Mushroom Forest, this place is not big, but it is the territory of Mushroom!

After leaving Yokodo Town, Xiaozhi and his party arrived here, preparing to set up camp and take a rest before continuing on the road.

Xiaosheng is quite excited. The first Pokémon friend he made when traveling was Momomogo, so he has special feelings for Momomomo.

"Brother, shall we go and play with Mushrooms?"He still likes to look for Pokémon everywhere.

"Xiaosheng, please don't hinder Xiaozhi, he is training Lalu Lasi's new trick!"Before Xiaozhi could refuse, Xiaoyao spoke. She was also training Fire Chicken and Bulbasaur.

"Why is this happening!"Xiao Sheng was disappointed for a moment, and then went to play with Xiao Gang's heartbroken Madara.

"Lalu Lasi, this is an extended skill of teleportation. What you need to do is to exchange the positions of you and your companions!"Xiao Zhi decided to teach the future Super Queen the skill of switching venues!

The most common application of this skill is in the doubles competition that has been included in the official rules in the Hoenn region. The combined use of teleportation and switching venues can make Xiaozhi can freely control the positions of the two Pokémon, giving him more possibilities for battle!

For the current Xiaozhi, this will become a terrifying field control strategy!

At the moment, Xiaozhi is enjoying a peaceful time Of course the group didn't know that the Rocket trio who had been following them were fainting from hunger.

Because Kojiro was so persistent that he participated in the competition, they didn't make much money in Yokodo Town, and now they followed the group into the forest. , they had already run out of ammunition and food. They were so hungry that they actually ate all the fruits of the mushrooms. This was a big deal. Their hatred for food was irreconcilable!

A few mushrooms were even angry. It evolved on the spot and launched a hellish pursuit of the three members of Team Rocket!

After evolution, the Dou Li Mushroom changed its previous soft and cute image, and also gained fighting attributes. It can extend its claws freely and use them to perform attacks. Sonic punch and other boxing skills!

The Rocket trio were scurrying around. What they were least good at dealing with was this kind of brutal opponent, and the number of opponents was terrifying! At this time, Xiaoyao and Xiaozhi had already left the camp to a more spacious place. At some point, I saw the Rockets trio crashing into them.

"Mr. Xiaozhi, help me, meow!"Meow Meow was the first to see Xiaozhi and quickly called for help.

"what is that?"Xiaoyao's first reaction was to come to Xiaozhi's side and look at the several Dou Li Mushrooms that came over.

"That's the Dou Li Mushroom, the evolved form of the Mushroom!"Xiao Zhi quickly pulled Xiao Yao out of the way, completely unprepared to rescue the Rocket trio!

Seeing Xiao Zhi's attitude, Musashi Kojiro suddenly became anxious,"Little devil, I've caught all the ugly fish I caught. I leave it to you, how could you not save us?"

"Even if I hand the ugly fish to you, you won’t be able to train it!"Xiao Zhi smiled slightly, and the Dou Li Mushrooms were already in front of him,"By the way, how did you provoke these Dou Li Mushrooms?"

But it was too late for the Team Rocket trio to answer. The Douchi Mushrooms punched them in unison and knocked them away!

Not satisfied with this, they even turned their anger on Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao, and struck them with sonic punches one after another. Come on!

Unexpectedly, before Lalulasi could take action, Huo Zhiji, who had been beside Xiaoyao, actually blocked the way of the two of them.

"Fire chicken, do you want to fight?"Xiaoyao can feel the fighting spirit of the fire chicken. The guy younger than him has evolved into a strong chicken, so he has to work hard!

"Then fire chick, use sparks!"The Fire Mushroom is a fire attribute and can restrain the grass attribute Dou Li Mushroom!

However, these Dou Li Mushrooms are very fast, and they can avoid the attack of the sparks in a flash. Then the leader and the strongest Dou Li Mushroom punches the Huo Zhi. The chicken flew out

"Huozhiji, are you okay?"Xiaoyao gritted his teeth. As expected, it was still too much in Huo Zhiji's state,"Huo Zhiji, don't be afraid, use the charged flame attack!"

The Fire Chicken turned into a fireball and came towards the Dou Li Mushroom, but those Dou Li Mushrooms actually stood together, staring at its figure, and then punched the Fire Chicken down!

"That’s it, Lalulas!"Xiao Zhi didn't need to say the order, Lalu Lasi already had a way to deal with it. This little girl is getting smarter and smarter.

The exchange of venues was activated, La Lulas and the Fire Chicken exchanged positions, and it stood in front of the Dou Li Mushroom , and the Fire Chicken returned to Xiaoyao, feeling very depressed!

After learning to store energy for flame attacks, the Fire Chicken began to become a little bellicose and became much more courageous.

Xiaozhi glanced at it, This little guy should be evolving soon!

Whether it's superpowers or fairy-type skills, they are all very effective against the Dou Li Mushroom. However, Lalu Lasi just knocked out all the Dou Li Mushrooms with a phantom light, and returned to Xiaozhi's side. By your side!

Xiaozhi put it on his shoulder and slowly walked towards the still angry Dou Li Mushroom.

"Okay, don't be angry, this is grass Pokémon food, share it with you!"Xiao Zhi took out a few cans of grass-type feed and placed them next to the Dou Li Mushrooms. These were prepared by Xiao Gang for Xiao Yao's Bulbasaur.

Seeing a lot of delicious food in front of him, these Dou Li Mushrooms They finally calmed down, but they were not in a hurry to enjoy it. Instead, they held the feed in their arms and walked in the direction they came.

Before leaving, the Dou Li Mushrooms glanced at Xiaozhi and motioned for him to follow!

"Xiaozhi?"Xiaoyao looked at Xiaozhi with some worry, but he didn't expect that Fire Chicken would take the lead and follow the Dou Li Mushrooms.

"It’s okay, these mushrooms are quite interesting!"

Xiao Zhi smiled slightly, and before the two of them had time to explain to Xiao Gang and the others, they followed the Dou Li Mushrooms to a valley deep in the forest!

You can see mountains of mushrooms on the side.Xiaozhi hugged Pokkigu and said with a smile,"It seems that this should be the nest of the Dou Li Mushrooms! Only the strongest Dou Li Mushrooms are qualified to allocate these resources!" As soon as he finished speaking, he ran from the valley. An astonishing number of mushrooms came out, and the three mushrooms standing at the highest point of the valley made Xiaozhi's eyes light up!

They are condescending and their momentum is very amazing. Although visual inspection is not accurate, it is certain that its size is at least 1.5 meters, especially the one in the center, which is taller than the two around it!

It is precisely because of the existence of these mushrooms that this originally nameless forest became the territory of mushrooms and was called the forest of mushrooms!

Now, as the mushrooms have evolved one after another, the number of Dou Li mushrooms in this forest has increased, and they have already achieved an unshakable dominance!

The several Dou Hao Mushrooms holding the food given by Xiaozhi slowly came forward and placed the food in front of the Dou Hao Mushroom King.

It opened the lid and tasted it, and of course it tasted good. Its eyes lit up, and it jumped in front of Xiaozhi and stretched out its paws.

Are you asking for it by force?

Xiaozhi was immediately amused and took out the elf ball,"If you want, conquer the battle!"


You guessed it right! It was that Pokémon that was prepared for Xiaoyao!

Please recommend! Please give me a reward! Please give me flowers!

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