Dragon-type Pokémon has the pride and dignity of the dragon clan!

Not just any Pokémon trainer can own dragon-type Pokémon.

What's more, it's a top-level dragon-type legendary Pokémon like Rayquaza!

During this journey, Xiaozhi met several trainers who wanted to challenge the three divine beasts, and some tried to conquer them. Although they made a lot of clever preparations, they were all easily resolved.

Are legendary Pokémon so easy to conquer? If one is not good enough, it will backfire on the trainer. That is to say, the three divine beasts have relatively mild tempers, which allows them to escape unscathed!

And now, a human trainer is actually holding an emerald green orb. How can Rayquaza tolerate this with his arrogance?

It immediately gave up its pursuit of Deoxys and headed towards Xiaozhi!

This is the backlash of Pokémon. Don’t think that you can definitely conquer Rayquaza with the Master Ball!

If you have the ability, keep it in the Master Ball for the rest of your life. If you dare to let it out, see if it can bite you!

So there is only one thing Xiaozhi needs to do now, conquer the battle!

It's a pity that the old man is not around, otherwise he could really have a few rounds with this young and energetic Rayquaza!

Now, Xiaozhi can only rely on two Deoxys. Although they don't like fighting, they can solve this incident, and they are happy to lend their power to Xiaozhi!

"I’ll just call you Xiao Zi and Xiao Green!"

Because the compatibility and bonding values ​​are too low, Xiaozhi will definitely have a lot of trouble when commanding, so I try to simplify the address!

Regarding the address, the two Deoxys really don't have any objections!

"Then get on it!"Xiao Zhi's fighting spirit reached its peak in an instant, and he is about to conquer the Rayquaza that he has longed for!

Just as Jirachi said, Xiao Zhi's wish is about to come true!

"Xiao Zi, speed form, mind hammer!"

"Little Green, attack form, electromagnetic gun!"

Just now, Xiao Zi has used the mental charge three times, and now the special attack has been greatly reduced, so Xiao Zhi chose to let Xiao Zi transform into the speed form, exerting high speed to use the mental hammer to split the empty seat!

This is physics The attack skill is also the most advanced head-butt skill. While causing damage, it will also make the opponent flinch!

Xiao Zi's reaction is very fast, her body changes rapidly, and she rushes through the purple barrier wrapped with super powers!

No The Rayquaza commanded by the trainer immediately hit the head with a blast of destruction and death, but was easily avoided by Xiao Zi. In the speed state, its speed was much faster than that of Rayquaza! The hammer of his mind hit Rayquaza hard. On the body, and Xiaozhi's attack is not over yet!

Xiao Green, who has a quieter personality, was ordered by Xiaozhi to use the electromagnetic gun, and it hit Rayquaza at this time. Rayquaza has the flying attribute, even if it has the dragon attribute The attributes and effects are only average, not bad.

The most important thing is that the electromagnetic gun skill puts Rayquaza into a state of paralysis!

Seeing the arc flashing on Rayquaza, Ash grinned,"Pikachu, you want Up or not?"


Pikachu's fighting spirit is burning crazily, and it can't hold it back for a long time!

Thunder explodes in the empty seat!

Boom! Boom! Boom! The sound of thunder comes from Pikachu, and Xiaozhi takes off the hat and puts it on its head!

Kizuna evolves!


Pikachu felt this long-lost powerful force and let out an excited cheer. Suddenly it turned into a bolt of lightning and stepped on two Deoxys to kill Rayquaza!

This is the electromagnetic levitation skill, following the electric wave After the field, Pikachu's second bonding skill is a skill that can only be used in the bonding evolution state! At this moment, Pikachu can fly!

Seeing that this little guy is so brave that he is not afraid of death and is coming towards him, How could Rayquaza know how to be polite? He immediately used his primitive power and summoned a large number of boulders to hit Pikachu!

"Xiao Zi, defense mode, use specular reflection!"

"Little Green, your spirit is soaring!"

Ash actually controlled three Pokémon to fight at once, but under the bondage evolution, Ash and Pikachu felt the same way. No orders were needed, and Pikachu could fight according to Ash's ideas! At this moment, it completely ignored the big monster that was already close at hand. The stone still used a volt attack in a straight line towards Rayquaza!

