The staff brought the group of people and Ye Yue to a high stone staircase.

"There is an ancestral hall above this stone staircase, and the sacred fire is contained in that ancestral hall. butThere are wild crocodiles lingering near the ancestral hall."

Xiao Zhi and his party have seen the Xuanla. It is the Xuanla that was transformed by the dark elf ball into evil by Bishas. Its claws are very sharp, and it cut through the fine iron cage that trapped Bangila with one blow.

Hearing Xuan La, Ye Yue became excited,"Xuan La is indeed here!

Seeing Xiaozhi's questioning look, he explained,"It's like this. I heard that there are wild crocodiles living in Baiyin Mountain. I've always wanted to tame one and have a look!""

Obviously, this beast has caused a lot of trouble to the staff of Fengwangyuan."The problem lies with this beast. It has a strong sense of territory. As long as someone approaches the ancestral hall, they will be attacked by it. We will try I have gone to get the Holy Fire many times, only to get more and more people injured!"

"Not only that, but recently it has taken on Arms and Haoli as its subordinates, so we asked Pokémon trainers to help us, but no one has been able to successfully take out the Holy Fire!"

It turns out that this is the problem, then it will be easy to solve. Xiaozhi and Ye Yue nodded together,"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

After saying that, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Xiaozhi will be responsible for taking out the holy fire, while Ye Yue still wants to subdue Xuan La.

This ladder is really high. Xiaoxia is very tired, but Xiaomei is the most relaxed. She With the help of Latias' telekinesis, he levitated and followed everyone around.

"Brothers and sisters, come on! Hahaha!"Silver bell-like laughter sounded on the stairs. Everyone worked hard and quickly reached the top of the mountain.

Xiaozhi was the first to step up the stairs. When he looked up, he saw a hand knife waving towards him!

There was a blue light all over his body. In a flash, Xiaozhi raised his hand and took the knife. Everyone quickly followed, and saw Haoli and Wrist standing in front of them as if they were guarding a mountain gate.

"Power and strength are the subordinates of Xun La!"Xiao Gang remembered the mission information shared by the staff just now.

"Xiaogang, Togepi is begging you!"Xiaoxia entrusted Togepi in her arms to Xiaogang, but she couldn't let it run around anymore.

Then, she looked at Xiaozhi,"Xiaozhi, let me handle it here! Come on up, Sun Coral!"

Xiaoxia threw her bait ball,"Sun Coral, use the spike cannon!"

Ye Yue on the side was not to be outdone, and ordered Hei Lujia beside him,"Hei Lujia, use the jet flame!"

The two attacks swallowed up the power and wrist power, and Xiaozhi quickly took this opportunity to break into the ancestral hall.

Their mission was not the power and wrist power, but to obtain the Holy Fire of the Phoenix King!

When they opened the door, it was the Phoenix King who caught his eye. The statue is lifelike and magnificent.

And above the spread wings of the Phoenix King is the golden basin holding the holy fire. The holy fire is indeed unusual, and it actually emits golden light.

Suddenly, a sharp claw suddenly appears in In front of Xiaozhi, but Xiaozhi easily avoided it

"It's not a good habit to attack others casually, you!"Xiao Zhi grinned and threw out his elf ball,"Ballan, it's up to you!"

Hora has evil and ice attributes, and its fighting skills are extremely effective against it!

They are also very matched in size.

However, Hura can actually subdue his strength and wrist strength to become his subordinate, which is obviously very good.

Xiaozhi Since Ballang was subdued, it has been training hard. Since it doesn't want to evolve, it has to work dozens of times more than the evolved form to become stronger. Xiaozhi's words have always been in its ears!

In Firestorm Under the guidance of Monkey, it continues to surpass its own limits with the forced exercise device. Just as Xiaozhi said, the fighting type is the attribute that is truly born for fighting!

"勃~La!"Looking at the thin little guy with a black belt on his head, Xuan La showed a mocking smile and waved his paw gently at it. This was clearly a provocation!

However, Barr, who had been trained like hell, Lang, how could he be so easily provoked? He remained as still as a mountain, always maintaining a fighting posture, controlling his breathing, and condensing his momentum.

Until Xiaozhi gave the order,"Go!"

There is no fixed name for the move. Ballang suddenly glared at Xuanla and stepped forward at an astonishing speed!

Xuanla was obviously frightened by Ballang's sudden burst of speed, but it still reacted and headed towards it. Following Ballang's punch, he swung out his claws!

However, Ballang's punch was clearly a feint, and the real killing move was another punch!

It swung away Xuanla's claws, and then hit Xuanla with a punch. La's waist, knocking him away!

Huan La retreated violently, but in the next second he touched the ground with one foot and rushed towards Ballang again. Dark energy condensed on its claws! It's clearly a ghost skill, Shadow Ball!

I don't know where it learned this skill from. If the compatibility wasn't too low, Xiaozhi would have thought of conquering it.

But obviously, this beast is not interested in Xiaozhi. There is no sense of identity or belonging, and what is going on now is not a battle of conquest!

"Kick back!"

Ballang grinned and actually kicked the shadow ball. The force of this kick was just right. The shadow ball was actually kicked back and exploded in front of Xuan La!

Xuan La was stunned by the explosion. Forced, Xiaozhi ignored it, walked straight into the ancestral hall, and used his telekinesis to remove the golden basin of the holy fire from the statue of Phoenix King.

He looked at the statue and murmured,"Phoenix King, one day I will go See you!"

Perhaps that day will be the day when Xiaozhi becomes the master of Pokémon.

Xiaozhi came out with the Holy Fire, Xiaoxia and Ye Yue also defeated the power and wrist strength. Ye Yue nodded towards Xiaozhi and came to Xuan. In front of the ramen,"Go, flame chicken!""

The Pokmon sent out by Ye Yue is something that Xiaogang and the others have never seen before. It is tall, mighty and very handsome. The

Flame Chicken has fire and fighting attributes, and it is absolutely invincible to the beast.

"A Pokémon I’ve never seen before, so handsome!"Xiaomei had already revealed her starry eyes.

Xiaozhi smiled,"It turns out to be Flame Chicken, Ye Yue, is this your initial Pokémon?"

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Ye Yue glanced at Xiaozhi even more,"Yes, I didn't expect Xiaozhi that you actually know the flame chicken in Fengyuan!"

There was no time to continue communicating with Xiaozhi. Ye Yue looked at Xuan La, who had now come back to his senses,"Xuan La, come and fight, I want to conquer you!"

This is a conquering battle, an exchange between trainers and Pokémon.

Huola accepted the challenge. Xiaozhi didn't do much damage to it just now. It suddenly accelerated and stretched out its sharp claws towards the Flame Chicken.

"Flame chicken, lightning flashed!"

The Flame Chicken is very fast. After knocking Xuan La away, he chased after him with another jet of flames. His movements were crisp and clean.

This Ye Yue's fighting style is also very similar to Xiao Zhi's.

"Now, Flame Chicken, give it the final flame punch!"The Flame Chicken knocked down Xuan La,"Go, Poke Ball!"

Xuanla was subdued by Ye Yue, and Xiaozhi took back the Holy Fire. Not only that, Fengwangyuan was also willing to take Haoli and Jiuli here to guard it. The passing ceremony of the Holy Fire can finally begin, and the Silver Conference is about to open grandly!


I saw a comment saying that I need to make up for a few punches, so I will let Xiaozhi punch himself, hahaha!

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