"Ha ha"Xiaozhi held the extinguished advanced ball and looked up to the sky and screamed!

Just when his trip to the Johto area was about to end, he finally gathered the three divine beasts!

"Emperor Yan, the decision is yours." He threw out the high-level ball. This Emperor Yan was powerful and mighty in appearance, and was 2.2 meters tall.

In terms of body shape, Emperor Yan was also the most majestic among the three divine beasts.

"Roar! Yandi growled softly, looking at Xiaozhi with recognition in his eyes. This is the boy chosen by Phoenix King. He is indeed extraordinary!

"Please give me more advice in the future!"After conquering Emperor Yan, Xiaozhi had no intention of just sending him back. He planned to travel together for a while and cultivate a relationship.

But he was still thinking about the reward that Dr. Oak promised to give him for conquering the three divine beasts.

This reward for conquering the divine beast, It should be more precious than the Laplace Elf Egg!

"Brother Xiaozhi!"

Xiaomei was the first to run back with Latias, and she saw Xiaozhi and Yandi standing together,"I knew that brother Xiaozhi was the most powerful, and he really conquered Yandi!"

Then, the little girl threw herself on Emperor Yan, feeling the fur of the real Emperor Yan,"It's so warm, Emperor Yan, I like you the most!"

Yandei could feel Xiaomei's feelings for him, and with a head bump, he put her on his back and let her ride him in circles.

"Wow, great!"The little girl cheered.

The group of people gathered around. Seeing this scene, they felt warm in their hearts and smiled knowingly.

Shang also came over and was really convinced by Xiaozhi,"Xiaozhi, you are really amazing!"

Turn around, he looked at Yan Emperor,"Thank you very much. This is the first time I have seen Yan Emperor so close. He is so powerful and gentle. It is really amazing!"

He just left. He will continue to work hard and challenge Yan Emperor again.

It was getting late and the sun was about to set. Xiaozhi and his party decided to camp here and let Xiaomei and the Pokémon soak in the hot springs here.

This should be the place where wild Pokémon get rid of fatigue and slowly recover from injuries, so everyone is in harmony. Even the circle bear we met before looked innocent after soaking in the hot spring.

Apart from the hot spring, here There is also a sand pit with just the right temperature, which can be used to give Yukila, Bangira and Xiaogang's big rock snakes and small fist stones a sand bath.

After this night of getting along, Yukira's relationship with everyone has also become stronger. Okay. I just don’t know why, even when Xiaoxia and Xiaogang are close, they still become stiff.

"Let me show you the performance of a person who aims to be the world's number one breeder!"Xiao Gang didn't believe it yet!

This guy actually made faces with Yukila. This was his usual way of communicating with Pokémon to get closer, but it obviously had the opposite effect on Yukira!

Seeing Yukira Kira's expression made Xiaozhi feel bad and quickly covered Mei's ears!

Have you ever heard the sound of classmates scratching the blackboard with their nails during class?

Kira's harsh sound was like countless claws scratching on the blackboard. , it makes your ears hurt so much!

"Bangira, get it done!"

Ash threw Banjira's Poké Ball, and he picked it up by the long horns on his head as usual. Yukila was honest at that time. He was waving his limbs in mid-air, as if he was very happy. Looks like.

It regards this as a game.

That is to say, Bangila has the ability to pick up this heavy little guy so casually. The big one and the little one have feelings now. From a certain point of view, Bangila should be considered Written by Kira's Godfather

"It’s strange. According to past experience, Pokémon will laugh when they see my grimace! Xiaogang wondered,"By the way, there should be a very beautiful lake in front of us. Let's go there for lunch!""

You must choose a place with beautiful scenery when eating, so that you can afford a trip!

However, the water in this lake is almost dry, and there are many dumb beasts lying around in it, looking listless.

"Brother Xiaozhi, look at that!"The falling water level has formed the appearance of a small waterfall upstream, and right in front of that waterfall, there is a treasure!

