Saying goodbye to Ryuji, Xiaozhi and his team arrived at the Pokémon Center.

Miss Joy told them that there was a message from Dr. Kumu, so while the Pokémon were checking their recovery, Ash and the others made a call!

"Uncle Kongmu!"Xiao Mei was the first to say hello, this little girl has such a sweet mouth.

"Xiaomei, how have you been lately? Is traveling hard?"Dr. Kongmu smiled when he saw Xiaomei's cute little face.

"It’s not hard work, traveling is fun!"As the trip continued, Xiaomei's body became much stronger. Now she no longer needs the geranium to carry her, and she can walk with Latias by herself.

"But doctor, why did you know we would pass by here?"Xiaoxia was very confused. They had re-planned the route. It was not easy to find them.

Dr. Kongmu smiled and said,"I received a contact from Dr. Ohmu. I heard that you are on your way back to Ruoye Town, right? I left messages for all the nearby Pokémon centers, but I didn’t expect that your place is quite remote."

This is also the purpose of the alliance to set up Pokémon centers in various places to support trainers on the road at any time.

"Doctor, what do you want from us?"Xiao Zhi pulled Xiao Mei away and quickly got down to business.

"Well, I want to invite you to go to the Pokémon Ocean Research Institute, which happens to be not far from the Pokémon Center where you are now!"Dr. Kongmu smiled.

Now Xiaozhi and his party are traveling along the seaside, and the Pokémon Ocean Research Institute is right on their route!

"I want to ask you to go there and help me get an elf egg!"

"Elf eggs!"As soon as she heard the Pokémon Egg, Xiaomei became excited again!

The group recovered the Pokémon and immediately went on the road, and soon came to the Pokémon Ocean Research Institute that the doctor said

"Good afternoon, we are here to visit at the request of Dr. Kongmu!"Everyone said hello, but no one was seen in the research institute.

"Please step aside!"

Just when everyone thought no one was there, suddenly a beautiful girl rushed out in a hurry. Before everyone could react, she rushed out of the door in a hurry.

"Ah, what a beautiful lady, please give me your name! ?"Xiaogang's old habit happened again, this time even more powerful, and he rushed over immediately. It was not a problem for Xiaozhi and his team to stay in this deserted research institute, so they had no choice but to follow them.

Right here On the small pier on the coast below the research institute, there was what looked like a submarine docked. The young lady ran over quickly, and a lamp monster was waiting for her.

"Lamp monsters, they're coming, use ultrasound!"Looking at her, she seemed to be using ultrasound to detect something.

Xiaogang came up and asked,"Excuse me, are you from the research institute? my name is"

Before he could finish speaking, the young lady silenced him,"ShhhBe quiet, you can almost hear them!"

"Their voices?"

Just when everyone was confused, a Pokémon sound that sounded like singing came from the instrument.

"Hey, this voice sounds so familiar! The first one thought this voice seemed familiar!

Xiaozhi patted her on the head and threw a Poké Ball,"It's you, Lapras!"

"This is a travel song! The young lady said,"Xiao Zhi, you actually have a Lapras?" Before she had time to ask this young lady how she knew Xiaozhi's name, several bright spots appeared on the instrument, and she suddenly became excited,"They are coming!""

"Lightbulb, come back!"

What surfaced almost at the same time as the Lamp Monster were Lapras one after another!

"Um?"When he saw one of the Lapras, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up,"Lapras!"

The Lapras was also very happy to see Xiaozhi. He quickly moved over and rubbed his head against Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi recognized this Lapras at the first sight. It was the one accompanying his predecessor. The Lapras who completed the challenge in the Orange Islands

"Haha, you are so much stronger!"Xiao Zhi patted its neck. It has really grown up a lot since then.


Xiao Zhi's current little Lapras came over. As soon as the two Lapras communicated, Lapras brought it back to the group and introduced it to everyone. Everyone is a very gentle Pokémon. , and they get along very well with each other.

Little Lapras was hatched by Xiao Zhi from an elf egg. He has been with Xiao Zhi since he was born. He has never lived with his own kind.

This is a good opportunity for him to It communicates well with its own kind

"Xiaomei wants to play too!"Xiaomei was clamoring to go to the Lapras group to play again.

Latias saw that Xiaozhi and the others had something to talk about, so he used telekinesis to fly her up and sat on Xiaozhi's two Lapras. Lars was on his back.

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia also recognized the Lapras,"This is the Lapras that traveled with us in the Orange Islands!"

"Orange Islands?"The researcher lady exclaimed,"Now we have another clue to their migration route!"

"Thank you, Xiaozhi!"

I just wanted to ask, how did she know Xiaozhi's name?

"My name is Cheng Mei, and I am the director of the Pokémon Ocean Research Institute. Although I am the only one working there, the research institute is very small!"Miss Chengmei introduced with a smile,"Dr. Kongmu told me about you. You are here to get the elf eggs, right?"

"I see! Seeing that everyone seemed to welcome his little Lapras, Xiaozhi felt relieved,"Miss Chengmei, are you studying about riding a dragon?""

"Yeah, that's part of Pokémon Oceanography!"

"The group of dragons will come here at a fixed time! But their travel route has not been analyzed yet!"

After returning to the research institute, Miss Chengmei pointed to the chart and explained to the group,"They can convey information about the water temperature and currents in very far away places to their companions far away, and the speed is faster than our radar. Be fast and be correct!"

"I'm currently working on solving this mystery, and the key lies in Laplace's cry! There are still many unknown ingredients in their calls! After much experimentation, I discovered that I could capture that sound using ultrasound!"

So just now Miss Chengmei was able to use the ultrasonic wave of the lamp monster.

While singing the song of travel, the group of Laplaces were marching in the vast blue sea. Isn't this a very romantic thing?

Xiaozhi looked out the window and Little Laplace, who got along well with the Lapras group, slowly made a decision in his mind.

"Laplace!"Xiao Zhi found his two Lapras,"I want this little guy to follow you around for a while, is that okay? When you return to this place, please trouble Miss Chengmei to send it to me!"

"Xiaozhi!"Xiaoxia couldn't help but want to speak out to dissuade her, but Xiaogang stopped her. This is the second time Xiaozhi has placed Pokémon in the same kind of group. The first time was the strongest ace Lapras! We need the sea, not beside Xiaozhi, or in the backyard of Dr. Oak in Zhenxin Town!

"Woo!"Little Lapras showed deep reluctance. It was indeed the first time for him to meet a group of his own kind. One of them was his senior and they got along very well.

But Xiaozhi was the master who hatched it. Its home is not here, but next to Xiaozhi!

Laplace's tribe agreed.

Xiaozhi looked at little Laplace with a smile,"Man, go and experience the sea!" Only by accepting the test and temper of the sea can you truly grow!"


I don’t know if most of you will dislike this arrangement, but if you think about it carefully, what is the purpose of our trip? And this is not release!

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