this festival. oh!"

The Fruit Island that Miss Pansy pointed out is one of the islands in the Jecolola Islands. When Xiaozhi came to the Hezhong area, he also landed with Misty and Hanako.

This island, because it can collect The fruit tree is very famous for its rich variety of fruits!

Therefore, during this return journey, this island was originally included in Xiaozhi’s route plan!

So in this case, we will sail directly to the Fruit Island to participate in the harvest on the island. Festival, and the Pokémon Sumo Competition, this really makes Xiaozhi miss it!

Back then, Xiaozhi sent Kirby to participate in a Pokémon Sumo Competition, and he won the championship!

The Miles Sunshine sailed very fast, Soon we returned to the route of the Jecolola Islands and landed on the Fruit Island!

Sure enough, the air was full of sweet fruit fragrance, and there were fruit trees growing happily everywhere. Just looking at it made me happy!

Xiaomei happily rode on the back of the goat again, holding its two horns, and sang a sweet song with Meloetta!

Miss Pansy introduced her,"On this fruit island, there are also There is an ancient legend!"

"Since ancient times, this fruit island has been producing a lot of fruit every year. Both Pokémon and humans have lived a happy life with plenty of food and clothing!"

"But as time went by, everyone began to want to eat more delicious tree fruits, and in order to keep the delicious tree fruits for themselves, they began to fight with each other!"

"Due to the fighting, the forest gradually became deserted, and people gradually could not collect the fruits!"

"Until the end, in order to compete for the remaining fruit, two powerful Pokémon began to fight with each other. The two Pokémon experienced a fierce battle, but they could never tell the winner, and they just exhausted their energy!"

"At this time, a boy from the village suddenly came forward and said, 'It will taste better if we share it together! 'Then hand the fruit to the Pokémon!"

This story sounds a bit ridiculous to Xiaozhi, and it's also a bit familiar.

Golden fruit?

It's just that the final ending is a little different, but this is very helpful for Xiaomei's education, and the little girl's eyes are filled with stars again!

Come to think of it, the sumo wrestling competition in this festival is also to commemorate the two powerful Pokémon who fought to the end in a sports way, and to remind people not to forget the mistakes made in the past!

And this legend has been passed down in this way!

"For those who want to participate in this Pokémon Sumo Contest, please apply here!"Under the leadership of Miss Pansy, Xiaozhi and his party arrived at the venue of the sumo wrestling conference!

The place was indeed very lively, and there were many stalls selling the island's specialties, all snacks related to tree fruits!

"The winning prize for this sumo tournament is a headband that inspires you! The secondary prize is the fruit, a specialty of Fruit Island!"

Xiao Zhi looked at the winning prize prepared on the stage. It was clearly a momentum band. After carrying it, even if it is attacked that may cause the loss of combat ability, it can sometimes survive with the last bit of physical strength!

Senior Brother Blazing Monkey, Xiao Zhi I gave it a headband like this, and used exchange points to change its shape into a golden hoop! The specialty tree fruits on the other side were piled as high as a hill, and they all looked delicious!

"Xiao Mei also wants to participate in the sumo wrestling competition!"Xiaomei now has four Pokémon. After careful calculation, she threw Blue Crocodile's Poké Ball!

Blue Crocodile's power is indeed not small, but its size is still a lot smaller. It would be suitable if it evolved into Power Crocodile. Yes!

Alice undoubtedly sent Kuailong, and Tiantong sent out Coconut Monkey, which is also relatively small. If it evolves into Coconut Monkey, it will be much taller, but its evolution is far from time!

Xiaozhi has already completed the exchange of Pokémon on the ship,"The decision is yours, King Yanwu!"

Let King Yanwu wear a momentum belt like his senior brother and upgrade it to a headband, so he will look more like a senior brother!

The trainers who came to participate in the competition also took out huge... Pokémon, including Boss Cordora, Super King, Clay Giant, etc., all seem to be powerful opponents!

"Starting now, the Pokémon Sumo Competition officially begins. The rules are that if the participating Pokémon’s hands and bodies touch the ground, or if they fall outside the field, they will be defeated! During the competition, it is also forbidden to use any special moves of Pokémon!"

The referee announced the rules of the game, which were exactly as Xiaozhi remembered. He looked at Kuailong's tail and reminded,"Alice, Kuailong, please be careful to restrain your tail later, and don't push it too hard. Hit the ground!"

During the competition, some players suffered this loss!

Hearing this, Alice and Kuailong looked at each other and expressed their understanding!

But even if Xiaozhi reminded them, when they really tried their best, Kuailong still He couldn't help but use the power of his tail!

After all, Xiaomei and Tiantong's Pokémon did not have an advantage in size, and they were pushed out of the field by the opponent!

Ash's Yanwu King was huge in strength, and he had learned to fight Skills, every game was won easily, even the huge Super Iron Tyrannosaurus was thrown out of the field by it!

Singing all the way, in the finals, Xiaozhi and King Yanwu met a monster with the same size. A huge clay giant, its trainer is a fat man wearing a samurai uniform, which reminds Xiaozhi of his classmate Masamune in the Hoenn region.

"Come on, King Yanwu!"Xiao Zhi shouted loudly, and his momentum suddenly increased. King Yanwu took a step forward and rushed towards the giant clay doll. He actually held its huge palm and pushed it back forcefully!

"What a powerful force!"The little fat warrior warrior also saw the power of King Yanwu and did not dare to neglect,"Clay giant giant, use all your strength!"

But at the moment when the giant clay doll's power exploded, King Yanwu suddenly stopped his strength. Instead, he leaned forward, slammed his shoulder on the giant clay doll, and actually lifted it up according to its explosive power.!


The little fat guy in the warrior uniform was shocked, but he could only watch helplessly as King Yanwu threw the giant clay doll out of the field!

"King Yanwu won this game!"


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