"That is the proof of kingship!"Appearing next to the group of people was a father and daughter. Next to the young lady stood a Slowpoke who was in good spirits.

"I hope you don’t touch that King’s Certificate, it belongs to the Slowpoke here!"The young lady introduced herself with a smile,"My name is Alice, and this is my father, Professor Tires! It's my Slowpoke, Shasha!"

Xiao Gang came up again,"Xiaosheng's name is Xiao Gang. If you tell me not to get close to the King's Certificate, I won't get close to it. As long as I can get close to you, that's fine!"

Xiaoxia pulled his ears and dragged him away.

After the exchange, Xiaozhi and his party learned that they were studying the legend of the Slow King spread in this lake.

Under their leadership, a group of people came to a mural, which was the portrait of King Slow. In front of it, there was a figure similar to a door, but it was difficult to understand what it meant.

"A long time ago, this was a beautiful lake with abundant water and rippling water. However, after the earthquake, the lake water ran away from the gaps in the rock pan, causing the water level to drop to as low as it is today. Since then, Slowpoke and the others have also lost their vitality!"Miss Alice explained the dilemma to the group.

After the lake level dropped, the mural and the King's Certificate slowly emerged.

"Uncle Tires, what is this mural about?"Xiaomei looked at the mural in front of her and became curious.

"Uncle, let me tell you. What this mural says is that when the water is gone and the Slowpoke beasts are in trouble, a special Slowpoke will appear. It wears the Certificate of King, evolves into the Slowpoke King, and guides the Slowpoke King. Slowpoke go to paradise!"Professor Tires is happy to explain it to this cute little girl.

They still don't know how Slow King evolves, and once a Slow Beast wants to get close to the King's Evidence, there will be something in this shallow lake. A giant-tongued clam jumped out and bit its tail, causing it to evolve into a dumb hippopotamus.

"oh"Xiaomei nodded, then pointed at Xiaozhi and said,"Brother Xiaozhi has a Slow King, which is awesome. Just invite it over!"

Hearing this, Tires and Alice's eyes lit up. ,"Xiao Zhi, do you have a Slow King?"

Xiao Zhi nodded,"Yes, if necessary, I can contact Dr. Oak to exchange it!"

"Please do this, please!"The Slowpoke beasts here have become listless, and Tires and Alice are very anxious.

Of course Tires has equipment there, Xiaozhi contacted Dr. Ohmu, but it was Xiaojian who answered the call. Xiaozhi will Slowpoke Wang exchanged

"Dude King, please!"Xiao Zhi brought King Slow to the mural.

King Slow looked at it for a while and then looked at Xiao Zhi,"Xiao Zhi, thank you!"

This is King Slowpoke thanking Xiaozhi for helping his tribe several times. As he spoke, he called out, and the Slowpoke beasts at the bottom of the lake followed his footsteps and came to the waterfall. The power of his mind was activated, and the waterfall It was actually separated to both sides, revealing the small cave behind the waterfall. And that was exactly the door on the mural!

There was a cave in the cave with lush water and grass, which was the paradise of Slowpoke!

"Xiaozhi, thank you so much!"Seeing that the Slowpoke beasts had regained their energy, Miss Alice was very grateful, but she didn't notice that her Shasha was walking towards the King's Certificate!

King Slowpoke noticed it, and saw it nodded slightly and looked at it. Shasha walked over step by step, and many big-tongued clams jumped out of the water along the way, trying to bite its tail, but they were knocked down one by one under the guidance of King Dude.

Finally, it took off the certificate of king. , stayed on the head, and then a big-tongued clam jumped up and bit it on the head!

It put a crown on it!

Another Slow King evolved, but it was bigger than Xiaozhi's Slow King. The king is much smaller.

Xiaozhi’s stupid king patted its head and was very satisfied with this youngster. It will protect these tribesmen in the future.

———————— third chapter! Please support!

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