It handed over all defenses to Xiaozhi!

Xiaozi suddenly teleported in front of Pikachu, and used mirror reflection to double the original power. The power bounced back to Rayquaza!

The dragon and flying type Rayquaza's rock type skills are extremely effective against it, not to mention it is twice as powerful! Not only that, the moment Pikachu's volt attack hit Rayquaza , twice the power of the original power and Xiaolu's first spiritual breakthrough, also came at the same time!

Three attacks came at the same time, even Rayquaza was completely enveloped in gunpowder smoke, letting out a painful dragon roar!

It was in the distance , Aaron and Xiaogang were all paying attention to this battle, and from just now to now, what they saw was Xiaozhi relying on two Deoxys and Pikachu to suppress the legendary Rayquaza.!

"Xiaozhi is so awesome!"Aaron has already given up. No matter what he does, he can't defeat Xiaozhi. He is simply unfathomable!

However, the Rayquaza in the smoke suddenly burst out, biting it into pieces and then gnawed at Xiaozi!

That was The evil attribute skill had an outstanding effect on Deoxys!

Xiao Zi was bitten off half of his body. This was such a heavy damage to it in its defensive form!

"Xiao Zi, come back quickly!"Xiao Zhi quickly called Xiao Zi back. The degree of compatibility was too low. Even though Xiao Zhi looked very cool, directing the battle in this way took too much effort!

Xiao Zi teleported back to Xiao Zhi and had already activated it himself. Regenerating itself, that half of the body quickly grew back!

After suffering such heavy blows one after another, Rayquaza still had the physical strength to fight back. This is the legendary Pokémon! The ultra-ancient Pokémon, the dragon beast Rayquaza, even You are still very young, you are so powerful!

But it should be over here!

"Finally!"Xiao Zhi showed off the Z bracelet on his wrist and embedded the golden electric Z pure crystal into it!

"Little purple, little green! After speed form, use defensive form to control Rayquaza!"Ash and Pikachu are about to use their moves!

The sky darkens at this moment, purple and green auroras fill the sky, and golden and blue thunder seems to tear the entire sky apart!

The golden light on Xiao Zhi rises into the sky, But it fell with the thunder with an even more terrifying momentum and merged into Pikachu's body. The divine thunder from the sky was scurrying around in Pikachu's body, but he quickly stood up in formation obediently!

A huge and terrifying thunder ball was coming. Formed, Rayquaza was really panicking now!

It twisted its body, but it was held back by two Deoxys in a defensive state!

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Raquaza raised its head to the sky and roared. Although the momentum was amazing, it was also filled with panic that could not be concealed. The thunder in front of it made it fearful. The voice from the attribute was telling it that if it was hit by this move, it would definitely be seriously injured!

It must avoid it.! You must avoid it!

It struggled crazily, but the two Deoxys just held on and refused to let go!

"Rayquaza, become my partner!"At this moment, Xiaozhi's whole body is shining with golden light, and his momentum is like a rainbow. He wants to conquer the Rayquaza!

Ultimate Voltage Thunder Flash!

The two Deoxys actually used their defensive form to attack Xiaozhi and Pikachu. After enduring it, the terrifying thunder light enveloped and swallowed up the three legendary Pokémon!

When the thunder dissipated, Rayquaza stood there covered in black smoke. The two Deoxys were also scorched black, and they let go He cracked the empty seat and used self-recovery again!

"Roar!"Raquaza does not have such a recovery skill, but it suddenly roared, pushing its charred body and spiraling up, its momentum was still terrifying!

However, Rayquaza did not continue to attack, but slowly came to Xiaozhi.

I saw Xiaozhi The emerald green orb in Chi's hand shone with green light, then floated up and was taken into Rayquaza's mouth and swallowed.

Ash ignored it and raised the Master Ball in his hand towards Rayquaza,"This is the Master Ball. It will insult your dragon god's pride. Become my partner, Rayquaza!"


Rayquaza let out a loud dragon roar, and slapped his paw on the master ball!

Rayquaza: 150/240



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