"It's up to you, mini dragon!"A mini-dragon that Xiaozhi had not been training for a long time was sent out by him!

"The sixth Pokémon sent by player Ash Ketchum is Mini Dragon!"The commentator seems to have become numb. Now even if Xiaozhi sends a fast dragon, he doesn't seem to be too surprised. The speed of the mini dragon should be able to surpass Xiao Mao's giant claw mantis in speed!

The giant claw mantis transforms After a red flash, only a red figure could be seen flashing back and forth on the field!

However, the mini dragon's eyes were always staring at that figure. It was precisely because of this that the Giant Pincer Mantis did not dare to approach rashly.

But Xiao Mao He didn’t seem to notice this,"Giant pincer mantis, bullet punch!"

This is also a very fast skill. The giant pincer mantis approached the mini dragon from the side, preparing to give a thunderous blow.

However, just as it got closer, the mini dragon suddenly disappeared in front of its eyes!

And Xiaozhi's The order appeared in their ears leisurely

"Dragon tail!"

The giant pincer mantis was actually hit by the mini dragon's tail, and in such a 6-on-6 battle, the effect of the dragon's tail was more than just causing damage! The giant pincer mantis was wrapped in red light and was actually hit by The elf ball was forcibly returned.

Then another elf ball on Xiaomao's waist was opened, and what appeared from it was the seriously injured Nidoqueen!

"Player Xiaozhi's Dragon Tail skill took effect, and the Giant Pincer Mantis was forced back, replaced by Nidoqueen. You can see that the damage Nidoqueen had received before has not yet recovered. Player Xiaomao is really in danger!"

"Oops, I didn’t expect Xiaozhi to do this right now!"Dr. Ohki showed an appreciative tone again.

Hanako seemed to like the mini dragon very much and was clicking the shutter frantically,"Doctor, what should I say?"

"Xiaomao's strategic plan has long been disrupted by Xiaozhi's Kirby Beast. Xiaozhi has occupied a dominant position from the beginning, but now Xiaozhi has even beaten back the giant claw mantis that still has fighting power. After replacing the seriously injured Nido, this is to force Xiaomao to continuously reduce the number of Pokémon! Keep suppressing Xiaomao's momentum!" Dr. Oak analyzed.

Xiaozhi's strategic deployment in this battle was obviously very comprehensive. Not only did he use Kirby to seize the opportunity from the beginning, but he also used Bulbasaur to force Xiaomao's Water Arrow Turtle to be seriously injured. In addition, The super-fast Mini Dragon used Dragon Tail to forcibly replace the Pokémon on the field.

It can be seen how much preparation Xiaozhi put into this battle!

The battle situation in front of him made Xiaomao feel powerless. Brother, suddenly he seemed to be relieved and smiled,"Xiao Zhi, you are really different now! He is no longer the person who just rushes forward without knowing whether it will work or not until he gives it a try! Hearing this

, Xiaozhi smiled slightly,"People always have to grow, but I am always moving forward. I must become a Pokémon master!""

"You are right, then let us finish this battle well!"Xiao Mao seemed to have come to his senses,"Nidoqueen, smash the rock!"

This time, Nidoqueen's punch hit the rock field hard. At this moment, the rock field was already covered with rubble, and the stone pillars had been razed to the ground. Under this fierce punch, countless rubbles were thrown towards The mini dragon smashed over

"Mini Dragon, use Blizzard when you get close!"

Ash doesn't plan to teach the mini-dragon too many skills now. The mini-dragon learned this blizzard on his own while watching Lapras practice. The mini-dragon suddenly disappeared, and the debris in the sky did not pose a threat to it at all. , it suddenly appeared in front of Nido, and a blizzard completely froze it!

"Nidoqueen loses the ability to fight, and the mini dragon wins!"

That's right, Xiaozhi sent the mini dragon here to harvest. From a game perspective, it's here to gain experience!

"Nidoqueen fell, and now Xiaomao player has three Pokémon left!"

Xiao Mao took Nidoqueen back,"Thank you for your hard work, Nidoqueen!"

Then, he threw the giant pincer mantis' elf ball again,"Giant pincer mantis, high-speed star!"

"Dragon's wrath!"

In this real world, Dragon's Wrath is not a fixed blood-deducting skill, but a real dragon-type ultimate move!

And different dragon-type Pokémon have different expressions of Dragon's Wrath, such as Charizard's The dragon's wrath is a fireball, the dragon's wrath of the Thorn Dragon King is a waterspout, and the dragon's wrath of the mini dragon is the blue dragon's phosphorus fire! The dragon's wrath defeated the high-speed star and burned the giant pincer mantis in just a blink of an eye. Just devour it!

"The giant mantis loses its fighting ability, and the mini dragon wins!"

Now, Xiaomao only has a duck-billed fire dragon and the seriously injured ace water arrow turtle!

"Come back, giant mantis!"Xiao Mao didn't care and took back the giant pincer mantis,"Go, duck-billed fire dragon!"

"Duck-billed Fire Dragon, use big characters to explode!"Xiao Mao repeated his old trick. Obviously, this big character blast was carefully cultivated by him. It is the secret skill of the duck-billed fire dragon!

Let the flames of the big character blast wrap around his body to increase the power and hit rate of the big character blast!

However, this move was used by Xiaozhi and Mini But it’s not easy to use in front of the dragon!

"Use Dragon's Wrath after avoiding it!"

There was another dragon's wrath. The blue dragon's phosphorus fire and the red flame of the duck-billed fire dragon were immediately intertwined, causing the temperature of the flame to continue to rise. Of course, it eventually exploded! Even the fire attribute of the duck-billed fire dragon There was also burnt blackness and loss of fighting ability.

"It's so powerful, the mini-dragon's Dragon Fury exploded, and now Xiaomao's player only has the last Blastoise left! And Ash Ketchum still has three Pokémon left: Kirby, Mini Dragon and Blastoise!"

After the explanation, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao looked at each other and smiled. There are no more Pokémon. Now is the final battle between their old enemies, a civil war between the Water Arrow Turtles!

"Come on, Blastoise, for the final battle!"

"Blastoise, it’s up to you!"

"Water cannon!"*2

As soon as they came up, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao used their strongest special moves in unison!

The most powerful water cannon skills did not explode. Instead, they turned into water columns that spread all over Baiyin. Over the sports field!

Under the sunshine, a beautiful rainbow appeared!

"What a beauty!"Xiaoxia exclaimed, and Xiaomao's cheerleading girls were also stunned.

"Haha, it’s a rainbow, so cool!"Xiao Mei is jumping up and down, such beautiful scenery is rare!

Hanako is pressing the shutter wildly, and her son looks particularly handsome under the rainbow!



The two of them looked at each other and smiled under the rainbow!

Then the water arrow turtle on Xiaomao's side, which was seriously injured, gave a thumbs up to the fellow turtle in front of him and fell to the ground suddenly.

"Player Xiaomao's Blastoise lost its fighting ability, so the winner is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!"

"Unexpectedly, this battle of old enemies would end in this way. Players Xiaozhi and Xiaomao explained to us what true brotherhood is. Let us cheer for them and applaud them! This battle is really exciting!"

The silver venue burst into applause!


The final chapter of the battle between old enemies! Hope you all are satisfied! Please support! Please give me a reward! Please give me flowers!

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