"Starting now, a gym training match between Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town and gym trainer Xiaochun will be held. A total of three Pokémon can be used in the match! When all Pokémon used lose their combat effectiveness, the game is over!"

After a night's rest at the Yanmo Gym, Xiaozhi finally ushered in his last gym challenge in the Johto area!

This last badge is for a gym trainer who uses the dragon type. It's so fitting. Not bad!

The battle arena in Yanmo Gym is very interesting. It is in the shape of a zigzag, with a large pool in the middle. Obviously, Xiaochun’s Pokémon include water-type Pokémon, water and dragon-type Pokémon, Xiaochun. The one that Zhi is most familiar with!

"Xiaozhi, go all out!"According to the rules of the gym challenge, the gym trainer Xiaochun first sent out the Pokémon,"Sting Dragon King, go!"

This Thorny Dragon King is much stronger than the one Xiaozhi encountered in the Whirlpool Islands Competition. Just the way it stands upright in the water is completely different, with a dragon-like look.The peculiar arrogance of Pokémon

"It's up to you, Blastoise!"

Ash didn't hesitate and sent out the Poké Ball directly. The sturdy Water Arrow Turtle did not jump into the water. It is amphibious and has more possibilities.

"Hey, when did Xiaozhi get the Blastoise in exchange?"Xiao Gang was surprised.

"Yesterday evening!" Xiaomei replied

"oh!"Xiao Gang came to his senses and seemed to have asked a nonsense question.

"Thorn Dragon King, be careful, your opponent this time is unusual!"Feeling the momentum of Xiaozhi's water arrow turtle, Xiaochun was also shocked, and then his fighting spirit burned again. This time he can fight happily! The battle between masters has long been more than just skills. They were fighting each other!

"The attributes of the Thorny Dragon King make up for each other's weaknesses. The only ones called weaknesses are the dragon type and the fairy type!"Xiao Zhi murmured softly, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

"Blastoise, Dragon Wave!"


The water arrow turtle roared, and the metal cannon on his shoulder suddenly condensed with surging dragon energy. This shot was exciting! It was perfect as an opening salute. After firing, the two dragon cannons closed together and suddenly turned into a The long dragon bit hard at the Thorny Dragon King!


The Thorny Dragon King was hit directly, and he was already injured at the beginning!

"How can it be!"Miss Xiaochun was really shocked. She didn't expect that Xiaozhi would let the Water Arrow Turtle learn the Dragon Wave skill!

She doesn't know about super evolution, and she doesn't understand Xiaozhi's tie evolution!

He The Blastoise's bond evolution has been completed!

Name: Xiaozhi·Blastoise

Attribute: Water

Characteristics: Rain Disk (when it rains, the injury will be slowly restored) Super Launcher (the power of wave and waveguide moves will be Improved)

Skills: Cannon Light Cannon, High-Speed ​​Rotation, Water Wave, Arrow Hammer, Rain Seeking, Dragon Wave, Water Cannon.

After the Tie Evolution, Blastoise has the characteristics only Blastoise has, Super Launch The power of the weapon will increase when using wave and waveguide skills, so Xiaozhi let the Water Arrow Turtle learn the Dragon Wave. Today, Xiao Chun was caught off guard! Even if the

Water Arrow Turtle is not involved in evolution now, the dragon attribute The skill is still very effective against the Thorny Dragon King!

"Xiaozhi, you are really amazing!"Xiao Chun assessed the current situation of the Thorny Dragon King,"The Thorny Dragon King, use tornado!"

The tornado in the water set off a waterspout, and the huge tidal whirlpool came towards the Water Arrow Turtle with an astonishing momentum. This skill mixes the attributes of water and dragon, and it can be regarded as the specialty skill of Xiaochun, the Thorny Dragon King!

However, Xiaozhi was not afraid,"Destroy it, cannon light cannon!""

Because of the two metal cannons on its shoulders, the Blastoise can learn a lot of cannon-related skills. The light cannon and the water cannon are just one word different in their names.

But the light cannon is a steel attribute skill. The water cannon is an exclusive teaching skill of the three water-type royal families. It is a super sure-kill move. Xiaozhi spent a lot of effort to teach the water arrow turtle to use it. Until now, the powerful crocodile is still not able to use it skillfully.

Of course, how to use such a super move also depends on the trainer's strategy and command. The water arrow turtle roared and fired a cannon, and the steel attribute blow tore apart the waterspout!

"To stab the Dragon King, use the water cannon!"

Taking advantage of the moment when Xiaozhi just activated his skills, Miss Xiaochun launched another attack. The water cannon directly hit the Water Arrow Turtle, but how effective can the water-based trick be on the Water Arrow Turtle?

"Rocket head hammer!"

Xiao Zhi completely ignored the attack of the water cannon. With an order, the Water Arrow Turtle supported its body upright with its strong hind legs and exerted force. With an astonishing momentum, it rushed towards the Spiny Dragon King with the water cannon.

"Get out of the way!"

From just now, the two Pokmon stood still and fired their skills. Now that the Water Arrow Turtle has moved, the Spiny Dragon King must also move. The

Spiny Dragon King is very fast in the water, and it seems to be teleporting to the side. Move and avoid the Rocket Head Hammer of the Water Arrow Turtle!

The Water Arrow Turtle fell into the water and was really at home like a fish in water. It was immediately in front of the Spiny Dragon King!

"Thorny Dragon King, get out of the way!"Seeing this, Xiao Chun quickly shouted in surprise, but it was too late!

Xiao Zhi clenched his fist and said,"Cannon Light Cannon!"

This move was launched very quickly. Almost as soon as Xiaozhi finished speaking, the cannon's light cannon hit the Thorn Dragon King head-on!

"Thorny Dragon King! are you OK!"

After the smoke cleared, it should be said that it is indeed a dragon-type Pokémon. The Thorn Dragon King resisted this move of Cannon Cannon without losing its fighting ability!

"Very good, Thorny Dragon King, use high-speed movement to distance yourself!"

Xiao Chun's Thorn Dragon King is obviously not good at melee combat. All its skills are either long-range attacks or auxiliary skills, so staying so close to the Water Arrow Turtle is obviously disadvantageous!

"Don't even think about running away, give it a final blow!"Xiao Zhi clenched his fist fiercely, knowing that he had a chance to win,"Dragon Wave!"


The giant dragon transformed from dragon energy seemed to roar, and then bit the Thorny Dragon King!

"The Spiny Dragon King loses the ability to fight, and the Water Arrow Turtle wins! Mr. Kabu

, who served as the referee, announced the Blastoise's victory. He turned to look at Xiao Chun,"Miss, Xiaozhi's Blastoise is really powerful. You must be more careful and use your full strength!""

Xiao Chun nodded,"Xiao Zhi, you are really powerful, but at the risk of my dignity as a dragon Pokémon trainer, I will fight you with all my strength!"

"Come back, Thorny Dragon King!"She took back the Thorny Dragon King, and then threw another Poké Ball,"Come on, Gyarados!"


Looking at the roaring Gyarados, Xiaozhi also took back the Water Arrow Turtle.

"It's up to you, Crocodile!"


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