The Wings Carnival came to a successful conclusion with Xiaozhi's enthusiastic participation. Not only Xiaosheng, but also Xiaoyao also experienced the feeling of riding and flying together.

It is worth mentioning that the trio of Team Rocket who have been following the group of people. Kojiro spent all the funds he had saved recently to buy a wind chime disguised with shuttlecock grass, and was deceived into a miserable state.

But still, he finally got his wish and conquered a real wind chime!

"So from now on, the gym competition between Yinyu Gym trainer Naqi and challenger Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town is about to begin! There are three Pokémon available!"

The battle venue of Yinyu Gym is located under the blue sky. You need to climb high steps to get to the gym on the top of the mountain. The two pillars standing on the dome on the top of the mountain are where the two trainers will stand. position!

A helicopter platform was built on these two pillars. Since there was going to be an aerial battle, after the referee announced the start of the game, Xiaozhi and Naqi followed the platform to the highest point!

There, it seemed that they could reach out and touch Clouds!

"At such a high place, even if the air combat range is expanded, it is easy to confirm the status of Pokémon!"Xiao Gang saw through the pros and cons of fighting there at a glance,"But at that height, strong winds may blow suddenly at any time!"

"In this battle, it is not just the Pokémon themselves that are fighting, it is also a severe test for the trainers!"

When she came here, Naqi suddenly knelt down on one knee and said piously,"Great sky, please give us wings! Give us powerful wings that are not inferior to any strong wind, and then guide us in the vast blue world so that we can spread our majestic wings!"

This is the belief and worship of the sky as a trainer of flying Pokémon!

In this process, Naqi's fighting spirit and fighting spirit also burned up, reaching the best state,"Come out, Tanabata Blue Bird!"

This is exactly the Pokmon that Xiaozhi has longed to conquer, but unfortunately he has never been able to meet one that is more compatible.

This is a Pokmon of the flying and dragon types. Just by looking at it, you can tell that it is definitely very powerful!

"It's up to you, Owl!"Ash also sent out his first Pokémon, which was the Shining Owl captured in the Johto area!

Owl: 210/235

The color of this owl is very bright. It is said that this color scheme is not It is good for hunting and avoiding natural enemies, but it relies on its smart IQ to thrive in the original forest!

But perhaps because it is so smart, its compatibility with Xiaozhi has been increasing. Slow. Of course, Xiaozhi doesn’t insist on this, and it’s impossible for every Pokémon to complete the bond evolution, right?

This owl was originally slightly smaller than an ordinary individual, but now with Xiaozhi’s training and a large number of training, it has now reached the size of an ordinary individual

"Sister, that’s my brother’s flashing owl. It’s so beautiful, isn’t it?"Xiao Sheng was so excited that he shook Xiao Yao's arm. This flashing owl had appeared more than once at the Silver Conference, and he was deeply impressed!

"Xiaozhi, your owl is also very good!"Miss Naqi praised, and the battle started at this moment!

"Tanabata bluebird, take advantage of the wind! Use the peck attack!"

Miss Naqi took the lead in launching the attack. The Tanabata Blue Bird's marshmallow-like wings are good at flying with the help of updrafts!

Although it is a flying Pokémon, it actually doesn't have many flying skills it can learn!

At this high altitude, On the ground, the power of the wind is much higher than on the ground. The Tanabata bluebird uses the wind power to move very fast. It is in front of the owl at once, and stretches its neck like a spear to stab it! The eagle tilted its head, and its magically constructed eyes emitted blue light!

The magical power was activated!

The Tanabata Blue Bird was immediately controlled, and then pushed back violently!

Naqi frowned, because Xiaozhi did not She gave the order, but the owl made the action herself, which made her a little uncomfortable,"Qixi Bluebird, come on, use the dragon's breath!"

The cyan dragon-type energy attacked towards the owl, but it still tilted its head, reaching over 90 degrees!

"Air slash!"

The whirlwind of air flow wrapped around the wings of the owl, forming a cyclone, and met the Dragon Breath of the Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird! The dragon energy was torn apart, and the explosion happened at that moment!

However, the Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird has a way of crossing space. Special ability, just listen to Miss Naqi’s command,"Qixi Blue Bird, use singing!"

That's a skill that can put the opponent into a state of sleep. The best way is to use the mysterious guard to deal with it. It's like Pokkigu, who is staying next to Xiaozhi now, opened the mysterious guard in time to protect Xiaozhi. It won't fall asleep.

But the nighthawk doesn't have this skill!

"Use mental transfer!"

This is a skill that can transfer one's abnormal status to the opponent, but it is rarely used. As Xiaozhi's trainer level becomes higher and higher, he gradually knows how to use these auxiliary skills to win.!

Rather than someone who relies on courage and backbone to fight head-on!

This is also the reason why he began to conquer super-power and ghost-type Pokémon.

I saw the smoke cleared, and the singing Tanabata Bluebird's eyelids fell asleep, and he was about to start from Falling from the air!

"how come?"Naqi was shocked. Why did the Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird fall asleep while singing?

But it would be dangerous if the Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird fell directly. She quickly took out the elf ball to take the Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird back!

According to the gym challenge According to the rules, gym leaders cannot switch Pokémon. Now that Naqi has taken back the Tanabata Blue Bird, it means that the Tanabata Blue Bird has been defeated and has lost the qualification to continue playing. The Owl wins!

"Xiaozhi, you are indeed unfathomable. I am honored to accept your gym challenge! Naqi was convinced by Xiaozhi's power,"But I won't let you win the badge easily!""

"Come out, King Yan!"

Miss Naqi's King Swallow is also eye-catching. It is also a shining Pokémon. It is grey-blue in color and has a normal body shape. I don't know what special abilities it has!

I didn't expect that a battle would be possible. Two shining flying Pokémon are really exciting!

"Come back, Owl!"This time Xiaozhi exchanged all three housebirds. Of course, he must give them a chance to play!

"The decision is yours, King Yan!"

Xiao Zhi is going to use the Big King Swallow to fight against the Big King Swallow!


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