Setting off from Ruoye Town again, the team of Xiaozhi and his team was getting bigger and bigger.

At first, it was just Xiaozhi, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, and they joined Xiaomei, the"Daughter of the Flame Emperor" in the green grassland. Recently, Xiaozhi conquered Latias in the Water City, and it has been following Xiaozhi in its human form..

Xiaozhi did not do any training for it. The most important thing is that it and Xiaomei can become good playmates. With superpowers, it can also help Xiaomei on her way, so Geranium doesn't have to carry her all the time.

Latias can also use Mystical Guardian to help everyone resist Jigglypuff's singing.

Now that Geranium has been sent back to train with Bulbasaur by Xiaozhi, they will become a powerful force for Xiaozhi in the next Silver Conference.

"Yukila, little elephant, let’s go together! One two one, one two one!"Xiao Mei is so proud now, and there are two cuties on the left and right.

Since the little elephant was born, Xiao Zhi has been putting it outside the Poké Ball and traveling with them. As a ground type, it should be down-to-earth and exercised. Slowly accumulating physical strength.

As for Yukila, Xiaozhi has not subdued it at all. Pokémon from the Pokémon Sanctuary are not allowed to be subdued, and now Xiaozhi has no more energy to train another quasi-god.

So. Yukila can only walk with Xiaozhi and his group. Like the little elephant, this kind of walking can slowly exercise it.

The little elephant has a very kind-hearted character and likes to take care of this little brother, so it is very Yukila was quickly accepted, and now the two little guys have become familiar with each other.

Xiaomei seems to have a very strange quality, she can play well with all of Ash's Pokémon.

This Yukila Originally, she only relied on Xiaozhi, and even Xiaoxia would become stiff when she was near Xiaogang, but Xiaomei quickly made her accept her.

She was considered by Xiaozhi to be the daughter of Emperor Yan, and she was very courageous, even if she was violent She won't be afraid of wild Pokémon


Suddenly, a beast roar came from one side of the forest, and a ring bear suddenly emerged from behind the tree!

When it came out, it grinned and looked very violent. It also sent a destructive death light at Xiaomei!

Xiaozhi frowned. He frowned and just about to take action, Xiao Yukila stood in front of Xiao Mei, white light appeared all over his body, and countless light balls formed a halo around it.

"This is?"Xiaoxia was stunned by the scene in front of her.

She saw that these light balls could resist the destructive death light of the Circle Bear without any pressure, and then blasted towards the Circle Bear, knocking it away in one go.

"This is powered by Kira's mysterious power! It's really strong!"Xiao Zhi said with a smile,"Although it is small, it has the power to break rocks!"

It should be said that they are indeed the quasi-gods of the future!

Yukila and Xiaoxiang are both little guys who are good at strength, so they often communicate together, and now they have become good playmates.

Xiaoxiang has always been It was Benjila who was training.

After beating the circle bear away, Yukila seemed to have discovered something and got into a patch of grass.

"Yeah, Yukira, where are you going?"Xiaomei didn't seem to be nervous about the danger just now, and immediately followed her, and everyone had no choice but to follow.

However, she saw three steaming springs, and many wild animals were taking a bath in them. Dai Lu Bi, Qilinqi, Long-haired Pig

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and it was peaceful.

"It turns out to be a hot spring! Xiaoxia was pleasantly surprised,"I like hot springs the most!""

"Xiaomei wants to take a hot spring bath!"Xiao Mei took the first step and ran over, but suddenly she seemed to trip on a thin silk thread. Instead of falling, she tore the thread off. Suddenly

, there were sounds everywhere in the jungle, as if Xiao Mei What mechanism was triggered?

"Emperor Yan, let’s decide the outcome!"Suddenly a young man with glasses and a computer appeared from behind a nearby tree.

When he heard him calling Emperor Yan, Xiaomei was the first to exclaim,"Emperor Yan? Brother Xiaozhi, where is Emperor Yan?"

Xiaomei really can't wait to see the real Entei, which is the Pokémon she admires and longs for the most!

Xiaozhi said that he would conquer the three divine beasts Suicune, Raikou, and Entei, and now he has subdued Suicune and Raikou, but along the way When they came up, this was the first time they got news from Emperor Yan. How could Xiaomei not be excited?

The boy who appeared showed disappointment when he saw that it was not Emperor Yan who triggered his alarm,"It turns out it's not Emperor Yan!" Sorry, hello, my name is Shang Ye!"

After the group introduced themselves, Xiaoxia confirmed,"Is the Emperor Yan you just mentioned the legendary Emperor Yan?"

Shang Ye decisively admitted,"Of course I mean it, I want to conquer it!"

"Do you want to conquer Emperor Yan?"Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mei exclaimed at the same time, not because they met a competitor, but because they got information about Emperor Yan.

Sure enough, Shang also introduced,"I analyzed several places where Emperor Yan appeared before, and the result is, Emperor Yan will appear in this area next time!"

The alarm sound just now was waiting for Emperor Yan. Obviously, he could only guess the general area where Emperor Yan would appear, but he could not predict the precise location.

"But this is already amazing!"Xiao Zhi agreed, this is a Pokémon trainer who has goals and pursuits.

There are as many paths as there are trainers.

"That's because Entei is the Pokémon I long for the most!"Shang also showed a look of longing.

"Yeah, Entei is also Mei’s favorite Pokémon! Xiaomei raised her hands and shouted loudly,"Can we search for Emperor Yan with you?""

"Of course, I am happy to go see it with you, but if I encounter it, can you please let me try to conquer it first?"Shang Ye's performance was much better than the trainer he met when he conquered the Fire Rock Rat. Xiaozhi and his team immediately agreed.

If he can really conquer the Flame Emperor, that's his ability. If he can't , but was subdued by Xiaozhi, and he was convinced

"Thank you very much. I have specially prepared a sure-fire move to conquer Emperor Yan!"Maybe it's because Xiaozhi and his group are so close to each other that Shang is also willing to share his preparations with them.

"A surefire move?"Xiao Mei asked curiously with wide eyes.

Shang also looked at Xiao Zhi,"If you fight with me, you can see it!"

"Well, I will never refuse the request for a battle!"

Xiao Zhi versus Shang Ye, starting now!


Today's update is a little late. In fact, I have specially prepared some manuscripts for today and tomorrow, and try to ensure four updates a day.

Please explain the update schedule for tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will upload the four daily updated chapters at once in the morning, and then if I come back early in the evening, I will upload the fifth chapter as much as possible. In short, I will conquer the Emperor Yan soon, so stay tuned and ask for your support! Please give me a reward! Please customize!

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