Now that they have enjoyed the hot springs and sand baths in Fuyan Town, Xiaozhi and his party decided to continue on the road after purchasing travel supplies.

It should be the closest to Yinyu City from here, where the Flying Gym is located, but you have to cross a large desert on the way!

So Xiaogang suggested that the group return to Zijin City first, and then go to Chenghua City, just in time to get the badge of the Chenghua Gym.

In fact, based on Xiaozhi's own words, there is no problem in crossing that desert, but after all, he still has companions, so this plan is of course the best.

Xiaozhi and Mr. Qianli had a tie at first and didn't get the badge. This time, they have to have a good fight!

And for Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, this decision of course means going home!

"Is Dad and Big Brother’s official gym challenge coming?"Xiao Sheng was extremely excited. He had been waiting for this day to come for a long time.

The two most powerful people in his mind were finally going to face off!

Now that they had decided, the group re-planned their path.

Thinking of going home , the two siblings Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng could not help but move faster, and soon they climbed a high mountain.

"Huh?"Xiao Sheng, who was holding the navigator, stopped and saw a Shakeba appeared in front of them!

Each Pokémon has different spots on its body. After a while, the Shakeba appeared in front of everyone. There are so many, and sure enough each one is different!

"Look, that dangling spot!"Xiaoyao's eyes were the brightest, and he noticed at a glance that not far behind the group of daggers, there was a very special dagger!

Its expression was not as dull as the ones in front of it, but there was a sense of intelligence. It feels strong, and the most important thing is that the spots on its forehead are actually in the shape of a heart, which is so cute!

From Xiaozhi's point of view, this Dagger should have a trainer.

"Shake it!"When the group of people saw this dangling spot, a call came from behind. This was a gorgeously dressed young lady,"So you are here, I have been looking for you for a long time!"

This young lady came to find the loving dagger, but as soon as she appeared, the child ran away decisively. The young lady couldn't catch up, so she had to sigh,"The darling can bring happiness."

Since they met by chance on the road, Xiaozhi and his party were also very curious about the dangling spot. After chatting, they learned that the young lady's name was Ellie, and later her butler Mr. Roytz came.

Miss Ellie was indeed looking for the dagger."Ever since I met the dagger, my life has been filled with roses, and countless happiness has come to me!"

It turns out that, Someone entrusted Miss Ellie to take care of this dangling spot. Judging from her appearance, I'm afraid that person is Miss Ellie's sweetheart!

From a certain point of view, this loving little boy is still their matchmaker!

"I originally agreed to return it to the other party today, but I let the important Madara escape. I really don’t know what to do!"Miss Ai Li's anxious look immediately made Xiaogang's heart to protect flowers burning!

He immediately stood up and said,"No problem, Xiaosheng will not let Miss Ai Li be miserable! That will only bring you happiness. Xiaosheng will definitely help you find it!"

I'm afraid Xiaogang hasn't thought about that yet, and he still thinks that the loving heart will bring happiness to him and Miss Ai Li.

But since they have encountered such a thing, Xiaozhi and his team are really bound to find the dangling spot.

"If we find that dangling spot, maybe it will bring us some good luck too!"Xiao Sheng and Xiao Yao are also very enthusiastic.

There are a large number of shaking spots living on this mountain. In such an environment, if you want to find one with a special pattern, even Xiao Zhi's waveguide power cannot accurately detect it. It can only be found mechanically by a group of people.

"it's here!"Xiaoyao saw one that looked very similar, but when he looked carefully, the spots on his forehead were not heart-shaped. It was really hard to find.

"found it!"Xiao Gang suddenly exclaimed. He saw a dangling spot from the side. The spot on its forehead was really heart-shaped, and half of the heart-shaped arc could be seen!

Xiao Gang thought that he could finally express his sincere happiness. , without even seeing the front clearly, he rushed over and hugged the dangling spot in his arms!

"Got it!"Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng cheered

"Come on, let's go find Miss Ellie!"Xiao Gang said softly, and saw the dagger slowly raising its head, which made him feel like he was struck by lightning! The spots on the forehead of the dagger turned out to be heartbroken!

Seeing this, Xiaogang's heart was also broken in half like this spot!

"Very unlucky!"Xiao Gang was so disgusted that he put it down, and it staggered away.

At this time, Xiao Zhi and Miss Ellie finally found the right owner. The heart-shaped dagger seemed to be looking for something, shaking The body was looking around.

Xiaozhi frowned and quickly stopped Ellie who was about to call out,"Miss Ellie, it seems to be looking for something. Let's follow behind and see what it does after it escapes!"

It won't help to bring this dagger back now, it will probably run out again.

Now Xiaozhi has grown into a trainer who can stand on his own, and he is very experienced in such things!

Miss Ellie also thinks this Reasonable, he nodded immediately, and the group hurriedly gathered together and followed the dagger!

The loving dagger led the group to a beautiful sea of ​​flowers, and the real owner of the dagger was Miss Ellie. My sweetheart also happened to appear there!

This is the place where they met, and this Dangling Ban is really a matchmaker!

Some people are happy, and some are heartbroken. In this cheerful rose-colored atmosphere, the heart-broken Dangling Ban Xiaogang appeared next to Xiaogang, and even pulled his trouser legs!

Seeing the heartbreaking spot on its forehead, Xiaogang suddenly froze,"Unfortunate spot""

He was so heartbroken that he squatted on the ground, drew circles on the flowers, and murmured to himself,"It doesn't matter to me. As long as Miss Ellie can be happy, I don't care.""

Seeing this, Xiaozhi laughed. He found that the compatibility between Xiaogang and this heart-broken Dagger was actually very high, and even the bond value reached 200!

"Xiaogang, I think this dangbangban likes you very much, and if you two are together, maybe the negative will make the positive come true? Maybe this is the dangling spot that brings you happiness!"

He just fooled Xiaogang and said.

Unexpectedly, Xiaogang really believed Xiaozhi's evil deeds. He actually cheered up and looked at the heartbroken Madara lying on him,"Look carefully, you really are. Very cute and very personal!"

"In this case, let me conquer you!"This is Xiaogang's second Pokémon in the Fengyuan region, a Dagger with heartbreak spots!


The compensation for Xiaogang has arrived! Please support! Please give me a reward! Please give me flowers!

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