The volcano of the Fire Camel became unstable, and the already hot air around it became even hotter.

The Lian Sheng family all put on safety helmets and shouted to Xiaozhi and his party,"You guys should hurry up and get ready to deal with it!"

Even Liangping, who was hiding not far away, suddenly appeared out of nowhere. A safety helmet was put on his head.

As if sensing something, Pokejigu floated to the side of Xiaogang and the others, and the mysterious guard was set up again

"Will anything happen?"Xiao Sheng looked at Pokkigu in the air with a puzzled expression.

But Xiao Zhi already knew,"The characteristics of the Angry Point!"

Of course the Lian Sheng family doesn't know what characteristics are. Mother-in-law Mitsuyo only knows,"This fire-breathing camel has a strange temper. If it reaches the face, it will be so angry that it will lose control!"

Xiao Zhi's Firestorm Monkey also has the characteristic of Anger Point, but he can use this characteristic flexibly to burst out its true power! But Lian Sheng's family didn't know what to do, so they only put on safety helmets to deal with it!

, the volcano erupted!

Magma and flames were spewed into the air, and countless rubbles with high temperature and flames fell from the air. Even Xiaogang and the others were affected, but they were protected by Pokjigu. Lalulasi replied When he arrived at Xiaozhi's side, he saw the fire-breathing camel rushing over with an erupting volcano out of control!


Xiaoyao was so nervous. This fire-breathing camel was out of control. Lian Sheng's family didn't know how to stop it!

The most shocking thing was Liangping. He threw the elf ball and said,"Please, please. , Hu Di! Use Begging for Rain!"

The heavy rain began to fall, but the next scene shocked him completely!

Facing the fire-breathing camel that rushed over, Xiaozhi stood like this, motionless, and then gently stretched out his hand!

"never mind! It hurts you!"Xiao Zhi put his hand on the fire-breathing camel's forehead, but was pushed back by it!

He always maintained that position, being pushed away by the fire-breathing camel!

"Xiaozhi (big brother)!"Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng stood up in shock. What kind of courage does it take to face such an attack without changing their expressions!

But the speed of the fire-breathing camel slowed down, and was cooled by the heavy rain. , the volcano on the back gradually extinguished!

"Sister, brother, he is really awesome!"Seeing that Xiaozhi really tamed the fire-breathing camel, Xiao Sheng was really impressed!

The fire-breathing camel calmed down and gently rubbed Xiaozhi's palm.

When everything calmed down, this battle was considered a victory for Xiaozhi.

However, Mitsuyo's mother-in-law looked at the stopped rain curtain, looked at Xiaozhi and smiled kindly,"Xiaozhi, if you meet my Lianghei during the journey, can you please give me a message for me?"

While talking, Xiaozhi noticed that her mother-in-law's eyes were slightly drifting towards the direction of the rocks.

When Xiaozhi left and ran there just now, Haruhiko and the others may not have noticed it, but as the referee, Mitsuyo's mother-in-law probably noticed it..

What’s more, there is the prayer for rain just now. Xiaozhi is willing to believe that Liangping’s Pokémon learned to pray for the same reason as the snake bear. In this water-scarce place, they need to pray for rain.

Grandma Mitsuyo How could she not recognize that this was Liangping's Pokémon?

She had already guessed that Liangping was back!

"Lianghei is a very soft-hearted kid and doesn’t like to argue with others! It's too hard for him to be the champion of the Pokémon League!"

"Maybe he is distressed somewhere!"Sure enough, Grandma Mitsuyo really knows her grandson very well. She puts herself in Ryohei's shoes.

"If so, I would like to tell him this, if you have found what you really want to do while traveling, just work hard in that direction!"

"You only live once, if you have a dream, it’s not a bad thing to work hard towards that path! Old lady, I will always support our Ryohei!"

After hearing this, Xiaozhi was also very moved.

Isn't it true of Hanako? She tried her best to support her dream, and all she had to do was to be her pride!

Lianghei, who was hiding in the dark, finally solved his knot.

But He still didn't come out to meet his family. Instead, after Xiaozhi and his group said goodbye to Liansheng's family, they met Liangping who was waiting there.

"So, has it been decided?"Xiao Zhi smiled.

Liangping nodded,"Yes, I decided to become a Pokémon breeder! Save meeting your family until after your new dream is achieved!"

"So you are my fierce rival?"Xiaogang already knows the cause and effect, and supports Liangping's decision. I am so happy to have such a family.

"Is Mr. Xiaogang a Pokémon breeder?"After determining the goal, Xiaogang became Liangping's senior. Liangping quickly asked Xiaogang for advice. He was indeed a very gentle person! After traveling through the Gobi, Xiaozhi and his party finally arrived near Qiuye Town. Xiaoxia also once again She has started special training to prepare for the gorgeous competition.

Her cooperation with Hunting Swallowtail is becoming more and more tacit. It seems that she can have a good performance in this competition.

"Xiaozhi, do you want to participate in this gorgeous contest?"Xiao Gang looked at Xiao Xia's practice and asked Xiao Zhi with a smile.

"Of course I have to participate, and this time I plan to let Pokejigu participate!"Hearing Xiaozhi talking about himself, Pokkigu flew down in front of Xiaozhi and gently rubbed his cheek.

He is now anxious to go to Qiuye Town to find those who have come to participate in the gorgeous competition for coordination training We are doing battle at home and collecting redemption points!

While chatting here, Xiaoyao accidentally lost his Frisbee.

"Oops, missed!"Xiaoyao tapped his head lightly, stuck out his tongue, and went to pick up the swallowtail butterflies and fire chicks. However, he found a kitten in the grass nearby!

That was Xiangwei Meow, and it was He curled up into a ball, looking very cute.

Xiaoyao squatted down and greeted it,"Hello, my name is Xiaoyao!"

The kitten raised its head and meowed so cutely that Xiaoyao's whole body suddenly melted,"It's so cute, I really want it!"

"Okay, it’s decided, Xiangwei Miao, I want to conquer you! Fire chicken, please!"Xiaoyao immediately decided to conquer this cute little kitten.

"Use Sparkle!"

Unexpectedly, this kitten was very agile. He stood up and jumped to the side to avoid the spark attack. Then he rushed to the fire chicken and slapped the fire chicken hard with his big fluffy tail! A series of slaps!

"Fire chick, come on, use the peck attack!"Xiaoyao didn't panic this time. She had already learned a lot from Xiaozhi!

Hearing the encouragement, the fire chicken opened its eyes suddenly and pecked Xiangwei Miao hard!

"It's now!"Xiaoyao judged that the time had come, and decisively threw the elf ball to subdue the tail meow!

The elf ball flashed twice and went out!

"OK, I’ve conquered Xiangwei Meow!"Xiaoyao immediately cheered. This was the third Pokmon she had conquered with her own strength!

You can see that she has really improved a lot!


Happy May Day everyone!

During this holiday, I still follow the same old rules. I have saved some manuscripts, and I will try my best to take the time to write them every day to ensure that there will be no interruption in updates!

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